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Re: Fastest way to sort a list of integers into 0,1,2,3,-3,-2,-1 (updated)

by haukex (Archbishop)
on Feb 06, 2019 at 19:37 UTC ( [id://1229492]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Fastest way to sort a list of integers into 0,1,2,3,-3,-2,-1

Hi everyone,

Thank you for all the great submissions, this is really fascinating!

Just to comment on a few things that I saw asked:

  • Solutions with CPAN modules are welcome, although my personal order of preference is (1) pure Perl, (2) core modules only, (3) CPAN modules.
  • Yes, I did edit all the code to do my @list = @input; @list = sort {...} @list; instead of my @list = sort {...} @input;, this is just to be fair, because it's just test set-up and I think there is a significant performance difference.

I've reorganized the test code somewhat, so that tests and benchmarking happens in one run of the script (I'll keep a version history in this gist). I hope I've reproduced everyone's ideas faithfully, if I didn't please let me know! I also added some more varied test input (thanks to Tux for the idea), and unfortunately, it's causing some failures on some of the routines. I've excluded those from the benchmarks for now, feel free to send me your fixes :-) (please send me a /msg if you edit a node, as I might not catch it otherwise).

At the moment, the top contenders are by Discipulus, swl, tybalt89, and Eily, with vr's solutions coming close depending on the data set - very nice!!

