1: When I get a chance I will repost this with the changes suggested by
   2: you fine Perl Monks.  Remember This is my second perl script
   3: attempt.  I know I have much to learn.  Please keep the feedback coming
   5: UPDATE[05/15/2002]: I have begun 'fixing' this code.  I realize I still have not
   6: incorporated the use of strict; and I still have textual
   7:  passwords that need to be encrypted.  I'm still reading! :)
   9: UPDATE[05/16/2002]: I have incorporated crypt() into the code.
  10:   I also am now using alot of the features.
  11:  I am having one heck of a time adding strict to this though.
  13: UPDATE[05/17/2002]: I have actually gotten strict to work! I had to do a little
  14:  restructuring but it works!  I am going to post a Node in SoPW.  See if there
  15:  is anything else I need to change on this before I call it good code!
  19: #!/usr/bin/perl -w
  20: # (Put the address to the location of PERL on your system.  Find
  21: #  it with 'which perl')
  22: use strict;
  23: use CGI qw/:standard/;
  24: use CGI::Cookie;
  26: # Where are you keeping the graphic that will be used in place of of
  27: # The requested graphic (thru ubersecure.cgi?img=Name) if password is not found
  28: my $imgfile = "/home/user/www/cgi-bin/ubersecure/secure.gif";
  30: # Where you are keeping UberData.txt which holds your KEY|Location
  31: my $datafile = "/home/user/www/cgi-bin/ubersecure/uberdata.txt";
  33: # Will You need multiple logins or a single login?  (1=multiple,0=single)
  34: my $multi_in = 1;
  36: # This should point to your uberaccess.txt which holds the name|pass information
  37: # This is not required for the single user mode
  38: my $accessfile = "/home/user/www/cgi-bin/ubersecure/uberaccess.txt";
  40: # Password required to login for single user mode.(Default pass is: 1234)
  41: # This will also be a valid password for multi user mode.
  42: # You MUST encrypt this password, you can use the following tool:
  43: #
  44: my $pass = "USaH0nvPrucUo";
  46: # UserName required to login for single user mode.
  47: # This will also be a valid login for multi user mode.
  48: my $goodnick = "1234";
  50: # Address to this script.
  51: my $thisscript = "";
  53: #Name of the page that you are logging into.
  54: my $pagename = "UberSecure Test Page";
  56: #Send mail to YOU when someone logs in?
  57: # 1 = On
  58: # 0 = Off
  59: my $send_mail = 0;
  61: #Send mail to YOU when a Keyword / URL isn't found?
  62: my $send_mail_badurl = 0;
  64: # UNIX path to the mail program on your system.
  65: # elm, Mail, etc.  If you run into problems, turn mail sending off.
  66: my $mail = "/var/qmail/bin/qmail-inject";
  68: #Email address to send mail to (your personal e-mail address.)
  69: #You MUST put a backslash (\) in front of the 'at' (@) sign in the e-mail
  70: # address.
  71: my $to_email = "UberDragon13\";
  73: # Do you wish to log logins?  (1/0)
  74: # LOG file is NOT auto cleared.  You will have to edit it by hand.  If you
  75: # delete it, remember to chmod the new file 644 when you re-make it.
  76: my $log = 1;
  78: #Ask for an e-mail address?  (Will be logged.)
  79: my $email = 0;
  81: # What is the address to the log file?  (Remember to create the file and
  82: #                                         to chmod it 644)
  83: my $log_file = /home/user/www/cgi-bin/ubersecure/ubersecure.log";
  85: # Path to your system's date program for logging.
  86: my $date_prog = "/bin/date";
  88: # Settings for page colors.
