#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use constant DEBUG => 0; # my $columns = 6; # my @data = qw( 10 13 25 30 10 15 1 4 25); my $columns = 50; my @data = (1..150); die "Not enough catagories for columns\n" if $columns > @data; our $mega_height = sum(\@data); my %key_h; my %add_h; my $best_r = get_best($columns, \%add_h, \%key_h, \@data); printit($best_r); exit; sub get_best { my ($columns, $add_r, $key_r, $data_r) = @_; my $max_stack = @$data_r - $columns + 1; my $max_height = $mega_height; my $fed_key = join("-", @$data_r, $columns); print "[", join(",", @$data_r),"]-",$columns,"\n" if DEBUG; my $best_r; foreach my $stack ( 1 .. $max_stack ) { my @arr; $arr[0] = [ @$data_r[0..$stack-1] ]; my $tmp_r; if ($columns == 2) { # We only have one more column to fill push(@arr, [ @$data_r[$stack..@$data_r-1] ]); } elsif (@$data_r - $stack == $columns - 1 ) { # One cat per column left map push(@arr, [ $_ ]), @$data_r[$stack..@$data_r-1]; } else { my $key = join("-", @$data_r[$stack..@$data_r-1], $columns - 1); # See if we've done this before if ( defined( $key_r->{$key} )) { $tmp_r = $key_r->{$key}; } else { $tmp_r = get_best( $columns - 1, $add_r, $key_r, [@$data_r[$stack..@$data_r-1]] ); } push ( @arr, @$tmp_r ); } my $cur_height = 0; foreach my $col_r (@arr ) { my $height; my $ckey = join(",",@$col_r); if ( defined( $add_r->{$ckey} )) { $height = $add_r->{$ckey}; } else { $height = sum($col_r); $add_r->{$ckey} = $height; } $cur_height = $height if $cur_height < $height; } printit(\@arr) if DEBUG; if ( $cur_height < $max_height or !defined($best_r)) { $best_r = \@arr; $max_height = $cur_height; } } $key_r->{$fed_key} = $best_r; return $best_r; } sub sum { my ($col_r) = @_; my $height = 0; foreach my $bit ( @$col_r ) { $height += $bit; } return $height; } sub printit { my ($arr_r) = @_; my $start = 1; my $max = 0; foreach my $col_r (@$arr_r) { print ", " unless $start; $start = 0 if ( $start ); my $height = sum($col_r); print "[ ", join(", ", @$col_r), " ]"; $max = $height if $height > $max; } print " => $max\n"; }