#Example: perl NetRestartService.pl -server SERVER1 service Weblogic -action RESTART use Getopt::Long; use MIME::Lite; use Win32::Lanman; GetOptions ('server:s', \$server, 'service:s', \$service, 'action:s', \$action); if ((@ARGV[0] eq "help") || (@ARGV[0] eq "?")){&syntax; exit 1;} if ($server eq ""){$server = $ENV{COMPUTERNAME};} if ($action ne ""){$action = "\U$action\E";} %commands = ('STOP' => 1,'START' => 1,'RESTART' => 1,'AUTOMATIC' => 1,'MANUAL' => 1,'DISABLED' => 1); if (($action ne "")&&($commands{$action} != 1)) { print "\n\nInvalid command - $action\n\n"; &syntax; exit 1; } %status = ( 1 => 'Stopped', 2 => 'Start Pending', 3 => 'Stop Pending', 4 => 'Running', 5 => 'Continue Pending', 6 => 'Pause Pending', 7 => 'Paused'); %start = (2 => 'Automatically', 3 => 'Manually', 4 => 'Disabled'); %startup = (AUTOMATIC => '2', MANUAL => '3', DISABLED => '4'); if(!Win32::Lanman::EnumServicesStatus("\\\\$server", "", &SERVICE_WIN32, &SERVICE_STATE_ALL, \@services)) { print "\n\nCannot read services information on $server\n\n"; &syntax; exit 1; } foreach (@services) { $state{${$_}{'name'}} = ${$_}{'state'}; if ("\U${$_}{'name'}\E" eq "\U$service\E") { $service = ${$_}{'name'}; $sn = 1; last; } elsif (${$_}{'display'} =~ /$service/i) { @mightbe = (@mightbe, "${$_}{'name'}"); } } if (($sn != 1)&&(@mightbe < 1)) { foreach (@services){print "${$_}{'name'} = ${$_}{'display'}\n";} print "\nUnable to locate $service service\n"; exit 1; } if (($sn == 1)&&($action eq "")) { if(!Win32::Lanman::QueryServiceConfig("\\\\$server", '', "$service", \%config)) { print "Can't query config of $service on $server " . Win32::Lanman::GetLastError() . "\n"; } print "$service ($config{'display'}) is $status{($state{$service})} and set to start ${start{$config{'start'}}}\n"; exit 1; } if (($sn == 1)&&($commands{$action} == 1)) { &$action; exit 1; } if ((@mightbe == 1)&&($action eq "")) { $service = $mightbe[0]; if(!Win32::Lanman::QueryServiceConfig("\\\\$server", '', "$service", \%config)) { print "Can't query config of $service on $server " . Win32::Lanman::GetLastError() . "\n"; } print "$service ($config{'display'}) is $status{($state{$service})} and set to start ${start{$config{'start'}}}\n"; exit 1; } if ((@mightbe == 1)&&($commands{$action} == 1)) { $service = $mightbe[0]; if(!Win32::Lanman::QueryServiceConfig("\\\\$server", '', "$service", \%config)) { print "Can't query config of $service on $server " . Win32::Lanman::GetLastError() . "\n"; } print "$service ($config{'display'}) is $status{($state{$service})} and set to start ${start{$config{'start'}}}\n"; if ("\U${start{$config{'start'}}}\E" eq $action) { print "Startup is already ${start{$config{'start'}}} - No change needed\n"; exit 1; } &$action; exit 1; } if (@mightbe > 1) { print "\n\n\n"; $mbcount = 1; foreach (@mightbe) { print "$mbcount - $mightbe[$mbcount-1] -"; foreach (@services) { if (${$_}{'name'} eq $mightbe[$mbcount-1]) { print " ${$_}{'display'} ($status{$state{${$_}{'name'}}})\n"; } } $mbcount++; } until (($trash > 0)&&($trash <= @mightbe)) { print "\n\nPlease select the service (Ctrl/C to abort)\n\n"; $trash = ; chomp $trash; } $trash = $trash -1; $service = $mightbe[$trash]; if(!Win32::Lanman::QueryServiceConfig("\\\\$server", '', "$service", \%config)) { print "Can't query config of $service on $server " . Win32::Lanman::GetLastError() . "\n"; } if ($action eq "") { print "$service ($config{'display'}) is $status{($state{$service})} and set to start ${start{$config{'start'}}}\n"; exit 1; } else { if ("\U${start{$config{'start'}}}\E" eq $action) { print "Startup is already ${start{$config{'start'}}} - No change needed\n"; exit 1; } &$action; exit 1; } } sub syntax { print "\n\nSYNTAX:\n\nperl sc.pl -server [servername] -service [servicename] -action [action]"; print "\n\n\nEXAMPLES:\n\nperl sc.pl -server server1 -service spooler -action restart"; print "\n\n\tStops the starts the Spooler service on Server1"; print "\n\nperl sc.pl -server server1 -service spooler "; print "\n\n\tDisplays the current status of the Spooler service on Server1"; print "\n\n\tPossible actions - stop, start, restart, automatic, manual, disabled\n\n"; } sub STOP { if ($state{$service} != 4) { if ($action eq "RESTART"){return();} print "\n\n$service currently state is $status{($state{$service})} - Cannot stop\n\n"; exit 0; } if(!Win32::Lanman::StopService("\\\\$server", '', "$service", \%H1)) { &cstate; print "\n\nError stopping $service service on $server\n\nCurrent state is $status{$state}\n"; exit 0; } sleep(2); &cstate; $count = 0; until (($state == 1)||($count == 20)) { sleep(1); &cstate; $count++; } if (($state != 1)&&($count == 20)) { print "\n\nError stopping $service service on $server\n\nCurrent state is $status{$state}\n"; exit 1; } print "$service service on $server is $status{$state}\n"; } sub START { if(!Win32::Lanman::StartService("\\\\$server", '', "$service")) { print "\n\nError starting $service service on $server\n\n"; exit 0; } sleep(2); &cstate; $count = 0; until (($state == 4)||($count == 20)) { sleep(1); &cstate; $count++; } if (($state != 4)&&($count == 20)) { print "\n\nError starting $service service on $server\n\nCurrent state is $status{$state}\n"; exit 1; } print "$service service on $server is $status{$state}\n"; } # SENDING EMAIL --------------------------- sub send_email () { my $msg; MIME::Lite->send('smtp', "", Timeout=>60); $msg = MIME::Lite->new( From =>'NetRestartService', To =>'Test@test.com', Cc =>'Test2@test2.com', Subject =>'Perl Script to restart reomote NT Service - NetRestartService.pl', Data =>'This email was generated after an error was detected, the NetRestartService.pl script was executed.', ); $msg->send; } # END SENDING EMAIL --------------------------- sub RESTART { &STOP; &START; } sub AUTOMATIC { &CHANGE; } sub MANUAL { &CHANGE; } sub DISABLED { &CHANGE; } sub CHANGE { print "Modifying startup parameter of $service on $server\n"; if (!Win32::Lanman::ChangeServiceConfig("$server", "" ,"$service", {start => "$startup{$action}"})) { print "Unable to update the $service service configuration on $server\n"; return; } if(!Win32::Lanman::QueryServiceConfig("\\\\$server", '', "$service", \%config)) { print "Can't query config of $service on $server " . Win32::Lanman::GetLastError() . "\n"; } print "$service is $status{($state{$service})} and set to start ${start{$config{'start'}}}\n"; exit 1; } sub cstate { if(!Win32::Lanman::EnumServicesStatus("\\\\$server", "", &SERVICE_WIN32, &SERVICE_STATE_ALL, \@services)) { print "\n\nCannot read services information on $server\n\n"; exit 0; } foreach (@services) { if (${$_}{'name'} eq $service) { $state = ${$_}{'state'}; } } }