  89: my $text = "#000000";
  90: my $link = "green";
  91: my $vlink = "#663300";
  92: my $bgcolor = "#FFFFFF";
  93: my $background = "";
  94: my $bgproperties = "fixed";
  95: ##########################################################################
  96: my $date = `$date_prog '+%D %H:%M:%S'`;
  97: my $salt = "US";
  98: my %in = &getcgi;
 100: if ($in{'url'} eq "passwd") { &passwd; exit; }
 102: # Check for presence of Cookie and Parse info into $in
 103: if ( (cookie('pass')) && (cookie('name')) ) {
 104:    $in{'name'} = cookie('name');
 105:    $in{'pass'} = cookie('pass');
 106: }
 108: # Check for presence of Access File and Parse info into name and password
 109: if ($multi_in == 1) {
 110:   open (DATA, "<$accessfile") or access_error and exit;
 111:   while(<DATA>){
 112:     chomp;
 113:     my ($acc,$accpass) = split'\|',$_;
 114:     if ( ($acc eq $in{'name'}) && ($accpass eq $in{'pass'}) ) {
 115:       $goodnick = $acc;$pass = $accpass;
 116:     }
 117:   }
 118:  close(DATA);
 120: }
 121: # Check for img link and no password
 122: if ( ($in{'img'}) && ($in{'pass'} ne $pass) ) {
 123:   print header;
 124:   open(FILE,"$imgfile");
 125:   while(<FILE>) { print $_; }
 126:   exit;
 127: }
 128: # Make sure its a valid login then do commands
 129: if ( ($in{'name'} eq $goodnick) && ($in{'pass'} eq $pass) ) {
 130:   &send_mail;&log_in;
 131:   my $cookie_set1 = "Set-Cookie: name=$in{'name'}\n";
 132:   my $cookie_set2 = "Set-Cookie: pass=$in{'pass'}\n";
 133:   print $cookie_set1;
 134:   print $cookie_set2;
 135:   print header;
 136:   open (DATA, "<$datafile") or &data_error and exit;
 137:   while(<DATA>){
 138:     my ($key,$url)=split'\|',$_;
 139:     if($key eq $in{'url'}){
 140:       open(FILE,"$url");
 141:       while(<FILE>) { print $_; }
 142:       exit;
 143:     }
 144:     if($key eq $in{'img'}){
 145:       open(FILE,"$url");
 146:       while(<FILE>) { print $_; }
 147:       exit;
 148:     }
 150:   }
 151:   close(DATA); &key_error; exit;
 152: }
 153: # Display Page For Login Error Due to bad pass
 154: elsif ( ($in{'pass'}) && ($in{'pass'} ne $pass) ) {
 155: 	&print_badlogin;exit;
 156: }
 157: # Display Page for Login Error Due to Bad Login Name
 158: elsif ( ($in{'name'}) && ($in{'name'} ne $goodnick) ) {
 159: 	&print_badlogin;exit;
 160: }
 161: # Put up page for user to login
 162: else {
 163: 	print header;&print_login;exit;
 164: }
 165: ##########################################################################
 166: # If Specified Send Email to Webmaster about UberSecure
 167: ##########################################################################
 169: sub send_mail {
 170:  if ( cookie() ) { return 1; }
 171:   if ($send_mail == 1) {
 172:    if (-x $mail) {
 173:     open(MAIL, "|$mail");
 174:     print MAIL ("To: $to_email\n",
 175:                 "From: UberSecure_v1.1.0\n",
 176:                 "Subject: Login Detected by $in{'name'}\n",
 177:                 "User has logged in to UberSecure v1.1.0\n\n",
 178:                 "$ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'} (with $ENV{'HTTP_USER_AGENT'})\n\n",
 179:                 "$date\n",
 180:                 "  Name: $in{'name'}\n");
 181: 	if ($email == 1) {
 182: 	  print MAIL "  E-mail: $in{'email'}\n";
 183: 	}
 184: 	close(MAIL);
 185:   }
 186:  }
 187: }
 188: sub send_mail_badurl {
 189:  if ($send_mail_badurl == 1) {
 190:   if (-x $mail) {
 191:    open(MAIL, "|$mail");
 192:    print MAIL ("To: $to_email\n",
 193:                "From: UberSecure_v1.1.0\n",
 194:                "Subject: Bad URL Key Attempt at $in{'url'}$in{'img'}\n",
 195:                "$in{'name'} has logged in to UberSecure v1.1.0
 196:                                             to access --\> $in{'url'}\n\n",
 197:                "Unfortunately $in{'url'}$in{'img'} does not exist
 198:                                             in your data file.\n\n",
 199:                "$ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'} (with $ENV{'HTTP_USER_AGENT'})\n\n",
 200:                "$date\n",
 201:                "  Name: $in{'name'}\n");
 202: 	if ($email == 1) {
 203: 	  print MAIL "  E-mail: $in{'email'}\n";
 204:    }
 205:    close(MAIL);
 206:   }
 207:  }
 208: }
 209: ##########################################################################
 210: # Display Error Page if The Password is Incorrect
 211: ##########################################################################
 213: sub print_badlogin {
 214: &logerror("Login attempt for $in{'name'} Invalid Attempt");
 215: print header;
 216: begin_html("Bad Login Information to $pagename");
 218: print <<"html";
 219: <center>
 220: <font size=5>Login Error to: <b>$pagename</b><br><br>