#!/usr/bin/env perl use warnings; use strict; my %tehcodez = ( sortfirst => q{ @list = sort {$a<=>$b} @list; @list = ( (grep {$_>=0} @list), (grep {$_<0} @list) ); }, grepfirst => q{ my @pos = grep {$_>=0} @list; my @neg = grep {$_<0} @list; @list = ( (sort {$a<=>$b} @pos), (sort {$a<=>$b} @neg) ); }, Corion => q{ # written by haukex, based on Corion's idea in the CB @list = sort { $a>=0&&$b<0 ? -1 : ( $a<0&&$b>=0 ? 1 : $a<=>$b ) } @list; }, choroba0 => q{ # from CB @list = sort { (($b +.5 <=> 0) <=> ($a + .5 <=> 0)) || ($a <=> $b) } @list; }, choroba => q{ # @list = sort { ((-1, 0, 1)[$a <=> 0] <=> (-1, 0, 1)[$b <=> 0]) || ($a <=> $b) } @list; }, choroba2 => q{ # @list = sort { ((($a <=> 0) & 3) <=> (($b <=> 0) & 3)) || ($a <=> $b) } @list; }, johngg => q{ # @list = map { unpack q{xl>}, $_ } sort map { my $neg = $_ < 0 ? 1 : 0; pack q{Cl>}, $neg, $_ } @list }, Tux => q{ # # (johngg made a similar suggestion in the CB first) @list = map {unpack "l>", $_} sort map {pack "l>", $_} @list}, pryrt => q{ # sub sgn { $_[0]<0?-1:1 } @list = (sort {(sgn($b) <=> sgn($a)) || ($a <=> $b)} @list) }, Eily => q{ # @list = sort { ~$b <=> ~$a } @list; }, Eily2 => q{ # @list = sort { ~$b <=> ~$a } sort { $a <=> $b } @list; }, Eily3 => q{ # # (edited to use List::MoreUtils::XS instead) @list = sort { $a <=> $b } @list; use List::MoreUtils::XS 'firstidx'; my $nb_neg = firstidx { $_ >= 0 } @list; push @list, splice @list, 0, $nb_neg; }, Eily3_pp => q{ # @list = sort { $a <=> $b } @list; my $i; for (0..$#list) { if($list[$_]>=0){$i=$_;last} } push @list, splice @list, 0, $i; }, Eily4 => q{ # my $pos = grep { $_ >= 0 } @list; @list[$pos..$#list, 0..$pos-1] = sort {$a<=>$b} @list; }, vr => q{ # @list = unpack 'i*', pack 'I*', sort { $a <=> $b } unpack 'I*', pack 'i*', @list; }, vr2 => q{ # use Sort::Packed 'sort_packed'; sort_packed I => my $s = pack 'i*', @list; @list = unpack 'i*', $s; }, # (solution "Discipulus" was basically the same as grepfirst) Discipulus2 => q{ # @list = sort {$a<=>$b} @list; push @list, shift @list until $list[0] >= 0; }, Discipulus3 => q{ # @list = sort { (($a >= 0 and $b >= 0) or ($a < 0 and $b < 0)) ? $a<=>$b : $b<=>$a } @list }, # ("Discipulus4b" is a fixed version of "Discipulus4") Discipulus4b => q{ # @list = sort {$a<=>$b} @list; if ($list[0] < 0 and $list[-1] >= 0) { push @list, shift @list until $list[0] >= 0 } }, hdb => q{ # @list = sort{$a*$b>0?$a<=>$b:$b<=>$a} @list; }, # ("haukex3b" is a fixed version of "haukex3") haukex3b => q{ # based on sortfirst above @list = sort {$a<=>$b} @list; use List::MoreUtils::XS 'firstidx'; my $i = firstidx { $_>=0 } @list; @list = (@list[$i..$#list], @list[0..$i-1]) unless $i<0 }, haukex3_pp => q{ # based on sortfirst above @list = sort {$a<=>$b} @list; my $i; for (0..$#list) { if($list[$_]>=0){$i=$_;last} } @list = (@list[$i..$#list], @list[0..$i-1]); }, tybalt89 => q{ # my $high = @list = sort { $a <=> $b } @list; my $mid = my $low = 0; $list[$mid = $low + $high >> 1] < 0 ? ($low = $mid + 1) : ($high = $mid) while $low < $high; push @list, splice @list, 0, $low; }, # ("swl" at node_id=1229446 was superseded by "swl2") # ("swl2" at node_id=1229505 was superseded by "swl3") swl3 => q{ # use List::MoreUtils 0.428 'bsearchidx'; @list = sort {$a<=>$b} @list; if ($list[0] < 0 && $list[-1] >= 0) { my $i = bsearchidx {$_ <=> 0} @list; if ($i < 0) # no zero, find first positive { $i = 0; $i++ while ($list[$i]<0); } else # find start of zeroes { $i-- while !$list[$i]; $i++; } push @list, splice @list, 0, $i; } }, swl_pp => q{ # @list = sort {$a<=>$b} @list; my $i = 0; $i++ while ($list[$i]<0); push @list, splice @list, 0, $i; }, swl_pp2 => q{ # # (adds all-negative check from Discipulus4) @list = sort {$a<=>$b} @list; if ($list[0] < 0 && $list[-1] >= 0) { my $i = 0; $i++ while ($list[$i]<0); push @list, splice @list, 0, $i; } }, ); use List::Util 'shuffle'; srand 123; my @tests = ( # first item here will be used in benchmark by default [ [shuffle -52,-50..50,52,0], [0,0..50,52,-52,-50..-1], 'random'], [ [-52,-50..50,52,0], [0,0..50,52,-52,-50..-1], 'ordered' ], [ [shuffle -50..-1,1..50], [1..50,-50..-1], 'no zero'], [ [shuffle -102,-100..-1], [-102,-100..-1], 'negative only' ], [ [shuffle -102,-100..0], [0,-102,-100..-1], 'negative only with zero'], [ [shuffle 0..100,102],[0..100,102],'positive only with zero' ], [ [shuffle 1..100,102],[1..100,102],'positive only without zero'], [ [shuffle((-4..4)x10)], [ map({($_)x10} 0..4), map({($_)x10} -4..-1) ], 'many dupes' ], ); use Getopt::Long qw/ :config posix_default gnu_compat bundling /; GetOptions( 'bench-all' => \(my $BENCH_ALL), 'test-only' => \(my $TEST_ONLY) ); use Test::More; plan tests => 0+@tests; my %fails = ( # known failures to exclude from tests: Discipulus2 => { 'negative only' => 'hangs' }, ); for my $t (@tests) { subtest $t->[2] => sub { plan tests => 0+keys %tehcodez; for my $k (sort keys %tehcodez) { if ( exists $fails{$k} && $fails{$k}{$t->[2]} ) { fail "$k - $fails{$k}{$t->[2]}"; next } eval qq{ my \@list = \@{\$t->[0]}; no warnings 'redefine'; $tehcodez{$k}; is_deeply \\\@list, \$t->[1], \$k or \$fails{\$k}{\$t->[2]}++; 1 } or die $@; } } } print "# ### Test Case Failures (excluded from benchmark) ###\n"; print "# None!\n" if !keys %fails; for my $k (sort keys %fails) { print "# $k: ", join(', ', sort keys %{$fails{$k}}), "\n"; delete $tehcodez{$k}; } exit if $TEST_ONLY; use Benchmark 'cmpthese'; for my $i ( $BENCH_ALL ? (0..$#tests) : (0) ) { print "\n# ### Benchmarking with data set: $tests[$i][2] ###\n"; my %tests = %tehcodez; $_ = eval qq{ sub { my \@list = \@{\$tests[$i][0]}; no warnings qw/redefine uninitialized/; $_; return } } or die $@ for values %tests; cmpthese(-2, \%tests); } __END__ # Results on my machine (v5.28.1 built for x86_64-linux): # ### Test Case Failures (excluded from benchmark) ### # Discipulus2: negative only # Eily3: negative only # hdb: many dupes, ordered, positive only with zero, random # ### Benchmarking with data set: random ### Rate pryrt choroba0 choroba choroba2 johngg Corion Di +scipulus3 Tux Eily grepfirst Eily4 sortfirst Eily2 haukex3_pp vr h +aukex3b vr2 tybalt89 Eily3_pp Discipulus4b swl_pp2 swl_pp swl3 pryrt 10093/s -- -38% -43% -57% -58% -64% + -65% -68% -76% -87% -89% -89% -89% -90% -91% + -91% -91% -92% -92% -93% -93% -93% -94% choroba0 16213/s 61% -- -9% -31% -32% -42% + -44% -49% -62% -79% -83% -83% -83% -85% -85% + -86% -86% -88% -88% -88% -88% -88% -90% choroba 17768/s 76% 10% -- -24% -26% -37% + -38% -44% -58% -77% -81% -81% -81% -83% -84% + -84% -84% -86% -87% -87% -87% -87% -89% choroba2 23530/s 133% 45% 32% -- -1% -17% + -18% -26% -44% -69% -75% -75% -75% -78% -79% + -79% -79% -82% -82% -83% -83% -83% -85% johngg 23863/s 136% 47% 34% 1% -- -15% + -17% -25% -43% -69% -74% -75% -75% -77% -78% + -79% -79% -82% -82% -82% -83% -83% -85% Corion 28183/s 179% 74% 59% 20% 18% -- + -2% -11% -33% -63% -70% -70% -70% -73% -74% + -75% -75% -78% -79% -79% -79% -80% -82% Discipulus3 28840/s 186% 78% 62% 23% 21% 2% + -- -9% -32% -62% -69% -69% -70% -72% -74% + -75% -75% -78% -78% -79% -79% -79% -82% Tux 31807/s 215% 96% 79% 35% 33% 13% + 10% -- -25% -58% -66% -66% -66% -70% -71% + -72% -72% -75% -76% -76% -77% -77% -80% Eily 42234/s 318% 160% 138% 79% 77% 50% + 46% 33% -- -44% -55% -55% -55% -60% -62% + -63% -63% -67% -68% -69% -69% -70% -73% grepfirst 76023/s 653% 369% 328% 223% 219% 170% + 164% 139% 80% -- -19% -19% -20% -27% -31% + -33% -33% -41% -42% -44% -45% -45% -52% Eily4 93329/s 825% 476% 425% 297% 291% 231% + 224% 193% 121% 23% -- -0% -1% -11% -15% + -18% -18% -28% -29% -31% -32% -33% -41% sortfirst 93699/s 828% 478% 427% 298% 293% 232% + 225% 195% 122% 23% 0% -- -1% -11% -15% + -18% -18% -28% -29% -30% -32% -32% -41% Eily2 94575/s 837% 483% 432% 302% 296% 236% + 228% 197% 124% 24% 1% 1% -- -10% -14% + -17% -17% -27% -28% -30% -31% -32% -40% haukex3_pp 104790/s 938% 546% 490% 345% 339% 272% + 263% 229% 148% 38% 12% 12% 11% -- -5% + -8% -8% -19% -21% -22% -24% -24% -34% vr 110136/s 991% 579% 520% 368% 362% 291% + 282% 246% 161% 45% 18% 18% 16% 5% -- + -3% -4% -15% -17% -18% -20% -21% -31% haukex3b 113773/s 1027% 602% 540% 384% 377% 304% + 294% 258% 169% 50% 22% 21% 20% 9% 3% + -- -0% -12% -14% -15% -17% -18% -28% vr2 114302/s 1032% 605% 543% 386% 379% 306% + 296% 259% 171% 50% 22% 22% 21% 9% 4% + 0% -- -12% -13% -15% -17% -18% -28% tybalt89 129709/s 1185% 700% 630% 451% 444% 360% + 350% 308% 207% 71% 39% 38% 37% 24% 18% + 14% 13% -- -2% -4% -5% -6% -18% Eily3_pp 132124/s 1209% 715% 644% 462% 454% 369% + 358% 315% 213% 74% 42% 41% 40% 26% 20% + 16% 16% 2% -- -2% -4% -5% -17% Discipulus4b 134606/s 1234% 730% 658% 472% 464% 378% + 367% 323% 219% 77% 44% 44% 42% 28% 22% + 18% 18% 4% 2% -- -2% -3% -15% swl_pp2 137187/s 1259% 746% 672% 483% 475% 387% + 376% 331% 225% 80% 47% 46% 45% 31% 25% + 21% 20% 6% 4% 2% -- -1% -13% swl_pp 138710/s 1274% 756% 681% 490% 481% 392% + 381% 336% 228% 82% 49% 48% 47% 32% 26% + 22% 21% 7% 5% 3% 1% -- -13% swl3 158553/s 1471% 878% 792% 574% 564% 463% + 450% 398% 275% 109% 70% 69% 68% 51% 44% + 39% 39% 22% 20% 18% 16% 14% -- # ### Benchmarking with data set: ordered ### Rate johngg Tux pryrt choroba0 choroba choroba2 Cori +on grepfirst Discipulus3 Eily2 vr2 sortfirst Eily4 haukex3_pp vr E +ily haukex3b tybalt89 swl_pp2 Eily3_pp Discipulus4b swl_pp swl3 johngg 26794/s -- -29% -33% -52% -60% -70% -7 +3% -73% -75% -76% -77% -77% -78% -81% -81% - +82% -82% -85% -85% -85% -86% -86% -89% Tux 37660/s 41% -- -6% -32% -44% -58% -6 +3% -63% -65% -67% -67% -67% -69% -73% -73% - +75% -75% -79% -79% -79% -80% -81% -84% pryrt 40007/s 49% 6% -- -28% -41% -55% -6 +0% -60% -63% -65% -65% -65% -67% -71% -72% - +73% -73% -78% -78% -78% -79% -79% -83% choroba0 55401/s 107% 47% 38% -- -18% -38% -4 +5% -45% -48% -51% -52% -52% -55% -60% -61% - +63% -63% -69% -70% -70% -71% -72% -77% choroba 67300/s 151% 79% 68% 21% -- -25% -3 +3% -33% -37% -41% -41% -42% -45% -52% -52% - +55% -55% -63% -63% -63% -64% -65% -72% choroba2 89341/s 233% 137% 123% 61% 33% -- -1 +1% -11% -17% -21% -22% -23% -27% -36% -37% - +40% -40% -51% -51% -51% -53% -54% -63% Corion 100481/s 275% 167% 151% 81% 49% 12% +-- -0% -6% -12% -13% -13% -18% -28% -29% - +33% -33% -45% -45% -45% -47% -48% -58% grepfirst 100486/s 275% 167% 151% 81% 49% 12% +0% -- -6% -12% -12% -13% -18% -28% -29% - +33% -33% -45% -45% -45% -47% -48% -58% Discipulus3 107182/s 300% 185% 168% 93% 59% 20% +7% 7% -- -6% -7% -7% -12% -23% -24% - +28% -28% -41% -41% -41% -43% -45% -55% Eily2 113797/s 325% 202% 184% 105% 69% 27% 1 +3% 13% 6% -- -1% -1% -7% -18% -19% - +24% -24% -37% -38% -38% -40% -42% -52% vr2 114841/s 329% 205% 187% 107% 71% 29% 1 +4% 14% 7% 1% -- -0% -6% -18% -18% - +23% -23% -37% -37% -37% -39% -41% -52% sortfirst 115375/s 331% 206% 188% 108% 71% 29% 1 +5% 15% 8% 1% 0% -- -5% -17% -18% - +23% -23% -36% -37% -37% -39% -41% -52% Eily4 121963/s 355% 224% 205% 120% 81% 37% 2 +1% 21% 14% 7% 6% 6% -- -13% -13% - +18% -18% -33% -33% -33% -35% -37% -49% haukex3_pp 139515/s 421% 270% 249% 152% 107% 56% 3 +9% 39% 30% 23% 21% 21% 14% -- -1% +-6% -6% -23% -24% -24% -26% -28% -42% vr 140831/s 426% 274% 252% 154% 109% 58% 4 +0% 40% 31% 24% 23% 22% 15% 1% -- +-5% -5% -22% -23% -23% -25% -28% -41% Eily 148942/s 456% 295% 272% 169% 121% 67% 4 +8% 48% 39% 31% 30% 29% 22% 7% 6% + -- -0% -18% -19% -19% -21% -23% -38% haukex3b 148945/s 456% 295% 272% 169% 121% 67% 4 +8% 48% 39% 31% 30% 29% 22% 7% 6% + 0% -- -18% -19% -19% -21% -23% -38% tybalt89 181302/s 577% 381% 353% 227% 169% 103% 8 +0% 80% 69% 59% 58% 57% 49% 30% 29% +22% 22% -- -1% -1% -4% -7% -24% swl_pp2 183089/s 583% 386% 358% 230% 172% 105% 8 +2% 82% 71% 61% 59% 59% 50% 31% 30% +23% 23% 1% -- 0% -3% -6% -24% Eily3_pp 183089/s 583% 386% 358% 230% 172% 105% 8 +2% 82% 71% 61% 59% 59% 50% 31% 30% +23% 23% 1% 0% -- -3% -6% -24% Discipulus4b 188270/s 603% 400% 371% 240% 180% 111% 8 +7% 87% 76% 65% 64% 63% 54% 35% 34% +26% 26% 4% 3% 3% -- -3% -21% swl_pp 194564/s 626% 417% 386% 251% 189% 118% 9 +4% 94% 82% 71% 69% 69% 60% 39% 38% +31% 31% 7% 6% 6% 3% -- -19% swl3 239460/s 794% 536% 499% 332% 256% 168% 13 +8% 138% 123% 110% 109% 108% 96% 72% 70% +61% 61% 32% 31% 31% 27% 23% -- # ### Benchmarking with data set: no zero ### Rate pryrt choroba0 choroba johngg choroba2 Corion Di +scipulus3 Tux Eily grepfirst sortfirst Eily4 Eily2 haukex3_pp vr +vr2 haukex3b swl3 tybalt89 Eily3_pp Discipulus4b swl_pp2 swl_pp pryrt 10143/s -- -40% -45% -58% -59% -65% + -65% -69% -78% -88% -89% -90% -90% -91% -91% - +91% -91% -92% -92% -93% -93% -93% -93% choroba0 16900/s 67% -- -8% -31% -32% -42% + -42% -48% -63% -79% -82% -83% -84% -85% -85% - +85% -85% -87% -87% -88% -88% -88% -88% choroba 18352/s 81% 9% -- -25% -26% -37% + -38% -44% -60% -78% -80% -81% -82% -83% -84% - +84% -84% -86% -86% -86% -87% -87% -87% johngg 24431/s 141% 45% 33% -- -2% -16% + -17% -25% -47% -70% -74% -75% -76% -78% -78% - +79% -79% -81% -81% -82% -82% -82% -82% choroba2 24884/s 145% 47% 36% 2% -- -14% + -15% -24% -46% -70% -73% -74% -76% -77% -78% - +79% -79% -81% -81% -82% -82% -82% -82% Corion 28976/s 186% 71% 58% 19% 16% -- + -1% -11% -37% -65% -69% -70% -72% -74% -74% - +75% -75% -78% -78% -79% -79% -79% -79% Discipulus3 29373/s 190% 74% 60% 20% 18% 1% + -- -10% -36% -64% -69% -70% -71% -73% -74% - +75% -75% -77% -78% -78% -78% -79% -79% Tux 32726/s 223% 94% 78% 34% 32% 13% + 11% -- -29% -60% -65% -66% -68% -70% -71% - +72% -72% -75% -75% -76% -76% -76% -76% Eily 45771/s 351% 171% 149% 87% 84% 58% + 56% 40% -- -44% -51% -53% -56% -58% -59% - +61% -61% -65% -65% -66% -66% -67% -67% grepfirst 81819/s 707% 384% 346% 235% 229% 182% + 179% 150% 79% -- -13% -16% -20% -26% -27% - +29% -30% -37% -38% -40% -40% -41% -41% sortfirst 93782/s 825% 455% 411% 284% 277% 224% + 219% 187% 105% 15% -- -4% -9% -15% -16% - +19% -19% -28% -29% -31% -31% -32% -33% Eily4 97356/s 860% 476% 431% 298% 291% 236% + 231% 197% 113% 19% 