Have you ever wanted to do this?

<html> <head> <title>Hello, Perl World!</title> <script type="text/perl"> print "Hello, Perl World!\n"; </script> </head> <body></body> </html>

Well, now you can!* :-)

I just released what I'm calling WebPerl - please see the website for all the documentation, downloadable demo, and source code. It's still very much in beta, and your feedback is very welcome!

Update 3: A full talk on WebPerl from YAPC::EU 2019 in Rīga. You can find the full list of links and talks at /Update 3

I gave a lightning talk on it yesterday at YAPC::EU 2018 in Glasgow, you can see the recording of the live stream here (link should go to 8h9m40s). Update: The video seems to have gone down, unfortunately. Will update once something is back up, for now the website contains all the documentation. Update 2: Video is back up, thanks for pointing it out, Corion! New Video Link (link should go to 8h12m)

* Update: What you need to do to make the above example work is download WebPerl, put the files in the same directory as the HTML file, and add <script src="webperl.js"></script> in the above HTML - then you should get the output of the print in your browser's JavaScript console. The website also gives some more "quick start" instructions.

Update 2: I have since posted a few more nodes on WebPerl: