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W3 CSS Validator

by OeufMayo (Curate)
on Nov 22, 2001 at 20:25 UTC ( [id://126985]=sourcecode: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??
Category: HTML Stuff
Author/Contact Info

Briac Pilpré


The w3 official CSS validator is a really helpful tool, but unfortunately, it is not possible to have its sources. This script to submit a CSS file to be tested, and returns a summary of the results.

If an error or a warning occured, it will gives all the relevant infos, and if everyting looks fine, it will return a pretty printed version of the CSS. You can also look at the return code of the problem to determine if something went wrong

A small glitch: The HTML parsing doesn't remove newlines, which makes the errors spanning on several lines

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
# W3C CSS Validator by Philippe Le Hégaret & Sijtsche de Jong

use HTTP::Request::Common qw(POST);
use HTML::Parser;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use Getopt::Long;

use vars qw(
        $validator $ua $req $parser $error $VERSION
        $file $warnings $usermedium $profile $help

$VERSION = 0.02;

my $inside = 0;
   $error  = 0;   # Script return code. 0: CSS OK, 2: CSS has problems

$file     = undef;
$warnings = 2;
$profile  = 'css2';
$usermedium = 'all';
$help     = undef;

my $results = GetOptions (
        "file=s"      => \$file,
        "warnings=s"  => \$warnings,
        "profile=s"   => \$profile,
        "usermedium=s"=> \$usermedium,
        "help"        => \&usage,

$file ||= usage();

$validator = '';

$ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
$req = POST $validator, Content_Type => 'form-data',
  Content => [
    file => [ $file ],
    warning    => $warnings,
    profile    => $profile,
    usermedium => $usermedium,

$parser = HTML::Parser->new(
    report_tags     => [qw(div ul li p)],
    ignore_elements => [qw(h2 h3)],
    start_h         => [ \&start_h, 'tagname, attr' ],
    end_h           => [ sub { $inside-- if shift eq 'div'; }, 'tagnam
+e' ],
    text_h          => [ sub { print shift if $inside > 0 }, 'dtext' ]

$parser->parse( $ua->request($req)->content );
print "\n";
exit $error;

sub start_h {
    my ( $tag, $attr ) = @_;
    if ( $tag eq 'div' && $attr->{id}
        && ( $attr->{id} eq 'warnings' || $attr->{id} eq 'errors' ) )
        $error  = 2;
        $inside = -1;
        print "\n*** ", uc( $attr->{id} ), "\n";
    $inside++ if $tag eq 'div';

sub usage {
        die <<"DIE";

W3 CSS Validator Wrapper v.$VERSION

usage: $0 -f stylesheet.css [-w 2] [-p css2] [-u all] [-h]

        -f, --file : Filename of the CSS
        -w, --warnings : Warnings level
                2  : All
                1  : Normal report
                0  : Most important
                no : No warnings

        -p, --profile : Stylesheet Profile
                none   : No special profile
                css1   : CSS version 1
                mobile : mobile
                css2   : CSS version 2
                css3   : CSS version 3 (unsupported)
                svg    : SVG
        -u, --usermedium : User Medium
                all, aural, braille, embossed, handheld, print, projec
                screen, tty, tv, presentation,
                atsc-tv (unsupported)

        -h, --help : Dislay this screen and exits

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