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Server Status Monitor

by xjar (Pilgrim)
on Jun 24, 2002 at 16:35 UTC ( [id://176850]=sourcecode: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??
Category: GUI Programming
Author/Contact Info Mike Roessing
Description: Just a simple server status monitor written in Perl/Tk. Run as root, or with root priveledges on a *nix system for ICMP ping to work. Works on Win32 as well.

Probably not the cleanest or well thought out code in the world, but that's why I'm posting it. I wouldn't mind getting feedback on ways to clean up parts of it, specifically I'd like to rid myself of $serverCount. I've done some fiddling, but haven't as yet been able to do this.

I've kept all comments in just in case my code is so bad in places as to be difficult to understand (which I don't think it is, but you never know) :)

UPDATE: Added user customizability for color settings and refresh rates on the server list (program has to restart for refresh rate change to take effect). Have yet to add grinder's suggestion to use sockets instead of Net::Ping.

UPDATE: Switched from Net::Ping to IO::Socket to determine if a server is alive or not. Thanks for the idea grinder!

UPDATE: Small fixes including adding a Port listbox, and aesthetic alignment of subwindows.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use IO::Socket;
use Tk 8.0;
use Tk::Checkbutton;
use Tk::Menubutton;
use Tk::Optionmenu;

# Begin variable declaration
my $version = "1.4";
my $mainWindow;
my ($menuBar, $fileMenu, $updateMenuItem, $addMenuItem, $deleteMenuIte
+m, $configMenuItem, $exitMenuItem, $helpMenu, $aboutMenuItem);
my ($labelFrame, $mainFrame, @listFrame);
my (@serverList, @portList, @statusList, @deleteCheckbox, @serverDelet
my ($serverTitle, $portTitle, $statusTitle, $deleteTitle);
my ($buttonFrame, $updateButton, $addButton, $deleteButton, $exitButto
my (%config, %servers, %ports);
my $serverCount = 0;
# End variable declaration

# Begin main program
# First off, see if there's a config file.  If not, create it.
open (CONFIG, "status.cfg")
    || &createConfig();

# Pull the servers and ports out of the XML file into a hash
my $fileError;
open (FH, ".serverlist")
    or $fileError = 1;
if (!$fileError) {
    while (<FH>) {
        if (/<server address="(.*?)" name="(.*?)" port="(.*?)" \/>/) {
            $servers{$2} = $1;
            $ports{$2} = $3;
close (FH);

# Just get the number of servers in the list so we can make the list 
# boxes the right size
foreach (keys %servers) {

# Let's create the interface
# Create the main window where it will all be displayed
$mainWindow = MainWindow->new;
$mainWindow->title("Server Status");
# End main window creation

# Create a simple menubar with a File menu and a Help menu
$menuBar = $mainWindow->Frame(
    -relief => 'groove',
    -borderwidth => 2)
    ->pack(-side => 'top', -fill => 'x');
# Create the File menu
$fileMenu = $menuBar->Menubutton(
    -text => 'File',
    -underline => 0,
    -tearoff => 0)
    ->pack(-side => 'left');
$updateMenuItem = $fileMenu->command(
    -label => 'Update',
    -underline => 0,
    -command => sub { 
$addMenuItem = $fileMenu->command(
    -label => 'Add server', 
    -underline => 0, 
    -command => sub { 
$deleteMenuItem = $fileMenu->command(
    -label => 'Delete server(s)', 
    -underline => 0, 
    -command => sub { 
$configMenuItem = $fileMenu->command(
    -label => 'Configure',
    -underline => 0,
    -command => sub {
$exitMenuItem = $fileMenu->command(
    -label => 'Exit', 
    -underline => 1, 
    -command => sub { 
# Create the Help menu
$helpMenu = $menuBar->Menubutton(
    -text => 'Help', 
    -underline => 0, 
    -tearoff => 0)
    ->pack(-side => 'right');
$aboutMenuItem = $helpMenu->command(
    -label => 'About', 
    -underline => 1, 
    -command => sub { 
# End menubar creation

# Create three frames... one for some labels, one for the list boxes, 
# and one for the buttons
$labelFrame = $mainWindow->Frame()
    ->pack(-side => 'top', -anchor => 'w');
$mainFrame = $mainWindow->Frame()
    ->pack(-side => 'top');
$buttonFrame = $mainWindow->Frame(
    -relief => 'groove', 
    -borderwidth => 2)
    ->pack(-side => 'top', -pady => 10, -fill => 'x');
# End frame creation

# Create the list box labels
$serverTitle = $labelFrame->Label(
    -text => "Server", 
    -justify => 'left', 
    -width => 34)
    ->pack(-side => 'left');
$portTitle = $labelFrame->Label(
    -text => "Port",
    -justify => 'right',
    -width => 6)
    ->pack(-side => 'left');
$statusTitle = $labelFrame->Label(
    -text => "Status", 
    -justify => 'right', 
    -width => 6)
    ->pack(-side => 'left');
$deleteTitle = $labelFrame->Label(
    -text => "Delete",
    -justify => 'right',
    -width => 7)
    ->pack(-side => 'left');
# End list box label creation

# Create the Update, Add, and Exit buttons
$updateButton = $buttonFrame->Button(
    -text => "Update", 
    -underline => 0, 
    -command => sub { 
    -width => 6)
    ->pack(-side => 'left');
$addButton = $buttonFrame->Button(
    -text => "Add", 
    -underline => 0, 
    -command => sub { 
    -width => 6)
    ->pack(-side => 'left');
$deleteButton = $buttonFrame->Button(
    -text => "Delete Selected", 
    -underline => 0, 
    -command => sub { 
    -width => 12)
    ->pack(-side => 'left');

$exitButton = $buttonFrame->Button(
    -text => "Exit", 
    -underline => 1, 
    -command => sub { 
    -width => 6)
    ->pack(-side => 'right');
# End button creation

# Create some key bindings for the buttons and menus
$mainWindow->bind('<Alt-Key-u>' => sub { 
$mainWindow->bind('<Alt-Key-a>' => sub { 
$mainWindow->bind('<Alt-Key-d>' => sub { 
$mainWindow->bind('<Alt-Key-c>' => sub {
$mainWindow->bind('<Alt-Key-x>' => sub { 
$mainWindow->bind('<Alt-Key-b>' => sub { 
$mainWindow->bind('<Alt-Key-f>' => sub { 
$mainWindow->bind('<Alt-Key-h>' => sub { 
# End key bindings
# End interface creation

# Read the config file
%config = readConfig();

# Fill in the list boxes with server info

# Cause the server info list boxes to refresh
$mainWindow->repeat($config{refresh}, \&updateServerList);

# End main program

# Begin subroutines
# Simply displays an About window
sub aboutWindow {
    $aboutMenuItem->configure(-state => 'disabled');

    my $aboutText = " -= Server Status v".$version." =-\n\nWritten by 
+      :\tMike Roessing\nEmail\t       :\tjaraxle\\nAddres
+s\t       :\thttp:\/\/\n";
    my $aboutWindow = $mainWindow->Toplevel();
    $aboutWindow->title("About Server Status");

    my $x = $mainWindow->rootx();
    my $y = $mainWindow->rooty();
    my $xCoord = $x + 38;
    my $yCoord = $y + 10;

# Make a top and bottom frame, top for the picture and About info,
# bottom for the Done button
    my $topFrame = $aboutWindow->Frame()
        ->pack(-side => 'top');
    my $bottomFrame = $aboutWindow->Frame()
        ->pack(-side => 'bottom');
# And now make a frame for the About info inside the topFrame
    my $aboutFrame = $topFrame->Frame()
        ->pack(-side => 'left', padx => 15, pady => 10);
    my $aboutLabel = $aboutFrame->Label(
        -text => $aboutText, 
        -justify => 'left')
        ->pack(-side => 'top');
# Put the doneButton in the bottomFrame
    my $closeButton = $bottomFrame->Button(
        -text => "Close", 
        -underline => 0, 
        -command => sub {
            $aboutMenuItem->configure(-state => 'active');
        -width => 6)
        ->pack(-side => 'top');
    $aboutWindow->bind("<Alt-Key-c>" => sub {
        $aboutMenuItem->configure(-state => 'active');

