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Re: Spell Checkers - Text::Ispell : What I Did

by George_Sherston (Vicar)
on Jul 25, 2002 at 23:43 UTC ( [id://185381]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Spell Checkers - Text::Ispell

Confident that I was now barking up the right tree I wrote a package of functions that integrates into the content management system. These let me get the text of a page from the d.b. where it lives, identifying it by its ID number, and then sends a list of questionable words to the browser window. Then, when the user's changes are submitted, it does the updating and saving. I found Lingua::Ispell very easy to work with; a Data::Dump of the info it returns shows how intuitive it all is - it gives me the info I need, and even gives it intelligible names. And Ispell itself seems pretty smart too. The below doesn't have much documentation yet, and is still clunky in places, but might be useful if somebody wants to see a real-world implementation.

package Client::Spell; require Exporter; @ISA = ("Exporter"); use strict; use lib '/home/httpd/lib'; use CGI qw/:standard :cgi-lib/; use Main; use Data::Dumper; use Lingua::Ispell qw( :all ); use Cooke::Shared; use dev; $Lingua::Ispell::path = '/usr/bin/ispell'; use_dictionary('/lib/Client/british.multi'); my %g = Vars; my $tagnames = '!--|A|ABBR|ACRONYM|ADDRESS|APPLET|AREA|B|BASE|BASEFONT +|BDO|BIG|BLOCKQUOTE|BODY|BR|BUTTON|CAPTION|CENTER|CITE|CODE|COL|COLGR +OUP|DD|DEL|DFN|DIR|DIV|DL|DT|EM|FIELDSET|FONT|FORM|FRAME|FRAMESET|H1| +H2|H3|H4|H5|H6|HEAD|HR|HTML|I|IFRAME|IMG|INPUT|INS|ISINDEX|KBD|LABEL| +LEGEND|LI|LINK|MAP|MENU|META|NOFRAMES|NOSCRIPT|OBJECT|OL|OPTGROUP|OPT +ION|P|PARAM|PRE|Q|S|SAMP|SCRIPT|SELECT|SMALL|SPAN|STRIKE|STRONG|STYLE +|SUB|SUP|TABLE|TBODY|TD|TEXTAREA|TFOOT|TH|THEAD|TITLE|TR|TT|U|UL|VAR' +; sub DoSubstitutions { my $Text = shift; my $Words = shift; my %Offsets; for (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %$Words) { my $Offset = 0; if (defined $Offsets{$Words->{$_}->{Key}}{$Words->{$_}->{Index +}}) { $Offset = $Offsets{$Words->{$_}->{Key}}{$Words->{$_}->{Ind +ex}}; } substr $Text->{$Words->{$_}->{Key}}->[$Words->{$_}->{Index}]->{Te +xt}, $Words->{$_}->{Offset} - 1 + $Offset, length($Words->{$_}->{Word}), $Words->{$_}->{Alt}; $Offset += (length($Words->{$_}->{Alt}) - length($Words->{$_}- +>{Word})); $Offsets{$Words->{$_}->{Key}}{$Words->{$_}->{Index}} = $Offset +; } for my $key (keys %$Text) { my @temp = @{$Text->{$key}}; $Text->{$key} = ''; for (@temp) { $Text->{$key} .= $_->{Tag}; $Text->{$key} .= $_->{Text}; } } return $Text; } sub PutResultsInDB { my $dbh = shift; my $ID = shift; my $Text = shift; my $ref = FetchStar($dbh,'test','ID',$ID); for (keys %$Text) { $ref->{$_} = $Text->{$_}; } ReplaceMultipleValues($dbh,'test',$ref); } sub RetrieveText { my $FileName = shift; open GET, "tempfiles/$FileName" or die; my $b; read GET, $b, -s(GET); my %Text = %{my $VAR1; eval($b)}; close GET; unlink "tempfiles/$FileName" or die; return \%Text; } sub SaveText { my $Text = shift; my $FileName = shift; while (1) { $FileName = int rand 1000000; last unless stat "tempfiles/$FileName"; } open SAVE, ">tempfiles/$FileName"; print SAVE Dumper $Text; return $FileName; } sub GetText { my $dbh = shift; my $ID = shift; my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT Header,ShortHeader,MainText,Specia +lText FROM test WHERE ID = ?"); $sth->execute($ID); my $Text = $sth->fetchrow_hashref; for (keys %$Text) { $Text->{$_} = NormaliseText($Text->{$_}); } return $Text; } sub NormaliseText { my $Text = shift || ''; $Text =~ s/\n/ /ig; $Text =~ s/\s{2,}/ /ig; my @Text; if ($Text !~ /<(:$tagnames)/i) { push @Text, { Tag => '', Text => $Text, }; } elsif ($Text =~ s/^([^><]+?)(<(:$tagnames))/$2/i) { push @Text, { Tag => '', Text => $1, }; } # while ($Text =~ s/\s*(<\/*)($tagnames)\b([^>]*?>)\s*(.*?)(<\/*)($ +tagnames)/$5$6/i) { while ($Text =~ s/(<\/*)($tagnames)\b([^>]*?>)(.*?)(<\/*)($tagname +s)/$5$6/i) { push @Text, { Tag => "$1$2$3", Text => $4, }; my $str = $Text; $str =~ s/</&lt;/g; } if ($Text =~ /(<\/*)($tagnames)\b([^>]*?>)(.