in reply to using 'keys' recursively on a hash of hashes

You may also want to think about misplaced commas and quotation marks. I have reformatted your hash to make it easier for me to read (sorry, I have single style dyslexia)

my %switch_hash =
 chrdex   => 
  DEX   => 
   '01-AUG-02'  => 1,
   '03-AUG-02'  => 3,#<-- Do you need this comma?
 uslcgb5e2sm => 
  Greensboro  => 
   '4-AUG-02'   => 1,
   '6-AUG-02'   => 2, #<-- Do you need this comma?
 uslecat25e1       => 
  'Atlanta II' =>  #<-- Do you need quotation marks here?
   '1-AUG-02'   => 1,
   '2-AUG-02'   => 3,
   '3-AUG-02'   => 1,
   '4-AUG-02'   => .25,  #<-- Do you need this comma?
 }, #<-- Do you need this comma?


Microwaving a Twinkie is a bad idea <T.W.I.N.K.I.E.S Project>