in reply to Re: using uploadInfo from
in thread using uploadInfo from

Thanks for your attention to this post. Its very appreciated. Unfortunately, it hasnt resolved itself. I've done some testing of my own extrating just the portion of the script that uploads a file and check the content-type printing out the value of $type. It consistantly comes up as undef. My code is now:

sub upload_image { ## pull the file in a variable my $fh = $query->param('upload'); ## determine the file type via the headers my $info = $query->uploadInfo($fh); my $type = $info->{'Content-Type'}; ## take action based on type if ($type =~ m|text/html|i) { ## hash of file names to write to my %destination = ( 'match' => "match.html", 'no_match' => "no_mat +ch.html"); ## open the file to be written open(HTML, ">/path/to/$destination{$formdata{fi lename}}") or die "Cant open HTML file for writing : $!\n"; ## if file is determined to be text/html write contents to appropr +iate locat ion while(<$fh>) { print HTML "$_\n"; } close(HTML); ## otherwise set error for later notification within html } else { $error = "|$type|"; } }

I've tried several different kinds of files, and still to no avail. When I print out the value of $error, i just end up with || making me believe that its being returned as undef. I'm going to keep hammering on it, but I am bewildered as to what is happening.

thanks -c