# Add the server and update the list
sub addServer {
    my ($serverNameEntry, $serverIPEntry, $serverPortEntry) = @_;
    my $serverName = $serverNameEntry->get;
    my $serverIP = $serverIPEntry->get;
    my $serverPort = $serverPortEntry->get;

# Check if the ip address entered fits the
# x(x(x)).x(x(x)).x(x(x)).x(x(x)) format    
    if ((!$serverName) || (!$serverIP) || !($serverIP =~ /^\d{1,3}\.\d
+{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$/)) {
# Just draw a simple error window explaining the problem
        my $errorWindow = $mainWindow->Toplevel();
            -text => "\nPlease make sure you entered\nan appropriate S
+erver Name.\n")
            ->pack(-side => 'top') if (!$serverName);
            -text => "\nPlease make sure you entered\na valid Server I
+P Address.\n")
            ->pack(-side => 'top') if ((!$serverIP) || !($serverIP =~ 
        my $closeButtonFrame = $errorWindow->Frame()
            ->pack(-side => 'bottom', -pady => 10);
        my $closeButton = $closeButtonFrame->Button(
            -text => "Close", 
            -underline => 0, 
            -command => sub { 
            -width => 6)
            ->pack(-side => 'top');
        $errorWindow->bind("<Alt-Key-c>" => sub { 
    } else {
# Delete the server list
# Add the server and port to the hash and XML file
        $servers{$serverName} = $serverIP;
        $ports{$serverName} = $serverPort;
# Increment the server count and redraw the server list
# Delete the server info we typed in, ready to add another
        $serverNameEntry->delete(0, 'end');
        $serverIPEntry->delete(0, 'end');
        $serverPortEntry->delete(0, 'end');

# Allow the user to add a server to the list
sub addServerWindow {
# Disable the Add button and menu item while the window is open
    $addButton->configure(-state => 'disabled');
    $addMenuItem->configure(-state => 'disabled');
# Draw the Add window
    my $addServerWindow = $mainWindow->Toplevel();
    $addServerWindow->title("Add a server");

    my $x = $mainWindow->rootx();
    my $y = $mainWindow->rooty();
    my $xCoord = $x + 11;
    my $yCoord = $y + 10;

# Create one frame for the text entry boxes, another frame for the
# buttons
    my $topFrame = $addServerWindow->Frame()
        ->pack(-side => 'top');
    my $bottomFrame = $addServerWindow->Frame(
        -relief => 'groove', 
        -borderwidth => 2)
        ->pack(-side => 'top', -pady => 10, -fill => 'x');
# Draw the text entry boxes, with labels (give the Server Name entry
# focus)
    my $serverNameLabel = $topFrame->Label(
        -text => "Server Name")
        ->pack(-side => 'top');
    my $serverNameEntry = $topFrame->Entry(
        -width => 50)
        ->pack(-side => 'top');
    my $serverIPLabel = $topFrame->Label(
        -text => "Server IP Address")
        ->pack(-side => 'top');
    my $serverIPEntry = $topFrame->Entry(
        -width => 50)
        ->pack(-side => 'top');
    my $serverPortLabel = $topFrame->Label(
        -text => "Server Port")
        ->pack(-side => 'top');
    my $serverPortEntry = $topFrame->Entry(
        -width => 10)
        ->pack(-side => 'top');

# Draw the buttons to add the server, clear the entered info, and clos
# the Add window
    my $addServerButton = $bottomFrame->Button(
        -text => "Add", 
        -underline => 0, 
        -command => sub { 
            &addServer($serverNameEntry, $serverIPEntry, $serverPortEn
        -width => 6)
        ->pack(-side => 'left');
    my $resetButton = $bottomFrame->Button(
        -text => "Reset", 
        -underline => 0, 
        -command => sub { 
            $serverNameEntry->delete(0, 'end'); 
            $serverIPEntry->delete(0, 'end'); 
        -width => 6)
        ->pack(-side => 'left');
    my $closeButton = $bottomFrame->Button(
        -text => "Close", 
        -underline => 0, 
        -command => sub { 
            $addButton->configure(-state => 'active'); 
            $addMenuItem->configure(-state => 'active'); 
        -width => 6)
        ->pack(-side => 'right');
# Create the bindings for the buttons
    $addServerWindow->bind('<Alt-Key-a>' => sub { 
        &addServer($serverNameEntry, $serverIPEntry); 
    $addServerWindow->bind('<Alt-Key-r>' => sub { 
        $serverNameEntry->delete(0, 'end'); 
        $serverIPEntry->delete(0, 'end'); 
    $addServerWindow->bind('<Alt-Key-c>' => sub { 
        $addButton->configure(-state => 'active'); 
        $addMenuItem->configure(-state => 'active'); 

