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BCD Clock built using only binary logic.

by jryan (Vicar)
on Dec 30, 2002 at 22:14 UTC ( [id://223195]=CUFP: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

Early yesterday, there was a mention of Thinkgeek's BCD Clock in the chatterbox. Later in the day, another friend mentioned it to me. Given 2 occurances in the same day, I figured fate *had* to be telling me something, and so here we are. :)

Anyways, this code is a direct simulation of the electrical schmatic needed to build such a clock, with a few lines of "pure perl" used to initialize it to the correct time. You may want to adjust the last 3 lines so that the output looks best on your console.

A gold star to anyone who can draw up a correct state-diagram or schematic based on this code.

Update: If the output looks garbled on your console, change lines 115 and 174 to the versions that are commented out below them.

Update 2: Added output flush thanks to broquaint, which should improve output on some systems.

#!/usr/bin/perl # Binary Logic? use strict; use warnings 'all'; ++$|; ################################ # Combinational Blocks sub inv($) { 0+(!$_[0]) } sub nand($$) { inv ($_[0] && $_[1]) } sub mux_2x1 { my $select = shift; ($select && $_[0]) || (inv $select && $_[1]) } ################################ # Counter Functions # BCD - 0-9 my $r_a = sub { ( $_[0] && inv $_[2] && inv $_[3] ) || ( $_[1] && $_[2] && $_[3] ) }; my $r_b = sub { ( $_[1] && inv $_[2] ) || ( $_[1] && $_[2] && inv $_[3] ) || ( inv $_[1] && $_[2] && $_[3] ) }; my $r_c = sub { ( $_[2] && inv $_[3] ) || ( inv $_[0] && inv $_[2] && $_[3] ) }; # 0-5 my $l_b = sub { ( inv $_[0] && $_[2] && $_[3] ) || ( $_[1] && inv $_[2] && inv $_[3] ) }; my $l_c = sub { ( $_[2] && inv $_[3] ) || ( inv $_[1] && inv $_[2] && $_[3] ) }; # 0-12 my $h_a = sub { ( $_[0] && inv $_[2] ) || ( $_[0] && inv $_[3] ) || ( $_[1] && $_[2] && $_[3] ) }; my $h_b = sub { ( $_[1] && inv $_[2] ) || ( $_[1] && $_[2] && inv $_[3] ) || ( inv $_[0] && inv $_[1] && $_[2] && $_[3] ) }; my $h_c = sub { $_[2] xor $_[3] }; # Flip my $d = sub { inv $_[3] }; ################################ # clock functions my $on_next = sub { inv $_[0] && $_[1] }; my $ground = sub { 0 }; my $voltage = sub { 1 }; ################################ # Sequential Blocks sub mk_sr_latch() { my $s = 0; return sub { my $clock_state = shift; $s = inv (nand nand($clock_state, $_[1]), nand(nand($clock_state, $_[0]), inv $s)); $s # We don't use R. } } sub mk_d_flipflop() { my $sr = mk_sr_latch; return sub { $sr->($voltage->(), $_[0], inv $_[0]); # We don't use Q' either. } } sub mk_counter(@) { my $clock = shift; my ($f1,$f2,$f3,$f4) = splice @_,0,4; my ($a,$b,$c,$d) = splice @_,0,4; my @dff = (mk_d_flipflop)x4; return sub { my $clock_state = $clock->(@_); my ($ta,$tb,$tc,$td) = ($a,$b,$c,$d); $a = mux_2x1($clock_state, $dff[0]->(0+$f1->($ta,$tb,$tc,$td)) +, $a); $b = mux_2x1($clock_state, $dff[1]->(0+$f2->($ta,$tb,$tc,$td)) +, $b); $c = mux_2x1($clock_state, $dff[2]->(0+$f3->($ta,$tb,$tc,$td)) +, $c); $d = mux_2x1($clock_state, $dff[3]->(0+$f4->($ta,$tb,$tc,$td)) +, $d); return ($a,$b,$c,$d); } } sub mk_output_reg() { my $space_count = mk_counter $voltage, $ground, $ground, $h_c, $d; my ($c1,$c2,$c3,$c4); my ($dff_3,$dff_4)=(mk_d_flipflop)x2; return sub { print chr mux_2x1($_[0],4,45); # If output is garbled, change to: # print chr mux_2x1($_[0],120,45); print mux_2x1($c3 && $c4," ",""); ($c1,$c2,$c3,$c4) = $space_count->(); $c3 = $dff_3->($c3); $c4 = $dff_4->($c4); } } ################################ # Use "pure perl" to intitialize # counters my (@i_sec1,@i_sec2,@i_min1,@i_min2,@i_hour,@i_ampm); my @sec = ((split//,sprintf("%04b",substr(sprintf("%02d",(localtime)[0 +]),0,1))), (split//,sprintf("%04b",substr(sprintf("%02d",(localtime)[0 +]),1,1)))); my @min = ((split//,sprintf("%04b",substr(sprintf("%02d",(localtime)[1 +]),0,1))), (split//,sprintf("%04b",substr(sprintf("%02d",(localtime)[1 +]),1,1)))); my @hr = split//,sprintf("%08b",(localtime)[2]-12) if (localtime)[2 +] > 11; @hr = split//,sprintf("%08b",(localtime)[2]) if (localtime)[2 +] < 12; @i_sec1 = @sec[4..7]; @i_sec2 = @sec[0..3]; @i_min1 = @min[4..7]; @i_min2 = @min[0..3]; @i_hour = @hr [4..7]; @i_ampm = (0,0,0,0+((localtime)[2]>11)); ################################ # Create our blocks my $sec1 = mk_counter $voltage, $r_a, $r_b, $r_c, $d, @i_sec1 +; my $sec2 = mk_counter $on_next, $ground, $l_b, $l_c, $d, @i_sec2 +; my $min1 = mk_counter $on_next, $r_a, $r_b, $r_c, $d, @i_min1 +; my $min2 = mk_counter $on_next, $ground, $l_b, $l_c, $d, @i_min2 +; my $hour = mk_counter $on_next, $h_a, $h_b, $h_c, $d, @i_hour +; my $ampm = mk_counter $on_next, $ground, $ground, $ground, $d, @i_ampm +; my ($ls1,$ls2,$lm1,$lm2,$lh1); my ($dff_s1,$dff_s2,$dff_m1,$dff_m2,$dff_h1) = (mk_d_flipflop)x5; my $output_reg = mk_output_reg; ################################ # Turn on while (1) { my ($s_b3,$s_b2,$s_b1,$s_b0) = $sec1->(); my ($s_b7,$s_b6,$s_b5,$s_b4) = $sec2->($s_b3,$ls1); my ($m_b3,$m_b2,$m_b1,$m_b0) = $min1->($s_b6,$ls2); my ($m_b7,$m_b6,$m_b5,$m_b4) = $min2->($m_b3,$lm1); my ($h_b3,$h_b2,$h_b1,$h_b0) = $hour->($m_b6,$lm2); my $am = $ampm->($h_b3,$lh1); print chr mux_2x1($am,17,16); # If output is garbled, change to: # print mux_2x1($am,'p','a'); print " "; # Cross wires and output # Abstracted with a loop to save 25 # lines of identical code foreach ($h_b3,$h_b2,$h_b1,$h_b0, $m_b7,$m_b6,$m_b5,$m_b4, $m_b3,$m_b2,$m_b1,$m_b0, $s_b7,$s_b6,$s_b5,$s_b4, $s_b3,$s_b2,$s_b1,$s_b0) { $output_reg->($_); } $ls1 = $dff_s1->($s_b3); $ls2 = $dff_s2->($s_b6); $lm1 = $dff_m1->($m_b3); $lm2 = $dff_m2->($m_b6); $lh1 = $dff_h1->($h_b3); sleep 1; # Separate output however you'd like. # print "\n"; # $^O !~ /win/i && system('clear'); $^O =~ /win/i && system('cls'); }