4% -- -5% -12% -13% - +16% -16% -25% -26% -28% -29% -30% -30% Eily2 102889/s 914% 509% 461% 321% 313% 255% + 250% 214% 125% 26% 10% 6% -- -7% -8% - +11% -12% -21% -22% -24% -25% -26% -26% haukex3_pp 110274/s 987% 552% 501% 351% 343% 281% + 275% 237% 141% 35% 18% 13% 7% -- -2% +-5% -5% -15% -16% -18% -19% -21% -21% vr 112214/s 1006% 564% 511% 359% 351% 287% + 282% 243% 145% 37% 20% 15% 9% 2% -- +-3% -4% -14% -15% -17% -18% -19% -19% vr2 115920/s 1043% 586% 532% 374% 366% 300% + 295% 254% 153% 42% 24% 19% 13% 5% 3% + -- -0% -11% -12% -14% -15% -17% -17% haukex3b 116474/s 1048% 589% 535% 377% 368% 302% + 297% 256% 154% 42% 24% 20% 13% 6% 4% + 0% -- -10% -11% -14% -15% -16% -16% swl3 130028/s 1182% 669% 609% 432% 423% 349% + 343% 297% 184% 59% 39% 34% 26% 18% 16% +12% 12% -- -1% -4% -5% -6% -7% tybalt89 131518/s 1197% 678% 617% 438% 429% 354% + 348% 302% 187% 61% 40% 35% 28% 19% 17% +13% 13% 1% -- -3% -4% -5% -6% Eily3_pp 135240/s 1233% 700% 637% 454% 443% 367% + 360% 313% 195% 65% 44% 39% 31% 23% 21% +17% 16% 4% 3% -- -1% -3% -3% Discipulus4b 136529/s 1246% 708% 644% 459% 449% 371% + 365% 317% 198% 67% 46% 40% 33% 24% 22% +18% 17% 5% 4% 1% -- -2% -2% swl_pp2 138866/s 1269% 722% 657% 468% 458% 379% + 373% 324% 203% 70% 48% 43% 35% 26% 24% +20% 19% 7% 6% 3% 2% -- -0% swl_pp 139180/s 1272% 724% 658% 470% 459% 380% + 374% 325% 204% 70% 48% 43% 35% 26% 24% +20% 19% 7% 6% 3% 2% 0% -- # ### Benchmarking with data set: negative only ### Rate pryrt choroba0 choroba choroba2 johngg Corion Di +scipulus3 Tux Eily grepfirst haukex3_pp sortfirst Eily4 swl_pp vr +Eily2 tybalt89 Eily3_pp vr2 haukex3b swl3 swl_pp2 Discipulus4b pryrt 10438/s -- -33% -42% -55% -57% -62% + -62% -68% -81% -87% -89% -89% -90% -90% -90% + -91% -91% -92% -93% -93% -95% -95% -95% choroba0 15677/s 50% -- -12% -33% -35% -43% + -43% -52% -71% -81% -83% -84% -85% -86% -86% + -86% -86% -88% -89% -90% -92% -93% -93% choroba 17845/s 71% 14% -- -24% -26% -35% + -35% -45% -67% -79% -81% -81% -82% -84% -84% + -85% -85% -86% -87% -89% -91% -92% -92% choroba2 23421/s 124% 49% 31% -- -3% -15% + -15% -28% -57% -72% -74% -75% -77% -78% -79% + -80% -80% -82% -83% -85% -89% -89% -89% johngg 24206/s 132% 54% 36% 3% -- -12% + -12% -25% -55% -71% -74% -75% -76% -78% -78% + -79% -79% -82% -83% -84% -88% -89% -89% Corion 27424/s 163% 75% 54% 17% 13% -- + -0% -15% -49% -67% -70% -71% -73% -75% -75% + -76% -76% -79% -81% -82% -87% -87% -87% Discipulus3 27529/s 164% 76% 54% 18% 14% 0% + -- -15% -49% -67% -70% -71% -73% -75% -75% + -76% -76% -79% -81% -82% -87% -87% -87% Tux 32423/s 211% 107% 82% 38% 34% 18% + 18% -- -40% -61% -65% -66% -68% -70% -70% + -72% -72% -75% -77% -79% -84% -85% -85% Eily 54094/s 418% 245% 203% 131% 123% 97% + 96% 67% -- -35% -41% -43% -47% -50% -51% + -53% -53% -59% -62% -65% -74% -75% -75% grepfirst 83455/s 700% 432% 368% 256% 245% 204% + 203% 157% 54% -- -9% -12% -18% -23% -24% + -28% -28% -37% -41% -46% -60% -61% -61% haukex3_pp 91639/s 778% 485% 414% 291% 279% 234% + 233% 183% 69% 10% -- -4% -10% -16% -16% + -21% -21% -30% -35% -41% -56% -57% -57% sortfirst 95019/s 810% 506% 432% 306% 293% 246% + 245% 193% 76% 14% 4% -- -7% -13% -13% + -18% -18% -28% -33% -39% -54% -56% -56% Eily4 101915/s 876% 550% 471% 335% 321% 272% + 270% 214% 88% 22% 11% 7% -- -6% -7% + -12% -12% -23% -28% -34% -51% -52% -52% swl_pp 108706/s 941% 593% 509% 364% 349% 296% + 295% 235% 101% 30% 19% 14% 7% -- -1% + -6% -6% -17% -23% -30% -47% -49% -49% vr 109621/s 950% 599% 514% 368% 353% 300% + 298% 238% 103% 31% 20% 15% 8% 1% -- + -5% -5% -17% -23% -29% -47% -49% -49% Eily2 115920/s 1011% 639% 550% 395% 379% 323% + 321% 258% 114% 39% 26% 22% 14% 7% 6% + -- 0% -12% -18% -25% -44% -46% -46% tybalt89 115920/s 1011% 639% 550% 395% 379% 323% + 321% 258% 114% 39% 26% 22% 14% 7% 6% + 0% -- -12% -18% -25% -44% -46% -46% Eily3_pp 131575/s 1161% 739% 637% 462% 444% 380% + 378% 306% 143% 58% 44% 38% 29% 21% 20% + 14% 14% -- -7% -15% -36% -39% -39% vr2 141618/s 1257% 803% 694% 505% 485% 416% + 414% 337% 162% 70% 55% 49% 39% 30% 29% + 22% 22% 8% -- -9% -31% -34% -34% haukex3b 155299/s 1388% 891% 770% 563% 542% 466% + 464% 379% 187% 86% 69% 63% 52% 43% 42% + 34% 34% 18% 10% -- -25% -28% -28% swl3 206555/s 1879% 1218% 1057% 782% 753% 653% + 650% 537% 282% 148% 125% 117% 103% 90% 88% + 78% 78% 57% 46% 33% -- -4% -4% swl_pp2 214369/s 1954% 1267% 1101% 815% 786% 682% + 679% 561% 296% 157% 134% 126% 110% 97% 96% + 85% 85% 63% 51% 38% 4% -- -0% Discipulus4b 214369/s 1954% 1267% 1101% 815% 786% 682% + 679% 561% 296% 157% 134% 126% 110% 97% 96% + 85% 85% 63% 51% 38% 4% 0% -- # ### Benchmarking with data set: negative only with zero ### Rate pryrt choroba0 