*)$/i) { push @Text, { Tag => "$1$2$3", Text => $4, }; } return \@Text; } sub CheckAndSendResults { my $Text = shift; my $ID = shift; my $FileName = shift; my $offset = 20; print header, start_html( -style => { -src => 'style/management.css', }, -title => 'Content Management Pages', ), startform, hidden( -name => 'FileName', -value => $FileName, ), hidden( -name => 'ID', -value => $ID, ), h1('Spell Check'); my $sp = 0; my $c = 'FFFFFF'; for my $Key (keys %$Text) { my $Index = 0; for my $string (@{$Text->{$Key}}) { $string->{Text} =~ s/\s*\n+\s*/ /g; for my $r (spellcheck($string->{Text})) { PrintStartCheck() unless $sp; $sp ++; $c = $c eq 'CCCCFF' ? 'FFFFFF' : 'CCCCFF'; my $L = substr( $string->{Text}, $r->{offset} > $offset ? $r->{offset} - $offset : 0, $r->{offset} > $offset ? $offset - 1 : $r->{offset} - 1, ); $L =~ s/^\S+? (.* .*)/$1/; my $R = substr( $string->{Text}, $r->{offset} + length($r->{term}) - 1, length($string->{Text}) > $r->{offset} + length($r +->{term}) + $offset - 1 ? $offset : length($string->{Text}) - ($r->{offset} + leng +th($r->{term}) - 1) ); $R =~ s/(.* .*) \S+?$/$1/; my @Words = ($r->{term}); if (defined @{$r->{misses}}) { push @Words, @{$r->{misses}}; } if (defined @{$r->{guesses}}) { push @Words, @{$r->{guesses}}; } my $last = @Words; push @Words, 'other (enter word): '; print '<TR VALIGN="TOP">', '<TD WIDTH=200 BGCOLOR="#', $c, '" CLASS="L">', ($L ? '... ' : '') . "$L <B>$r->{'term'}</B> $R" . + ($R ? ' ...' : ''), '</TD><TD WIDTH=500 BGCOLOR="#', $c, '" CLASS="N">', hidden( -name => "Word_$sp", -value => $r->{term}, ), hidden( -name => "Key_$sp", -value => $Key, ), hidden( -name => "Index_$sp", -value => $Index, ), hidden( -name => "Offset_$sp", -value => $r->{offset}, ), radio_group( -name => "Alt_$sp", -values => \@Words, ), textfield( -name => "New_$sp", -size => 10, -onfocus => 'document.forms[0].Alt_' . $sp . ' +[' . $last . '].checked=1', ), '</TD></TR>'; } $Index ++; } } if ($sp) { PrintEndCheck(); } else { print h2('No mis-spelt words were found!'), p('<a href="">Click here to return to the main pag +e</a>'); } print endform, end_html; } sub ProcessAlternatives { my $g = shift; my $Text = shift; my %Words; for (keys %g) { if (/^(\w+)_(\d+)$/) { $Words{$2}{$1} = $g->{$_}; } } for (keys %Words) { if ($Words{$_}{Alt} eq $Words{$_}{Word}) { add_word($Words{$_}{Word}) or die "cd not add"; } else { if ($Words{$_}{Alt} eq 'other (enter word): ') { add_word($Words{$_}{New}) or die "cd not add"; $Words{$_}{Alt} = $Words{$_}{New}; } } } save_dictionary(); return \%Words; } sub PrintStartCheck { print <<END; <TABLE CELLPADDING=5 CELLSPACING=0 BORDER=0> <TR> <TD COLSPAN="2" CLASS="L"> <h2>Here are the results of the spell check:</h2> For each 'questionable' word, please select from the list +of alternatives the word you wish to use, then click on 'Submit Spell +ings'. </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD COLSPAN="2" WIDTH="700" ALIGN="RIGHT"> <INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" NAME="Action" VALUE="Submit Spellings +" CLASS="button"> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD WIDTH="200" CLASS="L"> <I>Questionable Word</I>, </TD> <TD WIDTH="500" CLASS="L"> <I>Alternatives</I> </TD> </TR> END } sub PrintEndCheck { print <<END; </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD COLSPAN="2" WIDTH="700" ALIGN="RIGHT"> <BR><BR> <INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" NAME="Action" VALUE="Submit Spellings +" CLASS="button"> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> END } no strict; @EXPORT = qw/ GetText SaveText CheckAndSendResults RetrieveText ProcessAlternatives DoSubstitutions PutResultsInDB /; 'jbr me fecit jul mmii';

update: changed Text::Ispell to Lingua::Ispell in narrative, thanks to Anonymonk comment below.

§ George Sherston

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Re: Re: Spell Checkers - Text::Ispell : What I Did
by Anonymous Monk on Aug 01, 2002 at 20:11 UTC
    I notice that you again refer to Text::Ispell in your narrative, even though you use Lingua::Ispell in the code.

    I hope people can remember to use only Lingua::Ispell rather than Text::Ispell, which is horribly obsolete.

    Btw - thanks for the kind words about Lingua::Ispell.

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