#!/usr/local/bin/perl use CGI qw(:all); my @array = ("Synergy", "Strategic fit", "Core competencies", "Out of the box", "Bottom line", "Revisit", "Take that off line", "24/7", "Out of the loop", "Benchmark", "Value-added", "Proactive", "Win-win", "Think out side the box", "Fast track", "Result driven", "Empower (ment)", "Knowledge base", "At the end of the day", "Touch base", "Mindset", "Client focus (ed)", "Ballpark", "Game plan", "Leverage", "Top down", "User friendly", "On time", "Within budget", "Forecast", "Optimistic"); print header, start_html; print table({ border => 2, cellspacing => 0, cellpadding => 10 }, map { Tr( map { td( { align => 'center' }, splice @array, rand scalar @array, 1 ) } 1..5 ) } 1..5 ); print end_html;