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Random Background from Net

by hossman (Prior)
on Mar 19, 2002 at 03:45 UTC ( [id://152641]=sourcecode: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??
Category: Fun Stuff
Author/Contact Info Hoss Man (hossman AT fucit DOT org)
Description: Uses Google's image search to find random background images based on random words, or you can give it some specific words and it will use those.

Edited: Added google disclaimer, and fixed blatent bug with maturity filter.

#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
# Usage:
# some words          # loop over images that match 
# 1                   # random images from random words
#                     # save as ' 1'
# If you give it words in @ARGV, it will continually show images
# that match those words, and exit when it runs out.
# If you give it a number (n) in @ARGV, it will loop forever, each tim
# picking n random words to find a random image.  (each image from a
# different set of random words)
# NOTE: if your screen size is large and n>1 it could take a LOOOOONG
# time to find an image
# See the "configuration options" section below for variables you can
# adjust to customize the behavior.
# PS: If you set $imgfile to /tmp/bar you might find this usefull...
#    alias save-bg cp /tmp/bar "~/saved-bgs/`date +"%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S"
# (or bind it to a button) 
# Inspiration based on something alexjb said to me one day
# (but didn't really mean).  Some of this code is borrowed from...
# "webcollage, Copyright (c) 1999-2001 by Jamie Zawinski <>
# NOTE: Using this code *MAY* violate the Goole Terms of Service,
#       Use at your own risk.
# :TODO: use GetOpt
use strict;
use LWP;
use URI;

# configuration options

# location of the dictionary
my $dict = "/usr/share/dict/words";
# ideal number of URLs for a good random sample in rand word mode
# (the higher it is, the longer it takes to cycle)
my $rand_sample_size = 70; 
# ideal number of URLs to cycle through in specific word mode
# (the higher it is, the longer it takes to start)
my $specific_sample_size = 400; 
# optimal image size, if 0, defaults to screen size
my ($img_width, $img_height) = (0, 0);
# fudge factor, what size percentage diff can images have
# (set to 0 if you wan't only images that are exactly $img_width x $im
my $fudge = 0.22;  # 0.22 means '800x600 ok for 1024x768'
# what type of images?   &PORN_OK or &FAMILY_ONLY ?
my $img_filter = &PORN_OK; # &FAMILY_ONLY;
# min seconds that have to elapse between images
# (if we find a "next" image before this many seconds has passed, we w
my $min_delay = 30;
# timeout value for the LWP User Agent
my $ua_timeout = $min_delay - 1;
# place to store the current bg img.
my $imgfile = "$ENV{HOME}/curr-rand-bg"; # ($ENV{TMPDIR} ? $ENV{TMPDIR
+} : "/tmp/") ."curr-rand-bg.$$";
# place to store the img "on deck"
my $nextimgfile = "$ENV{HOME}/next-rand-bg"; #($ENV{TMPDIR} ? $ENV{TMP
+DIR} : "/tmp/") ."next-rand-bg.$$";
# where you want debug info to go (if anywhere)
# command for diplaying images in the root window (file name goes afte
my $root_cmd = "xv -root -quit -viewonly +noresetroot -rmode 5"
    .          "   -rfg black -rbg black -maxpect ";

# globals
my $ua = new LWP::UserAgent(timeout=>$ua_timeout);
$ua->agent("Lynx 2.5"); # fuck you too

# main code

# pick the image size unless we allready have some
if (!$img_width || !$img_height) {
    $_ = "xdpyinfo";
    &which($_) || die "$_ not found on \$PATH -- you have to pick a si
    $_ = `$_`;
    ($img_width, $img_height) = m/dimensions: *(\d+)x(\d+) /;
    if (!defined($img_height)) {
    die "xdpyinfo failed -- you have to pick a size";

# do we have words or a number?
my $num = 0;
if (defined $ARGV[0]) {
    if ($ARGV[0] =~ /\d+/) {
    $num = $ARGV[0];
} else {
    $num = 1;

if (0 < $num) {
    # random word option
    # loop forever, constantly pick new words, and show only one image
+ per word
    my $last_image_time = 0;

    while (1) {
    # if we get in this loop, it should never exit
    my $words = join ' ', &random_words($num);
    my %urlmap = &get_n_google_images_by_size($words,
                          $img_width, $img_height,
    my @urls = keys %urlmap;
    &debug(scalar(@urls) . " URLS for: $words \n");
    redo if 0 == scalar(@urls); # don't sleep if we didn't find anythi

