in reply to perl puzzle - cartoon couple registry (beginner, semi-golf)

I have been on a map kick recently so...
using 2 " and no ; / \ or enter keys

#!/usr/bin/perl -l %couples = ( Fred=>"Wilma", Barney=>"Betty", George=>"Jane", Homer=>"Marge", Pter=>"Lous" ); map print, map "$_ is married to $couples{$_}",sort keys%couples
It weights in at 63 characters.
I was reading the above posts and I was able to get this
%c=%couples,map print,map "$_ is married to $c{$_}",sort keys%c
Which is 62 characters.
Update. Thanks for the getting rid of the extra map belg4mit.

I don't know what I was thinking *grin*
In a semi related note I used this when someone wanted to a print out of the @INC.