 221: </font>
 222: Please try your Login again!  <a href="$thisscript?url=$in{'url'}">click here!</a>
 223: </center>
 224: html
 225: print end_html;
 226: exit;
 227: }
 228: ##########################################################################
 229: # Display Login Page if No Login/Pass In Cookie
 230: ##########################################################################
 232: sub print_login {
 233:   begin_html("Login to $pagename");
 234:   print "<font size=5>Please login to <u>$pagename</u></font>";
 235:   print start_form(-method=>'post',
 236: 			    -action=>"$thisscript?url=$in{'url'}");
 237:   print textfield(-name=>'name',
 238: 			    -size=>25,
 239: 			    -maxlength=>25);print " Login Name<BR>";
 240:   if ($email == 1) {
 241:   print textfield(-name=>'email',
 242: 				-size=>25,
 243: 				-maxlength=>25);print " Email Address<BR>";
 244:   }
 245:   print password_field(-name=>'pass',
 246: 				-size=>25,
 247: 				-maxlength=>25);print " Login Password<BR><BR>";
 249:   print hidden(-name=>'url',
 250: 			     -default=>$in{'url'});
 253:   print submit(-name=>'Submit',
 254:     			-value=>'Submit');
 256:   print endform;print end_html;
 257:   exit;
 258: }
 259: ##########################################################################
 260: # Parse Information sent thru the URL Command line into $in{}
 261: ##########################################################################
 263: sub getcgi {
 264:     my $cgi = CGI->new();
 265:     my %in = %{$cgi->Vars};
 266:     if ($in{'pass'}){$in{'pass'} = crypt($in{'pass'}, $salt);}
 267:     return %in;
 268: }
 270: sub logerror {
 271:   if (! -e "$log_file") {
 272: 		open(FILE, ">$log_file");
 273: 		print FILE "File START $date\n";
 274: 		close(FILE);
 275:   }
 276:   if ($log == 1) {
 277: 	my $error = $_[0];
 278: 	open(FILE, ">>$log_file");
 279: 	print FILE "ERROR: $ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'} (with $ENV{'HTTP_USER_AGENT'}) $date";
 280:    print FILE "  Name: $in{'name'}\n";
 281: 	if ($email == 1) {
 282: 		print FILE "  E-mail: $in{'email'}\n";
 283: 	}
 284:    if($in{'url'}){print FILE "  Error Msg: $error [?url=$in{'url'}]\n\n";}
 285:    if($in{'img'}){print FILE "  Error Msg: $error [?img=$in{'img'}]\n\n";}
 286: 	close(FILE);
 287:   }
 288: }
 290: sub log_in {
 291:    if ($log == 1) {
 292: 	if (! -e "$log_file") {
 293: 		open(FILE, ">$log_file");
 294: 		print FILE "File START $date\n";
 295: 		close(FILE);
 296: 	}
 297: 	open(FILE, ">>$log_file");
 298: 	print FILE "LOGIN: $ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'} (with $ENV{'HTTP_USER_AGENT'}) $date";
 299:    print FILE "  Name: $in{'name'}\n";
 300: 	if ($email == 1) {
 301: 		print FILE "  E-mail: $in{'email'}\n";
 302: 	}
 303:    if($in{'url'}){print FILE "  Command: ?url=$in{'url'}\n\n";}
 304:    if($in{'img'}){print FILE "  Command: ?img=$in{'img'}\n\n";}
 305: 	close(FILE);
 306:    }
 307: }
 309: ##########################################################################
 310: # Display Error Page if Specified Key is not in Data File
 311: ##########################################################################
 312: sub key_error {
 313: &send_mail_badurl;&logerror("Specified Key Not Found");
 314: my $show;
 315: if($in{'img'}){$show = $in{'img'}};
 316: if($in{'url'}){$show = $in{'url'}};
 317: begin_html("Error - Specified Key Not Found");
 319: print <<"EOF";
 320: <p><font size="+5"><b><font face="Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, san-serif">
 321: ERROR 404</font></b></font></p><p><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica,
 322:  sans-serif" size="4">URL Location Not Found - <b>$show</b></font></p>
 323: <p>Email the <a href="mailto:$to_email">WebMaster</A> and let them know!</p>
 324: <p>&nbsp;</p>
 325: <p>&nbsp;</p>
 326: <p>&nbsp;</p>
 327: <p><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="-1">
 328:     UberSecure v1.3.0 by <a href="
 329:     mailto:UberDragon13\$thisscript">
 330:     UberDragon13\</a></font></p>
 331: EOF
 332: print end_html;
 333: exit;
 334:  }
 335: ##########################################################################
 336: # Display Error Page if Data File is Missing
 337: ##########################################################################
 339: sub data_error {
 340: &logerror("Missing Data File at $datafile");
 341: begin_html("Error - Missing Data File");
 342: print <<"EOF";
 343: <p><font size="+5"><b><font face="Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, san-serif">
 344: ERROR 404</font></b></font></p><p><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica,