    for (my $retry = 10; 0 < $retry and 0 < scalar(@urls); $retry--) {
        # keep trying random images from this set
        # untill we get one we like, or we get sick of trying
        my $url = splice @urls, rand(scalar(@urls)), 1;
        &debug("trying: $url\n");
        last if &save_page($url, $nextimgfile);
    # wait untill the minumal time has passed before showing
    # (or don't wait if enough time has past)
    sleep_diff($last_image_time, $min_delay);
    if (&show_next_img) {
        $last_image_time = time;
} else {
    # specific word option
    # do one search, get all the words, and then loop over them in ord
    my $last_image_time = 0;

    my $words = join ' ', @ARGV;
    my %urlmap = &get_n_google_images_by_size($words,
                          $img_width, $img_height,
    my @urls = keys %urlmap;
    &debug(scalar(@urls) . " URLS for: $words \n");
    while (@urls) {

    my $url = splice @urls, rand(scalar(@urls)), 1;
    &debug("trying: $url\n");
    if (&save_page($url, $nextimgfile)) {
        # wait untill the minumal time has passed before showing
        # (or don't wait if enough time has past)
        sleep_diff($last_image_time, $min_delay);
        if (&show_next_img) {
        $last_image_time = time;
        &debug("displayed next image\n");
    } # if save_page
    } # while @urls
    &debug("done with all URLs for $words\n");

# functions

sub get_n_google_images_by_size {
    # @_ = $search_term, $mature, $width, $height, $fudge, $n
    # give some search terms, and some size prefrences, will get
    # successive google image results pages untill it finds at least
    # $n images that meet the criteria (or as many as it can find).
    # returns a hash of { $url => [$w, $h] }
    my ($q, $mature, $w, $h, $f, $n) = @_;
    my $second = 20; # the number to start with for page 2
    # results isn't a hash, but this makes it easy to pool things
    my @results = (); # just remeber to divide by 2 for usefull sizing
    my $page = 0;
    while (scalar @results / 2 < $n) {
    # get the page
    my $doc = &get_google_page($q, $mature, $page);

    # get out now if there's a problem
    last unless defined $doc;

    push @results, &cut_by_size($w, $h, $f,
    last unless &parse_google_has_next($doc);

    $page += 20; # 20 itmes per page
    return @results;

sub cut_by_size {
    # @_ = $width, $height, $fudge, %url_to_size
    # returns a subset of %url_to_size that meet the specified size cr
    # $width is the optimal width, $height is the optimal height,
    # and $fudge is a +/-percentage that the images are allowed to dev
    # in both width & height.  if $fudge is 0 then the images MUST be
    # exactly $width & $height.
    my ($width, $height, $fudge, %urls) = @_;
    my %result;

    my $min_w = $width - ($width * $fudge);
    my $max_w = $width + ($width * $fudge);
    my $min_h = $height - ($height * $fudge);
    my $max_h = $height + ($height * $fudge);

    foreach my $url (keys %urls) {
    next unless $urls{$url}[0] <= $max_w;
    next unless $urls{$url}[0] >= $min_w;
    next unless $urls{$url}[1] <= $max_h;
    next unless $urls{$url}[1] >= $min_h;
    $result{$url} = $urls{$url};
    return %result;

sub get_page {
    # @_ = $uri (URI object or string)
    # will fetch the URI using the global $ua
    # fakes out hte refer so mean sites won't serve an error img.
    # returns the contents of the url, or undef if a failure
    my $uri = shift;

    $uri = new URI($uri) unless ref $uri;
    # get us a good refer url
    my $baseuri = $uri->clone();

    my $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $uri);
    my $res = $ua->request($req);
    if (! $res->is_success) {
    &debug("FAILED: " . $res->code() . " " . $uri->as_string() . "\n")
    return undef;
    &debug("WTF? success, but undef\n") unless defined $res->content()
    # parse the output
    return $res->content();

sub save_page {
    # @_ = $uri (URI object or string), $file (string)
    # saves the contents of $uri into $file
    # returns true if everythign is kosher, or false if there was a pr
    my ($uri, $file) = @_;
    my $content = get_page $uri;

    return 0 unless defined $content;
    open FILE, ">$file" or &debug("can't open $file\n") and return 0;
    print FILE $content;
    close FILE;
    return 1;

sub get_google_page {
    # @_ = $search_term, $mature, $startnum
    # searches google images for $search_term, starting at result numb
    # $startnum and returns a hash of { $url => [$w, $h] }
    # if $mature is true, mature content is "ok"
    my ($q, $mature, $start) = @_;
    $mature = ($mature) ? 'off' : 'on';
    # query google
    my $gurl = new URI('');
    $gurl->query_form('q' => $q,
              'start' => $start,
              'imgsafe' => $mature,
              'imgsz' => 'xxlarge',
    return get_page($gurl);

