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Serving many tarballs as part of your web space

by merlyn (Sage)
on Jan 11, 2002 at 08:50 UTC ( [id://137936]=sourcecode: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??
Category: Web
Author/Contact Info Randal L. Schwartz
Description: Inspired by "Serving tarball contents as part of your webspace (impractical but fun), I wrote one of my own, for a column, of course! Code is here... the text to the column will be online in a few months.
update: The column is now online.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;

use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser); # DEBUG only

## begin config
my $DIR = "/home/merlyn/Web/Tarserver";
sub VALID {
  local $_ = shift;
  /(\.tgz|\.tar(\.gz)?)\z/ && !/\A\./;
## end config

use CGI qw(:all);

(my $path = path_info()) =~ s/\A\///;
my @path = split '/', $path;

my @choices;

if (@path) {                    # first element must be tar.gz
  die "bad tar name: $path[0]" unless VALID($path[0]);
  my $tarchive = "$DIR/$path[0]";
  die "missing tarchive: $tarchive" unless -f $tarchive and -r $tarchi

  ## must look in contents now
  my @names = do {
    require Cache::FileCache;

    my $cache = Cache::FileCache->new
      ({namespace => 'tarserver',
        username => 'nobody',
        default_expires_in => '10 minutes',
        auto_purge_interval => '1 hour',
       }) or die "Cannot connect to cache";
    if (my $names = $cache->get($tarchive)) {
    } else {
      require Archive::Tar;

      die "Cannot list archive $tarchive"
        unless my @n = Archive::Tar->list_archive($tarchive);
      $cache->set($tarchive, \@n);
  for my $step (1..$#path) {
    @names = map /\A\/?\Q$path[$step]\E(?:\/(.*))?\z/s, @names;
    die "no such name" unless @names;
    if (grep !defined $_, @names) {
      die "trailing stuff after name" if $step != $#path;
      require Archive::Tar;

      my $at = Archive::Tar->new($tarchive)
        or die "Cannot open archive $tarchive";
      my $file = join "/", @path[1..$#path];
      defined(my $contents = $at->get_content($file))
        or die "Cannot get $file from $tarchive";
      require File::MMagic;
      my $mimetype = File::MMagic->new->checktype_contents($contents);
      print header($mimetype), $contents;
      exit 0;
    my %choices = ();
    $choices{$_}++ for map /\A([^\/]+\/?)/, @names;

    @choices = sort keys %choices;

} else {                        # choose a top-level item
  opendir D, $DIR;
  @choices = sort grep VALID($_), readdir D;
  closedir D;

print header('text/html'), start_html('tar server'), h1('tar server');

## show path
print "from ", a({href => url()}, "Top");
  my $link = "";
  for (@path) {
    $link .= "/$_";
    print " / ", a({href => url().$link}, escapeHTML("$_"));
print br;

## show sublinks
my $prefix = @path ? join("/", @path, "") : "";
print ul(map {
  li(a({href => url()."/$prefix$_"}, escapeHTML($_)));
} @choices);
print end_html;
Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: Serving many tarballs as part of your web space
by Aristotle (Chancellor) on Jan 11, 2002 at 09:36 UTC
    I had the hardest time trying to understand the goings-on in this part of the script:
    for my $step (1..$#path) { @names = map /\A\/?\Q$path[$step]\E(?:\/(.*))?\z/s, @names; die "no such name" unless @names; if (grep !defined $_, @names) {
    I'm quite impressed.

    Thanks for carving something useful out of my block of marble.

      I'd imagine the map is the only part that is really confusing; here it is in a nutshell:

      @names = map ( # start map / # start matching regex # this will place what is matched in the grouping # into $_, or undef if there are no matches \A # match start, kinda like ^, # except will ONLY match begining \/ ? # 0 or 1 literal backslashes \Q # start regex quotemeta $path[$step] # interpolated, and then quotemeta'd \E # end regex quotemeta (?: # non grouping parenthesis \/ # literal backslash (.*) # here is what actually is grouped; # matches the rest of the line )? # end non-grouping parens, 0 or 1 of those \z # match end, kinda like $, # except will ONLY match very end of string /sx # s lets . match newlines; i added the x , @names); # i added parenthesis
      The code I write for columns has far too few comments, because the comments are provided in the accompanying text. I think you'll see that it makes sense once you see the narrative I wrote for that particularly odd piece of code. I think I was trying to hard to be line-wise efficient.

      -- Randal L. Schwartz, Perl hacker

        Figured so.

        After sleeping over it, I'm wondering if there's any particular reason you didn't something along the following lines?

        my ($prefix, $filepath) = split '/', $path, 2; # ... @names = grep m!\A/?\Q$filepath\E(?:/.*)?\z!s, @names; if(@names == 1) { require Archive::Tar; # ... exit 0 } { my %choices = (); # ...

        The sole really significant difference I can see is that it doesn't catch the "trailing stuff after name" case. Am I missing something?

        Or should I just be patient and wait for the column? :-)

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