Category: Networking Code
Author/Contact Info ybiC
Description: A localhost TCP+UDP port sccaner, intended to supplement netstat -vat, which doesn't seem to report listening UDP services.   Requires no additional modules beyond those in the base Perl. was written to aid in configuring the author's computers in a reasonably secure manner. Anyone using this software is encouraged to do so in a responsible and constructive fashion. Remember, kids, always use your powers for *good*, not evil.

From a perlish perspective, this ditty has been an introduction to IO::Socket, as well as finally getting around to applying the most excellent Pod::Usage in conjunction with Getopt::Long.

As always, comments and critique are respectfully requested (and appreciated).

Update: added a bit o'clarification to description
Just found netstat -vatu for localhost TCP *and* UDP services.   D'oh!

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

# pod at tail

use strict;         # avoid d'oh! bugs
require 5;          # for following modules

use IO::Socket;     # support port connections
use Getopt::Long;   # support commandline arguments, options
use Pod::Usage;     # avoid duplicating Usage() in Pod

my $start = time;
my (


  'remote=s'    => \$opt_remote,
  'firstport=i' => \$opt_firstport,
  'lastport=i'  => \$opt_lastport,
  'proto=s'     => \$opt_proto,
  'timeout=i'   => \$opt_timeout,
  'help!'       => \$opt_help,
  'man!'        => \$opt_man,
my $remote    = defined $opt_remote    ? $opt_remote    : 'localhost';
my $firstport = defined $opt_firstport ? $opt_firstport : 1;
my $lastport  = defined $opt_lastport  ? $opt_lastport  : 1024;
my $proto     = defined $opt_proto     ? $opt_proto     : 'tcp';
my $timeout   = defined $opt_timeout   ? $opt_timeout   : 1;

pod2usage(-verbose => 2) if (defined $opt_man);
pod2usage(-verbose => 1) if (defined $opt_help);
pod2usage(-verbose => 1) unless(
  $remote   =~ /localhost/ and
  $remote    =~ /(^\w+$)/  and
  $firstport > 0           and
  $lastport  > 0           and
  $firstport < 65536       and
  $lastport  < 65536       and
  $lastport  >= $firstport and
  $timeout      > 0

print "\nChecking $remote for $proto ports $firstport through $lastpor
for (my $port=$firstport; $port<$lastport+1; $port++){
  my $connect = IO::Socket::INET->new(
    PeerAddr => $remote,
    PeerPort => $port,
    Proto    => $proto,
  if ($connect) {
    if ($proto eq 'udp') {
      open (ERROR, ">/dev/null")    or die $!;
      STDERR->fdopen(\*ERROR, "w")  or die $!;
      $connect->send('Yo!') or next;
      $SIG{ALRM} = \&timed_out;
      eval {
        alarm ($timeout);
        $connect->recv($_,1)  or next;
        alarm (0);
        print "  connected to $remote at $proto port $port\n";
        close $connect;
    } else {
      print "  connected to $remote at $proto port $port\n";
      close $connect;

my $done    = time;
my $runSecs = int($done-$start);
print "\nRuntime ", $runSecs, " second";
print 's' if $runSecs != 1;
print "\n\n";

print <<EOF;
 IO::Socket   $IO::Socket::VERSION
 Getopt::Long $Getopt::Long::VERSION
 Pod::Usage   $Pod::Usage::VERSION
 Perl         $]
 OS           $^O


sub timed_out {
  die "How long can this go on?!";

=head1 NAME


A TCP and UDP port sccaner written in Perl.
Requires no additional modules beyond those in the base Perl install.


 C<> to run with default values for arguments

=head1 OPTIONS

 display Usage, Arguments, and Options

 display complete man page


 Name or IPaddr of remote host
 default of 'localhost'

 Integer between 1 and 65535, indicating starting port number
 default of 1

 Integer between 1 and 65535, indicating ending port number
 default of 1024

 tcp or udp
 default of tcp

 Integer greater than 0, indicating seconds to wait for response
 default of 1

=head1  EXAMPLES
 check localhost for TCP ports 1 through 1024 --remote tux --firstport 80
 check named host for TCP ports 80 through 1024 -t sparky -f 69 -l 69 -p udp
 check named host for TFTP port -t  -l 65535
 check numbered host for all TCP ports -t enterprise -f 13 -l 13 -p udp -w 10
 check named host for daytime, with 10 second response timeout -t  -w 1
 check numbered host with connection timeout of 1 second

=head1 BUGS

None that I know of.

=head1 UPDATE

 2002-01-22   08:40 CST
  Fix numerous tyops
  Post to PerlMonks
  More effective regex for $remote sanity-check
  Discern betwixt (s)tring and (i)nteger for arguments and options
  Require Perl 5
  Eliminate TCP connection timeout, as appears to do nothing
  Combine UDP response and TCP connection timeouts to one argument

  Cleaner syntax for default values
  Non-repetitive syntax for passel o' &Usage() calls
  Intelligently print second or seconds runtime
  Input sanity-checks
  UDP timeout
  No eval exit errs on UDP by STDERR redirect to /dev/null.
  No false UDP positives by sending and checking response.

  Initial working code.

=head1 TODO

 More clean support for specifying ports

=head1 TESTED

 IO::Socket   1.25, 1.26
 Getopt::Long 2.2602, 2.25
 Pod::Usage   1.14
 Perl         5.00503, 5.006001
 OS           Debian 2.2r5, Win2k, Cygwin/Win2k

=head1 AUTHOR


=head1 CREDITS

 Props to Screamer for reminder of proper Getopt types for input,
 jcwren+Russ for ternery to simplify provision for default values,
 jeffa for pointing to $connect->recv for UDP,
 c for inspiration of problem with tftp-detect-before-copy-config.
 Oh yeah, and to some guy named vroom.


This software was written to aid in configuring the author's computers
in a reasonably secure manner.  Anyone using this software is encourag
to do so in a responsible and constructive fashion.  Remember kids to
always use your powers for good, not evil.