# Pretty self explanatory... clears the list boxes of info then redraw
# them after a short delay (for that "refresh" look)
sub clearServerList {
# I wish i could avoid using $serverCount altogether but as of now,
# with my ability, the deletion requires it
    for (0..$serverCount-1) {

# Simply displays the Configuration window
sub configWindow {
    $configMenuItem->configure(-state => 'disabled');

    my $configWindow = $mainWindow->Toplevel();
    $configWindow->title("Server Status Configuration");

    my $x = $mainWindow->rootx();
    my $y = $mainWindow->rooty();
    my $xCoord = $x + 58;
    my $yCoord = $y + 10;

# Temp variables for the colors, if the user hits cancel,
# these will be used to revert back to original colors
    my $tempConfigUpColor = $config{color_up};
    my $tempConfigDownColor = $config{color_down};

# Make a top and bottom frame, top for the config info,
# bottom for the Close button
    my $topFrame = $configWindow->Frame()
        ->pack(-side => 'top');
    my $bottomFrame = $configWindow->Frame(
        -relief => 'groove',
        -borderwidth => 2)
        ->pack(-side => 'bottom', -pady => 10, -fill => 'x');

# Make the frames for each option setting
    my $configUpFrame = $topFrame->Frame()
        ->pack(-side => 'top', -fill => 'x');
    my $configDownFrame = $topFrame->Frame()
        ->pack(-side => 'top', -fill => 'x');
    my $configRefreshFrame = $topFrame->Frame()
        ->pack(-side => 'top', -fill => 'x');

# Add the label and optionmenu for the Up color
    my $configUpLabel = $configUpFrame->Label(
        -text => "Up status color:\t",
        -justify => 'left',
        -width => 20)
        ->pack(side => 'left');
    my $configUpOptionmenu = $configUpFrame->Optionmenu(
        -options => [qw(red blue green yellow black)],
        -variable => \$config{color_up})
        ->pack(-side => 'right');

# Add the label and optionmenu for the Down color
    my $configDownLabel = $configDownFrame->Label(
        -text => "Down status color:\t",
        -justify => 'left',
        -width => 20)
        ->pack(side => 'left');
    my $configDownOptionmenu = $configDownFrame->Optionmenu(
        -options => [qw(red blue green yellow black)],
        -variable => \$config{color_down})
        ->pack(-side => 'right');

# Add the label and optionmenu for the refresh rate
    my $refreshSeconds = $config{refresh} / 1000;
    my $configRefreshLabel = $configRefreshFrame->Label(
        -text => "Refresh (seconds):\t",
        -justify => 'left',
        -width => 20)
        ->pack(side => 'left');
    my $configRefreshEntry = $configRefreshFrame->Entry(
        -width => 5,
        -textvariable => \$refreshSeconds)
        ->pack(-side => 'right');
# Put the saveButton in the bottomFrame
# Will write the new settings to the config file, close
# the options window, then refresh the server list
    my $saveButton = $bottomFrame->Button(
        -text => "Save", 
        -underline => 0, 
        -command => sub {
            $configMenuItem->configure(-state => 'active');
        -width => 6)
        ->pack(-side => 'left');

# Put the cancelButton in the bottomFrame
# Will revert the colors back to original, close the
# options window, then refresh the server list
    my $cancelButton = $bottomFrame->Button(
        -text => "Cancel",
        -underline => 0,
        -command => sub {
            $config{color_up} = $tempConfigUpColor;
            $config{color_down} = $tempConfigDownColor;
            $configMenuItem->configure(-state => 'active');
        -width => 6)
        ->pack(-side => 'right');