sub parse_google_has_next {
    # @_ = $doc
    # pass it the body of a google results page
    # returns true if the page has a next link or not.
    my $doc = shift;

    return ($doc =~ m|nav_next\.gif|);

sub parse_google_img_links {
    # @_ = $doc
    # pass it the body of a google results page and it pulls out hte l
    # returns a hash of { $url => [$w, $h] }

    my $doc = shift;
    my %results;

    while ($doc =~ m|(/imgres\?[^>]*)\"?|g) {
    my $uri = new URI($1);
    my %params = $uri->query_form();
    unless ($params{'imgurl'} =~ m|^[a-z]{1,5}://|) {
        $params{'imgurl'} = "http://" . $params{'imgurl'};
    $results{$params{'imgurl'}} = [$params{'w'}, $params{'h'}];
    return %results;

sub show_next_img {
    # no input
    # mv $nextimgfile to $imgfile, and display it.
    # (isn't stupid about a lack of next, or a failed move)
    # return true if it's all good, 0 if there are any problems
    &debug("no $nextimgfile\n") and return 0 unless -f $nextimgfile;
    &debug("$nextimgfile is not binary\n") and return 0 unless -B $nex
    &debug("can't rename\n") and return 0 unless rename($nextimgfile, 
    return 1

sub show_file {
    # @_ = $file
    # uses xv to display the file in the root background
    my $file = shift;
    system("$root_cmd $file");
    &debug("displayed $file in root window\n");

sub random_words {
    # @_ = $num
    # returns an array of $num random words
    return map { random_word($_) } (1..$_[0]);

sub random_word {
    # returns a random word from the dictionary,
    # or undef if there was a problem
    # will die if $dict can't be found.
    # from webcollage

    die "no dictionary: $dict" unless -f $dict;
    my $word = 0;
    if (open (IN, "<$dict")) {
        my $size = (stat(IN))[7];
        my $pos = rand $size;
        if (seek (IN, $pos, 0)) {
            $word = <IN>;   # toss partial line
            $word = <IN>;   # keep next line
        if (!$word) {
          seek( IN, 0, 0 );
          $word = <IN>;
        close (IN);

    return undef if (!$word);

    $word =~ s/^[ \t\n\r]+//;
    $word =~ s/[ \t\n\r]+$//;
    $word =~ s/ys$/y/;
    $word =~ s/ally$//;
    $word =~ s/ly$//;
    $word =~ s/ies$/y/;
    $word =~ s/ally$/al/;
    $word =~ s/izes$/ize/;
    $word =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;

    # if it's got a space in it, quote it
    $word = qw("$word") if ($word =~ /\s/);
    return $word;

sub which {
    # from webcollage
    my ($prog) = @_;
    foreach (split (/:/, $ENV{PATH})) {
    if (-x "$_/$prog") {
        return $prog;
    return undef;

sub sleep_diff {
    # @_ $old_time, $delay
    # given a previous time, will make sure that at least $min_sec hav
    # passed before it returns (by sleeping)
    my ($old_time, $delay) = @_;
    my $time_diff = (time - $old_time);
    my $time_delay = ($delay - $time_diff);
    $time_delay = (0 > $time_delay) ? 0 : $time_delay;
    &debug("waiting $time_delay seconds\n");
    sleep ($time_delay) if $time_delay;
    return 1;

sub debug {
    # prints it's args to $DEBUG_HANDLE only if $DEBUG_HANDLE is defin
    # allways returns true;
    print $DEBUG_HANDLE @_ if defined $DEBUG_HANDLE;
    return 1;

sub PORN_OK { 1 }
sub FAMILY_ONLY { 0 }
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Re: Random Background from Net
by gav^ (Curate) on Mar 19, 2002 at 04:31 UTC

    Google's terms of service at: include:

    "You may not take the results from a Google search and reformat and display them"
    "You may not send automated queries of any sort to Google's system without express permission in advance from Google"
    Which means that it may be prudent to consider using a different search engine.


      I'm familiar with the TOS, but as I mentioned on, I don't think the existense of some code violates the TOS -- people violate the TOS.

      But thanx for reminding me, I ment to put a disclaimer in the script, and I have now done so.

        I have just written a similar script which avoids the TOS issue by using the Net::Google interface to do the searching and sets the image in a gnome compliant way .
        enjoy !
Re: Random Background from Net
by Snarius (Sexton) on Mar 16, 2007 at 20:11 UTC
    Hey, Hossman.

    I've been hacking on this rather fun script for a little while. You don't mind what I do with it, right?

    In case you were wondering, it now has support for archiving images, gnome2, --help, and obsoleted a couple features.


    EDIT: okay, same as webcollage.

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