my $p = Net::Ping->new("icmp"); if ($p->ping($computer)) { #run your checks } else { print"* Unable to Ping $computer *\n"; } $p->close(); } #### if ($key = $Registry->Connect("$computer","LMachine/Software/Network Associates/" . "TVD/NetShield NT/CurrentVersion/" {Access=>KEY_READ} ) ) { unless ($version = $key->GetValue("szProductVer")) { $version = "Unknown"; } unless ($dat = $key->GetValue("szVirDefVer")) { $dat = "Unknown"; } unless ($engine = $key->GetValue("szEngineVer")) { $engine = "Unknown"; } } #### use Win32::TieRegistry( Delimiter=>"/" ); #### # # GetCurrentVersion will the Mcafee download page and grab the version number # for the latest DAT, superDAT, and engine. sub GetCurrentVersion { my $key; my $dat; my $superdat; my $engine; my $html_code; my $row; my $ts; # # Lets access the Network Associates download page for the Virus Info. my $ua = new LWP::UserAgent; my $url = ''; my $request = new HTTP::Request('GET',$url); # # Do we need to login? #$request->authorization_basic('login', 'password'); $ua->timeout(10); my $response = $ua->request($request); my $responsecode = $response->code(); # # Now we need to gather the information. if ($responsecode != 200) { print "Failed to Access the Mcafee site!: $responsecode\n"; } else { # # Load the HTML junk into a var. my @array = (split "\n", $ua->request($request)->as_string); foreach (@array) { $html_code .= $_ . "\n"; } } # # It's time to use TableExtract. We use the File Version and Date for # header info to locate our tables. Once found; we look for certain # names and assing the version info to our needed vars. my $te = new HTML::TableExtract( headers => [qw(File Version Date)] ); $te->parse($html_code); foreach $ts ($te->table_states) { #print "Table found at ", join(',', $ts->coords), ":\n"; foreach $row ($ts->rows) { # # DAT Version if (@$row[0] =~ /DAT File for weekly v4x \(DAT Only\)/) { #print "DAT = @$row[1]\n"; $dat = @$row[1]; } # # SuperDAT version which has both Engine and DAT. if (@$row[0] =~ /SuperDat File for v4x \(DAT \+ Engine\)/) { #print "Superdat = @$row[1]\n"; $superdat = @$row[1]; } # # Engine only Version. if (@$row[0] =~ /Superdat File for v4x \(Intel Engine only\)/) { $engine = @$row[1]; } #print " ", join(' , ', @$row), "\n"; } } return($dat, $superdat, $engine); }