in reply to Use Inverse Square Law
in thread Sorting by geographical proximity / clumping groups of items based on X and Y

I've played with it a little more - I made the luminosity taper off as 1/d instead of 1/4*pi*d**2. Also, I added a loop to remove visited nodes.

Even when I re-initialize the points array to 0, it still says to run off and fix one job before going to a job with three complaints. I think this has to do with a compliant coordinate that is really close to a grid point as oppsed to others that are not so close to a line. I'm testing it with a more granular grid. First thing I realized is a 1000 by 1000 grid takes a lot more time to compute. :P

After trying that experiment, I learned that it plucked off points one at a time... not what I was expecting.

I'm almost sure there's a better equation for calculating this... :)

Here's the code that provides an interesting result for the given test set:

my $service_radius=15; my $numpoints=8; my @complaints = ( { 'complaint_id' => 'a123', 'x' => '45.2', 'y' => '39.7' }, { 'complaint_id' => 'b456', 'x' => '46.5', 'y' => '41.2' }, { 'complaint_id' => 'c789', 'x' => '47.5', 'y' => '38.8' }, { 'complaint_id' => 'd863', 'x' => '95.3', 'y' => '17.2' }, { 'complaint_id' => 'e635', 'x' => '10.5', 'y' => '89.3' }, { 'complaint_id' => 'f635', 'x' => '12.5', 'y' => '1.3' }, { 'complaint_id' => 'g635', 'x' => '14.5', 'y' => '15.3' }, { 'complaint_id' => 'h635', 'x' => '4.5', 'y' => '20.3' }, ) ; while ($numpoints > 0) { my @highlight = (0.0,0.0); my $highvalue = 0.0; my @points; for ($i = 0.0; $i < 100.0; $i += 1.0) { for ($j = 0.0; $j < 100.0; $j+= 1.0) { $points[$i][$j] = 0 ; } } foreach $testpoint (@complaints) { next if not defined $testpoint; print "Plotting " . $testpoint->{'complaint_id'} . "\n"; for ($i = 0.0; $i < 100.0; $i += 1.0) { for ($j = 0.0; $j < 100.0; $j+= 1.0) { $dsqrd = ((($testpoint->{'x'} - $i)**2 + ($testpoint->{'y' +} - $j)**2)); $points[$i][$j] += $dsqrd ? (1 / sqrt ($dsqrd)) : 0 ; if ($points[$i][$j] > $highvalue) { @highlight = ($i,$j); $highvalue = $points[$i][$j]; } } } } print "$highlight[0], $highlight[1] has value $highvalue\n"; foreach $testpoint (@complaints) { next if not defined $testpoint; if (sqrt (($testpoint->{'x'} - $highlight[0])**2 + ($testpoint->{' +y'} - $highlight[1])**2) < $service_radius) { print "removing " . $testpoint->{'complaint_id'} . " coordinat +es $testpoint->{'x'} , $testpoint->{'y'}\n"; $testpoint = undef; $numpoints--; } } print "\n\n"; } #end while