in reply to Logging out


Well, the following snippet of code is pretty ugly, but it seems to work. It is executed by the server program in response to a command from the client via SOAP.

my @ps = `ps -ef`; my @pid = (split(/ +/, (grep(/login -- mrc/, @ps))[0]))[1]; my @kill; while (1) { last unless @pid = grep {$_ > 1} @pid; push @kill, @pid; my $pidlist = join('|', @pid); last unless @pid = grep(/\s+[\d]+\s+($pidlist) /, @ps); @pid = map {(split(/\s+/, $_))[1]} @pid; } kill 'TERM', @kill
What this does is get a list of all running processes, finds one named "login -- mrc", then goes through the list looking for all its children, children's children, etc. Once it's done this, it kills them all. Ugh.

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Re: Re: Logging out
by rob_au (Abbot) on Oct 28, 2001 at 10:09 UTC
    As I'm a great proponent of implementing in Perl rather than relying on external programs, I came up with the following more generic code which is a bit cleaner in that it doesn't depend on the external execution of ps :

    sub killchd ($;$) { use Proc::ProcessTable; my $sig = ($_[1] =~ /^\-?\d+$/) ? $_[1] : 0; my $proc = Proc::ProcessTable->new; my %fields = map { $_ => 1 } $proc->fields; return undef unless exists $fields{'ppid'}; foreach (@{$proc->table}) { kill $sig, $_->pid if ($_->ppid == $_[0]); }; kill $sig, $_[0]; };

    This subroutine takes two arguments, the parent process ID and the numeric signal to pass to the processes (which would be 9 if you wanted to issue a -TERM). Using Proc::Process you could find the process ID of the process login -- mrc with something similar to the following :

    my $proc = Proc::ProcessTable->new; my @ps = map { $_->pid if ($_->cmndline =~ /login -- mrc/) } @{$proc-> +table}; &killchd($_, 9) foreach @ps;


    Ooohhh, Rob no beer function well without!

      Yes, I like that much better. Thanks!