choroba choroba2 johngg Discipulu +s3 Corion Tux Eily grepfirst haukex3_pp sortfirst Discipulus4b swl_p +p Eily4 Eily3_pp Eily2 haukex3b swl_pp2 vr tybalt89 vr2 swl3 pryrt 10318/s -- -36% -43% -55% -58% -6 +1% -61% -68% -80% -87% -89% -89% -90% -90 +% -90% -90% -90% -90% -90% -91% -91% -92% -93% choroba0 16067/s 56% -- -11% -30% -35% -3 +9% -40% -50% -69% -80% -83% -83% -84% -84 +% -84% -84% -85% -85% -85% -85% -86% -88% -88% choroba 18014/s 75% 12% -- -21% -27% -3 +1% -33% -44% -65% -78% -81% -81% -82% -82 +% -82% -82% -83% -83% -83% -84% -85% -87% -87% choroba2 22891/s 122% 42% 27% -- -7% -1 +3% -15% -29% -56% -72% -76% -76% -77% -77 +% -77% -78% -78% -78% -79% -79% -81% -83% -84% johngg 24543/s 138% 53% 36% 7% -- - +6% -8% -24% -53% -70% -74% -74% -76% -76 +% -76% -76% -76% -76% -77% -78% -79% -82% -82% Discipulus3 26182/s 154% 63% 45% 14% 7% +-- -2% -19% -50% -68% -72% -73% -74% -74 +% -74% -74% -75% -75% -76% -76% -78% -81% -81% Corion 26794/s 160% 67% 49% 17% 9% +2% -- -17% -49% -67% -71% -72% -73% -73 +% -74% -74% -74% -74% -75% -75% -77% -80% -81% Tux 32423/s 214% 102% 80% 42% 32% 2 +4% 21% -- -38% -61% -65% -66% -68% -68 +% -68% -68% -69% -69% -70% -70% -73% -76% -77% Eily 52127/s 405% 224% 189% 128% 112% 9 +9% 95% 61% -- -37% -44% -46% -48% -48 +% -49% -49% -50% -50% -52% -52% -56% -62% -63% grepfirst 82160/s 696% 411% 356% 259% 235% 21 +4% 207% 153% 58% -- -12% -14% -18% -19 +% -19% -20% -21% -21% -24% -25% -31% -40% -41% haukex3_pp 93618/s 807% 483% 420% 309% 281% 25 +8% 249% 189% 80% 14% -- -2% -7% -7 +% -8% -9% -10% -10% -13% -14% -21% -31% -33% sortfirst 95919/s 830% 497% 432% 319% 291% 26 +6% 258% 196% 84% 17% 2% -- -5% -5 +% -5% -6% -8% -8% -11% -12% -19% -30% -31% Discipulus4b 100648/s 875% 526% 459% 340% 310% 28 +4% 276% 210% 93% 23% 8% 5% -- -0 +% -1% -2% -3% -3% -7% -8% -15% -26% -28% swl_pp 100840/s 877% 528% 460% 341% 311% 28 +5% 276% 211% 93% 23% 8% 5% 0% - +- -1% -2% -3% -3% -7% -8% -15% -26% -28% Eily4 101429/s 883% 531% 463% 343% 313% 28 +7% 279% 213% 95% 23% 8% 6% 1% 1 +% -- -1% -3% -3% -6% -7% -14% -26% -27% Eily3_pp 102400/s 892% 537% 468% 347% 317% 29 +1% 282% 216% 96% 25% 9% 7% 2% 2 +% 1% -- -2% -2% -5% -6% -14% -25% -26% Eily2 104259/s 910% 549% 479% 355% 325% 29 +8% 289% 222% 100% 27% 11% 9% 4% 3 +% 3% 2% -- -0% -4% -5% -12% -24% -25% haukex3b 104259/s 910% 549% 479% 355% 325% 29 +8% 289% 222% 100% 27% 11% 9% 4% 3 +% 3% 2% 0% -- -4% -5% -12% -24% -25% swl_pp2 108193/s 949% 573% 501% 373% 341% 31 +3% 304% 234% 108% 32% 16% 13% 7% 7 +% 7% 6% 4% 4% -- -1% -9% -21% -22% vr 109226/s 959% 580% 506% 377% 345% 31 +7% 308% 237% 110% 33% 17% 14% 9% 8 +% 8% 7% 5% 5% 1% -- -8% -20% -22% tybalt89 118606/s 1049% 638% 558% 418% 383% 35 +3% 343% 266% 128% 44% 27% 24% 18% 18 +% 17% 16% 14% 14% 10% 9% -- -13% -15% vr2 136330/s 1221% 748% 657% 496% 455% 42 +1% 409% 320% 162% 66% 46% 42% 35% 35 +% 34% 33% 31% 31% 26% 25% 15% -- -2% swl3 139192/s 1249% 766% 673% 508% 467% 43 +2% 419% 329% 167% 69% 49% 45% 38% 38 +% 37% 36% 34% 34% 29% 27% 17% 2% -- # ### Benchmarking with data set: positive only with zero ### Rate pryrt choroba0 choroba choroba2 johngg Corion Di +scipulus3 Tux Eily grepfirst sortfirst Eily4 Eily2 vr haukex3b hau +kex3_pp vr2 tybalt89 Eily3_pp Discipulus4b swl_pp swl3 swl_pp2 pryrt 10000/s -- -37% -44% -59% -59% -63% + -68% -69% -74% -88% -89% -90% -90% -91% -92% + -92% -93% -93% -95% -95% -95% -95% -95% choroba0 15900/s 59% -- -11% -34% -35% -41% + -50% -50% -59% -81% -83% -84% -84% -86% -88% + -88% -88% -89% -92% -93% -93% -93% -93% choroba 17768/s 78% 12% -- -26% -27% -35% + -44% -45% -54% -79% -81% -82% -82% -84% -86% + -86% -87% -88% -91% -92% -92% -92% -92% choroba2 24110/s 141% 52% 36% -- -1% -11% + -24% -25% -38% -71% -74% -75% -76% -79% -81% + -81% -82% -84% -88% -89% -89% -89% -89% johngg 24321/s 143% 53% 37% 1% -- -10% + -23% -24% -37% -71% -74% -75% -76% -78% -81% + -81% -82% -84% -88% -89% -89% -89% -89% Corion 27151/s 172% 71% 53% 13% 12% -- + -14% -15% -30% -67% -71% -72% -73% -76% -79% + -79% -80% -82% -87% -87% -87% -87% -87% Discipulus3 31526/s 215% 98% 77% 31% 30% 16% + -- -2% -19% -62% -67% -68% -69% -72% -75% + -76% -77% -79% -85% -85% -85% -85% -85% Tux 32115/s 221% 102% 81% 33% 32% 18% + 2% -- -17% -61% -66% -67% -68% -71% -75% + -75% -76% -79% -84% -85% -85% -85% -85% Eily 38814/s 288% 144% 118% 61% 60% 43% + 23% 21% -- -53% -59% -60% -61% -65% -69% + -70% -71% -74% -81% -82% -82% -82% -82% grepfirst 82977/s 730% 422% 367% 244% 241% 206% + 163% 158% 114% -- -12% -15% -18% -26% -35% + -36% -39% -45% -60% -61% -61% -61% -62% sortfirst 94134/s 841% 492% 430% 290% 287% 247% + 199% 193% 143% 