in reply to Re: Possible unpack modification (or module)
in thread Possible unpack modification (or module)

Or, assuming a less ambiguous template format:
sub funpack { my ($template, $source) = @_; my %hash = map { reverse split /:/, $_, 2 } split " ", $template; local $" = ' '; @hash{keys %hash} = unpack "@{[ values %hash ]}", $source; return \%hash; } my $data = funpack 'A20:name A1:sex A3:age A8:salary A12:sign', $foo;

(Field names may start with a digit with this data format. I also find it easier on the eye.)

Update: D'oh. Always test before posting.. Of course the above code doesn't preserve the order of fields, which is crucial.

sub funpack { my ($template, $source) = @_; my ($i, @field, @format) = 0; push @{ (\@format, \@field)[$i++ & 1] }, $_ for map /^([^:]+):(.*)/, split " ", $template; local $" = " "; return { map +(shift(@format) => $_), unpack "@format", $source }; } my $data = funpack 'A20:name A1:sex A3:age A8:salary A12:sign', $foo;

Makeshifts last the longest.