A little idea has just popped into my head - quite possibly a foolish one since it's late and I'm just about to go to bed...

  1. Add the node number (prefixed by "node") as the CSS class for all anchors generated by [id://NNNN].
  2. Add a <div></div> with a class of the current pages node number (again prefixed by "node") around each page.

This would enable some neat tricks with user-CSS. Some examples:

  1. Feeling narcissistic? Set all the links to your home node to bold, red, 20pt text and never miss a link to your home node again...
  2. Interested in what a particular monk has to say on a subject? Add a border around links to their home node on the Newest Nodes page.
  3. Don't want to see the Most Recently Added Questions section of the Q&A page? Just stop it being displayed based on the pages node number.

Sane - or should I have got some sleep before hitting submit?