 345:  sans-serif" size="4">DataFile Not Found - <b>$datafile</b></font></p>
 346: <p>Check your configuration in UberSecure.cgi and verify the file exists
 347:   where the path says it does.</p>
 348: <p>&nbsp;</p>
 349: <p>&nbsp;</p>
 350: <p>&nbsp;</p>
 351: <p><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="-1">
 352:     UberSecure v1.3.0 by <a href="
 353:     mailto:UberDragon13\$thisscript">
 354:     UberDragon13\</a></font></p>
 355: EOF
 356: print end_html;
 357: exit;
 358: }
 359: ##########################################################################
 360: # Display Error Page if Access File is Missing
 361: ##########################################################################
 363: sub access_error {
 364: &logerror("Missing Access file at $accessfile");
 365: print header;
 366: begin_html("Error - Missing Access List File");
 367: print <<"EOF";
 368: <p><font size="+5"><b><font face="Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, san-serif">
 369: ERROR 404</font></b></font></p><p><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica,
 370:  sans-serif" size="4">AccessFile Not Found  - <b>$accessfile</b></font></p>
 371: <p>Check your configuration in UberSecure.cgi and verify the file exists
 372:   where the path says it does.</p>
 373: <p>&nbsp;</p>
 374: <p>&nbsp;</p>
 375: <p>&nbsp;</p>
 376: <p><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="-1">
 377:     UberSecure v1.3.0 by <a href="
 378:     mailto:UberDragon13\$thisscript">
 379:     UberDragon13\</a></font></p>
 380: EOF
 381: print end_html;
 382: exit;
 383: }
 384: ##########################################################################
 385: # Begin the HTML Document
 386: ##########################################################################
 387: sub begin_html {
 388: print start_html(           -title=>$_[0],
 389: 			    -meta=>{'author'=>'UberSecure HTML Generator',
 390: 			            'copyright'=>'copyright 2002 UberSecure'},
 391: 			    -BGPROPERTIES=>$bgproperties,
 392:              -BACKGROUND=>$background,
 393: 			    -BGCOLOR=>$bgcolor,
 394: 			    -TEXT=>$text,
 395: 			    -LINK=>$link,
 396: 			    -VLINK=>$vlink,
 397: 			    -ALIGN=>'center',);
 398: }
 399: ##########################################################################
 400: # Subroutine to help admin encrypt the user file password data
 401: ##########################################################################
 402: sub passwd {
 403:   if ($in{'htname'}) {
 404:    if ($in{'htpass'} ne $in{'htpass2'}) {
 405:       print header;
 406:       begin_html('Password Mismatch');
 407:       print <<"EOF";
 408:       The two passwords you entered DO NOT match!<BR><BR>
 409:       <a href="$thisscript?url=passwd">Click Here</a> To try again.
 410: EOF
 411:       print end_html;
 412:       exit;
 413:    }
 414:    elsif(($in{'htname'}) && ($in{'htpass'})) {
 415:       print header;
 416:       begin_html('Encrypted Results');
 417:       my $htpass = crypt($in{'htpass'}, $salt);
 418:       print <<"EOF";
 419:       Simply Copy/Paste the Encrypted Line to your uberaccess.txt<BR><BR>
 420:       Please NOTE There is no known way to decrypt() this Password!<BR>
 421:       Make sure your User remembers his/her password.<BR><BR>
 422:       Encrypted Access line for <code>User[<u>$in{'htname'}</u>]</code>
 423:       with the <code>password[<u>$in{'htpass'}</u>]</code> is:<BR><BR>
 424:       <h1>$in{'htname'}|$htpass</h1>
 425: EOF
 426:       print end_html;
 427:       exit;
 428:    }
 429:   }
 430:   print header;
 431:   begin_html('Get Encrypted Password');
 432:   print "Fill out this form to produce the encrypted
 433:           password line in your uberaccess.txt<BR>Note: Login Names and
 434:           Passwords are <u>case sensitive</u>!";
 436:   print start_form(-method=>'post',
 437: 			    -action=>"$thisscript?url=passwd");
 439:   print textfield(-name=>'htname',
 440: 			    -size=>25,
 441: 			    -maxlength=>25),
 442: 			    " Enter Login Name<BR><BR>";
 444:   print password_field(-name=>'htpass',
 445: 				-size=>25,
 446: 				-maxlength=>25),
 447: 				" Enter Desired Password<BR><BR>";
 449:   print password_field(-name=>'htpass2',
 450: 				-size=>25,
 451: 				-maxlength=>25),
 452: 				" RE-Enter Desired Password<BR><BR>";
 454:   print hidden(-name=>'url',
 455: 			     -default=>'passwd');
 458:   print submit(-name=>'Get Encrypted Line',
 459:     			-value=>'Get Encrypted Line');
 461:   print endform, end_html;
 462:   exit;
 464: }
 466: ##########################################################################
 467: # End of Program
 468: ##########################################################################