in reply to Private Class Methods

Method calls bypass Exporter, so no, this won't work.

There are several ways to do "private" methods.

  1. The standard way is to not bother enforcing private-ness. Just pre-pend an underscore (_) to your method names and let the user consciously make the choice to violate encapsulation.
  2. You can put a
    sub _my_private_method { my $self = shift; die "Private method, jerk!" unless UNIVERSAL::isa($self, __PACKAGE__); # ... Continue on here as normal }
    That's known as a gatekeeper. I haven't seen that a lot. That kind of private allows inheritance to work. The other way, requiring that you must be of that class and that class alone would be to do something like ref $self eq __PACKAGE__, more akin to C++'s private.
  3. This applies more to data, but you can change your reference from a hashref to a coderef, effectively making all your object instances closures. This would make all your data private. You could extend it to methods, I suppose. I wouldn't reccomend it because it's extremely non-standard and would be very hard to maintain. There's also a minor speed hit, but it's not that major.
All in all, the best method I've found is #1. Just trust your users. It's the easiest policy to implement.

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