# Same as hitting the saveButton
    $configWindow->bind("<Alt-Key-s>" => sub {
        $configMenuItem->configure(-state => 'active');
# Same as hitting the cancelButton
    $configWindow->bind("<Alt-Key-c>" => sub {
        $config{color_up} = $tempConfigUpColor;
        $config{color_down} = $tempConfigDownColor;
        $configMenuItem->configure(-state => 'active');

# Called at the beginning of the program.  If the
# config file doesn't exist, a default will be made
sub createConfig {
    $config{color_up} = "green";
    $config{color_down} = "red";
    $config{refresh} = "60000";

    open (CONFIG, ">status.cfg")
        || die "Cannot open file: status.cfg: $!\n";

    print CONFIG "<opt>\n";
    print CONFIG "  <config color_up=\"".$config{color_up}."\" />\n";
    print CONFIG "  <config color_down=\"".$config{color_down}."\" />\
    print CONFIG "  <config refresh=\"".$config{refresh}."\" />\n";
    print CONFIG "</opt>\n";

    close (CONFIG);

# An error window in case you hit Delete without selecting a server
sub deleteError {
    my $errorText = "\nYou must select a server to delete!\n";
    my $errorWindow = $mainWindow->Toplevel();

# Make a top and bottom frame, top for the picture and About info,
# bottom for the Done button
    my $topFrame = $errorWindow->Frame()
        ->pack(-side => 'top');
    my $bottomFrame = $errorWindow->Frame()
        ->pack(-side => 'bottom');
# And now make a frame for the About info inside the topFrame
    my $messageLabel = $topFrame->Label(
        -text => $errorText, 
        -justify => 'left')
        ->pack(-side => 'top');
# Put the doneButton in the bottomFrame
    my $closeButton = $bottomFrame->Button(
        -text => "Close", 
        -underline => 0, 
        -command => sub { 
        -width => 6)
        ->pack(-side => 'top');
    $errorWindow->bind("<Alt-Key-c>" => sub { 

# Delete the server(s) selected and update the list
sub deleteServer {
    my $deleted = 0;
    my $i = 0;
# Ugh, I hate having to do it this way, but whatever
    foreach my $serverName (sort(keys %servers)) {
# If the checkbox is selected...
        if ($serverDelete[$i]) {
# unselect the checkbox...
# grab the server name...
            my $serverToDelete = $serverList[$i]->get(0);
# delete the server and from the hash...
            delete $servers{$serverToDelete};
            delete $ports{$serverToDelete};
    if ($deleted == 0) {
# and update the server list and number of servers we have
    $serverCount = $serverCount - $deleted;

# Fills the list boxes with the server name and status (Up or Down)
sub drawServerList {
# Draw the list boxes for the server and status info, each set in 
# their own frame
    my $i = 0;
    foreach my $server (keys %servers) {
        $listFrame[$i] = $mainFrame->Frame()
            ->pack(-side => 'top');
        $serverList[$i] = $listFrame[$i]->Listbox(
            -background => 'white', 
            -height => 1, 
            -width => 34)
            ->pack(-side => 'left');
        $portList[$i] = $listFrame[$i]->Listbox(
            -background => 'white',
            -height => 1,
            -width => 6)
            ->pack(-side => 'left');
        $statusList[$i] = $listFrame[$i]->Listbox(
            -background => 'white', 
            -height => 1, 
            -width => '6')
            ->pack(-side => 'left');
        $deleteCheckbox[$i] = $listFrame[$i]->Checkbutton(
            -variable => \$serverDelete[$i])
            ->pack(-side => 'left');

