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Re: Re: Re: Placeholders, safety and the relative unimportance of efficiency

by Zo (Scribe)
on Apr 23, 2002 at 18:14 UTC ( [id://161387]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: Re: Placeholders, safety and the relative unimportance of efficiency
in thread SQL in Perl and setting variables

Here's my latest attempt, but I keep getting the error:
ORA-01008 cannot bind variable or I would get invalid column name
I thought maybe someone could look and have some input on this... where I might be at fault.. and I will still play around...
Thanks in advance, Zo.
#!perl -w use strict; use DBI; # output file my $newfile = "./test_output.txt"; open(BATCH, ">>$newfile") || die "Can't open $newfile : the test_outpu +t.txt file. $!"; # sets and prints the system date to the log file my $datestamp = `Date /T`; print BATCH $datestamp; # initialize the variable to count the batch lines created my $linecount = 0; # connection to database my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:Oracle:CS1", "admin", "admin123"); my $sql = "SELECT batch_line, rowidtochar(rowid) FROM batch_lines"; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql); $sth->execute(); my ($batch, $row_id); $sth->bind_columns(\$batch, \$row_id); my $sth2 = $sth; my $count=1; while($sth->fetch()) { ##### test print # print BATCH "$row_id <$count>"; # print "$row_id <$batch>\n"; # $count++; ##### $batch=~s/p12/servername/g; $batch=~s/D:/\nD:/g; $batch=~s/%/%%/g; # write to the file my $timestamp = `Time /T`; chop $timestamp; ##### test print print BATCH "$row_id <$count> $batch"." ".$timestamp; ##### # print BATCH $batch." ".$timestamp; # writes to screen print $batch; # counts the batch line being read $linecount++; ##### test count $count++; ##### # executes the batch line # system($batch); ##### update print BATCH "\n^^^^^^^^^^^^^^$row_id^^^^^^^\n"; my $bsql = "UPDATE batch_lines SET exe_c = 'Y' WHERE exe_c = 'N +' AND rowid = chartorowid($row_id) "; $sth2= $dbh->prepare($bsql); $sth2->execute(); ##### print BATCH "\n########### $row_id #########\n" } $sth->finish(); $sth2->finish(); # close oracle connection $dbh->disconnect(); # print count of batch lines print BATCH "\nLines extracted this period: ".$linecount."\n"; # close new .txt file close (BATCH);
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Placeholders, safety and the relative unimportance of efficiency
by runrig (Abbot) on Apr 24, 2002 at 03:01 UTC
    I guess the table doesn't have a primary key? Also you should use RaiseError or else check the status of every DBI statement. Anyway you're probably being redundant by specifying 'where rowid = .. and exe_c = ..'. And you can still use placeholders(psuedocode ahead):
    my $dbh = DBI->connect('...', 'user','passwd', {PrintError=>0, RaiseError=>1}); my $sql = <<EOT; select ... from .. where exe_c = 'N' EOT my $sel_h = $dbh->prepare($sql); $sql = <<EOT; update ... set exe_c = 'N' where rowid = ? EOT my $upd_h = $dbh->prepare($sql); $sel_h->execute; $sel_h->bind_columns(...); while ($sel_h->fetch) { ... $upd_h->execute($rowid); } $dbh->disconnect;
    ooo  O\O  ooo tilly was here :,(

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