13% -- -4% -6% -16% -26% + -27% -30% -37% -54% -56% -56% -56% -56% Eily4 98192/s 882% 518% 453% 307% 304% 262% + 211% 206% 153% 18% 4% -- -2% -13% -23% + -24% -27% -34% -52% -54% -54% -54% -54% Eily2 100615/s 906% 533% 466% 317% 314% 271% + 219% 213% 159% 21% 7% 2% -- -10% -21% + -22% -26% -33% -51% -53% -53% -53% -53% vr 112244/s 1022% 606% 532% 366% 362% 313% + 256% 250% 189% 35% 19% 14% 12% -- -12% + -13% -17% -25% -45% -47% -47% -47% -48% haukex3b 127240/s 1172% 700% 616% 428% 423% 369% + 304% 296% 228% 53% 35% 30% 26% 13% -- + -2% -6% -15% -38% -40% -40% -40% -41% haukex3_pp 129705/s 1197% 716% 630% 438% 433% 378% + 311% 304% 234% 56% 38% 32% 29% 16% 2% + -- -4% -13% -37% -39% -39% -39% -40% vr2 135241/s 1252% 751% 661% 461% 456% 398% + 329% 321% 248% 63% 44% 38% 34% 20% 6% + 4% -- -10% -34% -36% -36% -37% -37% tybalt89 149658/s 1397% 841% 742% 521% 515% 451% + 375% 366% 286% 80% 59% 52% 49% 33% 18% + 15% 11% -- -27% -29% -30% -30% -31% Eily3_pp 205775/s 1958% 1194% 1058% 753% 746% 658% + 553% 541% 430% 148% 119% 110% 105% 83% 62% + 59% 52% 37% -- -3% -3% -4% -5% Discipulus4b 212031/s 2020% 1234% 1093% 779% 772% 681% + 573% 560% 446% 156% 125% 116% 111% 89% 67% + 63% 57% 42% 3% -- -0% -1% -2% swl_pp 212384/s 2024% 1236% 1095% 781% 773% 682% + 574% 561% 447% 156% 126% 116% 111% 89% 67% + 64% 57% 42% 3% 0% -- -0% -2% swl3 213372/s 2034% 1242% 1101% 785% 777% 686% + 577% 564% 450% 157% 127% 117% 112% 90% 68% + 65% 58% 43% 4% 1% 0% -- -1% swl_pp2 215713/s 2057% 1257% 1114% 795% 787% 694% + 584% 572% 456% 160% 129% 120% 114% 92% 70% + 66% 60% 44% 5% 2% 2% 1% -- # ### Benchmarking with data set: positive only without zero ### Rate pryrt choroba0 choroba choroba2 johngg Corion T +ux Discipulus3 Eily grepfirst sortfirst Eily4 Eily2 vr haukex3_pp h +aukex3b vr2 tybalt89 Eily3_pp swl_pp swl3 Discipulus4b swl_pp2 pryrt 10029/s -- -36% -44% -58% -60% -64% -6 +9% -70% -75% -88% -90% -90% -91% -91% -92% + -92% -93% -94% -95% -95% -95% -95% -95% choroba0 15728/s 57% -- -12% -35% -37% -43% -5 +2% -53% -61% -81% -84% -84% -85% -86% -87% + -87% -89% -90% -92% -93% -93% -93% -93% choroba 17931/s 79% 14% -- -26% -28% -35% -4 +5% -46% -56% -78% -81% -82% -83% -84% -86% + -86% -87% -89% -91% -92% -92% -92% -92% choroba2 24092/s 140% 53% 34% -- -3% -13% -2 +6% -27% -40% -71% -75% -76% -77% -79% -81% + -81% -83% -85% -88% -89% -89% -89% -89% johngg 24889/s 148% 58% 39% 3% -- -10% -2 +4% -25% -38% -70% -74% -75% -76% -78% -80% + -80% -82% -84% -88% -88% -89% -89% -89% Corion 27567/s 175% 75% 54% 14% 11% -- -1 +5% -17% -32% -67% -72% -73% -74% -76% -78% + -78% -80% -82% -87% -87% -87% -87% -87% Tux 32581/s 225% 107% 82% 35% 31% 18% +-- -2% -19% -61% -66% -68% -69% -71% -74% + -74% -76% -79% -84% -85% -85% -85% -85% Discipulus3 33180/s 231% 111% 85% 38% 33% 20% +2% -- -18% -60% -66% -67% -69% -71% -73% + -74% -76% -79% -84% -85% -85% -85% -85% Eily 40380/s 303% 157% 125% 68% 62% 46% 2 +4% 22% -- -51% -58% -60% -62% -64% -67% + -68% -71% -74% -81% -81% -82% -82% -82% grepfirst 82977/s 727% 428% 363% 244% 233% 201% 15 +5% 150% 105% -- -14% -17% -21% -27% -33% + -34% -40% -47% -60% -61% -62% -62% -62% sortfirst 96837/s 866% 516% 440% 302% 289% 251% 19 +7% 192% 140% 17% -- -4% -8% -14% -22% + -23% -30% -38% -54% -55% -56% -56% -56% Eily4 100486/s 902% 539% 460% 317% 304% 265% 20 +8% 203% 149% 21% 4% -- -5% -11% -19% + -20% -27% -36% -52% -53% -54% -54% -54% Eily2 105700/s 954% 572% 489% 339% 325% 283% 22 +4% 219% 162% 27% 9% 5% -- -7% -15% + -16% -23% -32% -49% -51% -52% -52% -52% vr 113253/s 1029% 620% 532% 370% 355% 311% 24 +8% 241% 180% 36% 17% 13% 7% -- -9% + -10% -18% -28% -46% -47% -48% -48% -48% haukex3_pp 124065/s 1137% 689% 592% 415% 398% 350% 28 +1% 274% 207% 50% 28% 23% 17% 10% -- + -1% -10% -21% -41% -42% -43% -43% -43% haukex3b 125431/s 1151% 698% 600% 421% 404% 355% 28 +5% 278% 211% 51% 30% 25% 19% 11% 1% + -- -9% -20% -40% -42% -43% -43% -43% vr2 137841/s 1274% 776% 669% 472% 454% 400% 32 +3% 315% 241% 66% 42% 37% 30% 22% 11% + 10% -- -12% -34% -36% -37% -37% -37% tybalt89 156392/s 1459% 894% 772% 549% 528% 467% 38 +0% 371% 287% 88% 61% 56% 48% 38% 26% + 25% 13% -- -25% -27% -28% -29% -29% Eily3_pp 208522/s 1979% 1226% 1063% 766% 738% 656% 54 +0% 528% 416% 151% 115% 108% 97% 84% 68% + 66% 51% 33% -- -3% -5% -5% -5% swl_pp 215376/s 2048% 1269% 1101% 794% 765% 681% 56 +1% 549% 433% 160% 122% 114% 104% 90% 74% + 72% 56% 38% 3% -- -1% -2% -2% swl3 218452/s 2078% 1289% 1118% 807% 778% 692% 57 +0% 558% 441% 163% 126% 117% 107% 93% 76% + 74% 58% 40% 5% 1% -- -0% -0% Discipulus4b 219497/s 2089% 1296% 1124% 811% 782% 696% 57 +4% 562% 444% 165% 127% 118% 108% 94% 77% + 