    $i = 0;
    foreach my $server (sort(keys %servers)) {
# Put the server name in its list box
        $serverList[$i]->insert('end', $server);
        $portList[$i]->insert('end', $ports{$server});
# Open a socket connection to the specified port on each ip address
        my $s = IO::Socket::INET->new(
            PeerHost => $servers{$server},
            PeerPort => $ports{$server},
            Timeout => 2,
            Proto => 'tcp');

        if ($s) {
# If the socket is created, color the text the up color and the
# status is "Up"
            close ($s);
            $statusList[$i]->configure(-foreground => $config{color_up
            $statusList[$i]->insert('end', "Up");
        } else {
# If the socket is not created, color the text the down color and
# the status is "Down"
            $statusList[$i]->configure(-foreground => $config{color_do
            $statusList[$i]->insert('end', "Down");

# Update the main window after each server so the program doesn't 
# look like it has stalled

# Reads the config file for color/refresh info
sub readConfig {
    my %config;
    open (CONFIG, "status.cfg")
        || die "Cannot open file: status.cfg: $!\n";
    while (<CONFIG>) {
        $config{color_up} = $1 if (/<config color_up="(.*?)"/);
        $config{color_down} = $1 if (/<config color_down="(.*?)"/);
        $config{refresh} = $1 if (/<config refresh="(.*?)"/);
    close (CONFIG);
    return %config;

# Just runs the clearServerList and drawServerList subroutines
# (mainly for the $mainWindow->repeat(); before MainLoop; above)
sub updateServerList {

# Simply writes the changed configuration out to
# the configuration file
sub writeConfig {
    my ($configRefreshEntry) = @_;
    $config{refresh} = $configRefreshEntry->get * 1000;

    open (CONFIG, ">status.cfg")
        || die "Cannot open file: status.cfg: $!\n";

    print CONFIG "<opt>\n";
    print CONFIG "  <config color_up=\"".$config{color_up}."\" />\n";
    print CONFIG "  <config color_down=\"".$config{color_down}."\" />\
    print CONFIG "  <config refresh=\"".$config{refresh}."\" />\n";
    print CONFIG "</opt>\n";

    close (CONFIG);

# Write the server list to the .serverlist file
# Called when a server is added or deleted
sub writeServerList {
    open (SERVERLIST, ">.serverlist")
        || die "Cannot open file: .serverlist: $!\n";
    print SERVERLIST "<opt>\n";
    foreach my $key (sort(keys %servers)) {
        print SERVERLIST "  <server address=\"$servers{$key}\" name=\"
+$key\" port=\"$ports{$key}\" />\n";
    print SERVERLIST "</opt>\n";
    close (SERVERLIST);
# End subroutines
Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: Server Status Monitor
by grinder (Bishop) on Jun 27, 2002 at 21:12 UTC
    ICMP is not all that it's cracked up to be. There are a number of problems with it, especially when you use it over public networks.

    • It may be routed at a lower priority than other protocols, thus making latency appear worse than it really is.
    • Some system administrators insist on dropping it at the firewall.
    • Some routers may receive an ICMP ping request for a machine on its local net, and on the assumption that it can reach it, will reply itself, rather than sending the packet out on the wire of the localnet and waiting for the response. Call it lazy evaluation if you will. (Disclaimer: I have never observed this myself, but a tech whose word I have no reason to doubt told me that this can happen).

    This means that just because you receive a response doesn't mean that the machine is alive, and if you don't receive a packet, it doesn't mean that the machine is dead.

    In spite of that, things are not as bad as they seem. When you want to do this sort of thing, you are usually interested in your own LAN, an environment over which you theoretically have some control. So you should be able to determine whether you will encounter these scenarios.

    On the other hand, just because you do get a ping response back, doesn't mean that the service you are really interested in (e.g. http, smtp or ssh to name a few) is actually running. Apache might have eaten all your RAM, sendmail might have eaten all your disk, sshd might have run out of sockets...

    Therefore, to really test the health of a machine and the ability to reach it successfully (i.e. did a new firewall rule put it out of bounds?) the best way that I have found is to open up socket on the port the service is advertised on, and if successful, close it immediately. As an added benefit, if the open fails, you get a terse explanation of the problem in $!.

    I posted a snippet of code recently at Re: is there script to detect if remote machine is alive/reachable w/o using Net::Ping? that shows how this can be done.

    print@_{sort keys %_},$/if%_=split//,'= & *a?b:e\f/h^h!j+n,o@o;r$s-t%t#u'

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