hackmare has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Fellow Monks,

I have a fear. A fear of the darkness of the unknown, of the listlessness that impurity of mind and flimsiness of knowledge causes my frail frame.

A module exists which uses autosubs:


package SVG::Element;

$VERSION = "1.0";

use strict;
use vars qw(@ISA $AUTOLOAD %autosubs);
#@ISA = qw( SVG::XML );
use SVG::XML;

my @autosubs=qw(
   sub1 sub2 sub3

%autosubs=map { $_ => 1 } @autosubs;

#- - - - - - - - -

sub new ($$;@) {
    my ($proto,$name,%attrs)=@_;
    my $class=ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $self={-name => $name};
    foreach my $key (keys %attrs) {
        next if $key=~/^\-/;
    return bless($self,$class);


Now what I would like to do is define the names of the subs sub1 sub2 sub3 externally (say, within a file)

And this is where my knowledge of Perl falls down really hard. I would like the subs to be the names of a subset of html tags, such as qw(a href html head ul ol li p h1 h2 b i) for example, ignoring that some of these may be reserved words (or not).

Now here is the crux...

I have no idea to pass the name of the file that contains this list to the program so that it is dymanically generated.
is that even possible? I would prefer to pass it through the constructor. But How do I do that before the object is even instantiated? There must be _smoe_ way to pass the data through. The only thing that I can think of is to generate a list of modules, each module which does the autoloading for its own function set.

The second issue is that I do not want to recompile the script everytime it runs. I would like it to run with a single setup file and keep going with that without having to go through a recompilation each time it is invoked.
Is that possible? Is it even an issue?

Thank you for your wise consideration