75% 59% 40% 5% 2% 0% -- -0% swl_pp2 219498/s 2089% 1296% 1124% 811% 782% 696% 57 +4% 562% 444% 165% 127% 118% 108% 94% 77% + 75% 59% 40% 5% 2% 0% 0% -- # ### Benchmarking with data set: many dupes ### Rate pryrt choroba0 choroba johngg choroba2 Corion T +ux Discipulus3 Eily grepfirst Eily4 sortfirst Eily2 haukex3_pp vr2 + vr haukex3b tybalt89 Eily3_pp Discipulus4b swl_pp2 swl_pp swl3 pryrt 11547/s -- -36% -44% -57% -60% -66% -6 +6% -67% -76% -87% -89% -89% -90% -91% -91% - +91% -91% -92% -93% -93% -93% -93% -94% choroba0 17915/s 55% -- -13% -34% -38% -48% -4 +8% -48% -64% -80% -83% -83% -84% -85% -85% - +86% -86% -88% -89% -89% -89% -89% -90% choroba 20522/s 78% 15% -- -24% -30% -40% -4 +0% -41% -58% -77% -80% -81% -81% -83% -83% - +84% -84% -86% -87% -87% -87% -88% -89% johngg 27163/s 135% 52% 32% -- -7% -20% -2 +1% -22% -45% -70% -74% -75% -75% -78% -78% - +78% -79% -82% -83% -83% -83% -84% -85% choroba2 29118/s 152% 63% 42% 7% -- -15% -1 +5% -16% -41% -68% -72% -73% -74% -76% -76% - +77% -77% -81% -81% -82% -82% -82% -84% Corion 34128/s 196% 91% 66% 26% 17% -- - +0% -2% -30% -62% -67% -68% -69% -72% -72% - +73% -73% -77% -78% -79% -79% -79% -81% Tux 34293/s 197% 91% 67% 26% 18% 0% +-- -1% -30% -62% -67% -68% -69% -72% -72% - +72% -73% -77% -78% -79% -79% -79% -81% Discipulus3 34714/s 201% 94% 69% 28% 19% 2% +1% -- -29% -61% -66% -68% -69% -72% -72% - +72% -73% -77% -78% -78% -79% -79% -81% Eily 49091/s 325% 174% 139% 81% 69% 44% 4 +3% 41% -- -45% -52% -54% -56% -60% -60% - +61% -62% -68% -69% -69% -70% -70% -73% grepfirst 89854/s 678% 402% 338% 231% 209% 163% 16 +2% 159% 83% -- -13% -17% -19% -27% -27% - +28% -30% -41% -43% -44% -45% -46% -51% Eily4 103275/s 794% 476% 403% 280% 255% 203% 20 +1% 198% 110% 15% -- -4% -6% -16% -16% - +17% -20% -32% -34% -35% -37% -38% -43% sortfirst 107685/s 833% 501% 425% 296% 270% 216% 21 +4% 210% 119% 20% 4% -- -2% -13% -13% - +13% -16% -29% -31% -33% -34% -35% -41% Eily2 110402/s 856% 516% 438% 306% 279% 223% 22 +2% 218% 125% 23% 7% 3% -- -10% -11% - +11% -14% -27% -29% -31% -32% -33% -39% haukex3_pp 123097/s 966% 587% 500% 353% 323% 261% 25 +9% 255% 151% 37% 19% 14% 11% -- -0% +-1% -4% -19% -21% -23% -24% -26% -32% vr2 123364/s 968% 589% 501% 354% 324% 261% 26 +0% 255% 151% 37% 19% 15% 12% 0% -- +-1% -4% -18% -21% -23% -24% -25% -32% vr 124448/s 978% 595% 506% 358% 327% 265% 26 +3% 258% 154% 38% 21% 16% 13% 1% 1% + -- -3% -18% -20% -22% -24% -25% -32% haukex3b 128773/s 1015% 619% 527% 374% 342% 277% 27 +6% 271% 162% 43% 25% 20% 17% 5% 4% + 3% -- -15% -18% -19% -21% -22% -29% tybalt89 151345/s 1211% 745% 637% 457% 420% 343% 34 +1% 336% 208% 68% 47% 41% 37% 23% 23% +22% 18% -- -3% -5% -7% -9% -17% Eily3_pp 156390/s 1254% 773% 662% 476% 437% 358% 35 +6% 351% 219% 74% 51% 45% 42% 27% 27% +26% 21% 3% -- -2% -4% -5% -14% Discipulus4b 159722/s 1283% 792% 678% 488% 449% 368% 36 +6% 360% 225% 78% 55% 48% 45% 30% 29% +28% 24% 6% 2% -- -2% -3% -12% swl_pp2 163008/s 1312% 810% 694% 500% 460% 378% 37 +5% 370% 232% 81% 58% 51% 48% 32% 32% +31% 27% 8% 4% 2% -- -1% -11% swl_pp 165413/s 1332% 823% 706% 509% 468% 385% 38 +2% 377% 237% 84% 60% 54% 50% 34% 34% +33% 28% 9% 6% 4% 1% -- -9% swl3 182255/s 1478% 917% 788% 571% 526% 434% 43 +1% 425% 271% 103% 76% 69% 65% 48% 48% +46% 42% 20% 17% 14% 12% 10% --

Update 1: Updated with swl's updates, and fixed haukex3. swl's code takes the lead! Any contenders, or other updates/fixes? :-)

Update 2: After a quick fix, Discipulus's Discipulus4 is back in the race!

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re^2: Fastest way to sort a list of integers into 0,1,2,3,-3,-2,-1
by Eily (Monsignor) on Feb 07, 2019 at 10:37 UTC

    In most cases the top solutions are equivalent, but Discipulus' fourth solution is a clear winner in a case of all negatives because it's the only one to short circuit after a simple sort in that case. swl is right though, a single zero (or positive value) in an otherwise all-negative list would completely cancel that shortcut.

    Anyway, fantastic thread haukex, thanks for creating it (and thanks to everyone for adding to it :D). It's a surprisingly simple and powerful example of why efficient sorting is hard, how you can't tell a good some code is just by looking at it (and shortest does not mean fastest), with some examples of easily you can reach the wrong conclusion if you are not careful with Benchmarking.

Re^2: Fastest way to sort a list of integers into 0,1,2,3,-3,-2,-1
by swl (Parson) on Feb 07, 2019 at 01:18 UTC

    The tests should probably also have "negative only with zero" variant.

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