#!/usr/bin/perl our %greatest = ( person => "God", devotion => "so loved", number => "the world", act => "He gave", gift => "His only begotten Son", condition => "that whosoever believeth in Him", mercy => "should not perish", result => "have everlasting life", verse => "John 3:16" );

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: The Greatest Verse
by diotalevi (Canon) on Nov 15, 2002 at 13:59 UTC

    It sure comes out funny in @greatest(qw(result verse gift devotion act number person mercy condition)) order. ;-)

    Update: Goodness! Someone sure can't take a joke. The original post was in a hash which is going to ensure (sans trickery) that it comes out differently. That just happens to be the order that actually loading it into a hash uses. I was just joking on the fact that Mr. Muskrat's original code has much less order than he probably wants. Substitute that hash for an array and it actually makes sense when lookedat. Sheesh!

    __SIG__ use B; printf "You are here %08x\n", unpack "L!", unpack "P4", pack "L!", B::svref_2object(sub{})->OUTSIDE;
Re: The Greatest Verse
by Mr. Muskrat (Canon) on Nov 15, 2002 at 17:22 UTC

    It is not meant to be run since it doesn't output anything. However, it does run even with use strict;

    If you remove the our it reads something like this:

    The greatest person -- God The greatest devotion -- so loved The greatest number -- the world The greatest act -- He gave The greatest gift -- His only begotten Son The greatest condition -- that whosoever believeth in Him The greatest mercy -- should not perish The greatest result -- have everlasting life The greatest verse -- John 3:16

    It's an adaptation of a meditation that I found in my Bible last night. It just made sense to stuff that into a hash to somewhat preserve the original ("unknown") author's work (which had the text of the verse on the left instead of on the right of the dashes).