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Re: BCD Clock TK
by Three (Pilgrim) on Dec 31, 2002 at 16:43 UTC
    Heay I made a quick tk version of the bcd clock if anyone wants it here it is.
    It's sort of crappy and the idea was completely inspired by the great saint who started this.
    PS. I know the logic is ugly as sin but didn't have time to be clever and make better.
    #Emulate think geek binary clock in perl tk use strict; use warnings; #Get package in PPM by install Tk use English; require TK; use Tk; #Varables my %rb; #Holds the radio buttons controller varables #Setup the screen my $main=MainWindow->new(); $main->MoveToplevelWindow(1,1); $main->title("Binary Clock"); #Split screen up for hours minutes and seconds my $lefttmp = $main->Frame()->pack(-side=>'left'); my $seconds = $main->Frame()->pack(-side=>'right'); my $hours = $lefttmp->Frame()->pack(-side=>'left'); my $minutes = $lefttmp->Frame()->pack(-side=>'right'); #Hours my $h1 = $hours->Frame()->pack(-side=>'left'); my $h2 = $hours->Frame()->pack(-side=>'right'); my $h18 = $h1->Radiobutton(-value=>1,-variable=>\$rb{'h18'})->pack(); my $h14 = $h1->Radiobutton(-value=>1,-variable=>\$rb{'h14'})->pack(); my $h12 = $h1->Radiobutton(-value=>1,-variable=>\$rb{'h12'})->pack(); my $h11 = $h1->Radiobutton(-value=>1,-variable=>\$rb{'h11'})->pack(); my $h28 = $h2->Radiobutton(-value=>1,-variable=>\$rb{'h28'})->pack(); my $h24 = $h2->Radiobutton(-value=>1,-variable=>\$rb{'h24'})->pack(); my $h22 = $h2->Radiobutton(-value=>1,-variable=>\$rb{'h22'})->pack(); my $h21 = $h2->Radiobutton(-value=>1,-variable=>\$rb{'h21'})->pack(); #Minutes my $m1 = $minutes->Frame()->pack(-side=>'left'); my $m2 = $minutes->Frame()->pack(-side=>'right'); my $m18 = $m1->Radiobutton(-value=>1,-variable=>\$rb{'m18'})->pack(); my $m14 = $m1->Radiobutton(-value=>1,-variable=>\$rb{'m14'})->pack(); my $m12 = $m1->Radiobutton(-value=>1,-variable=>\$rb{'m12'})->pack(); my $m11 = $m1->Radiobutton(-value=>1,-variable=>\$rb{'m11'})->pack(); my $m28 = $m2->Radiobutton(-value=>1,-variable=>\$rb{'m28'})->pack(); my $m24 = $m2->Radiobutton(-value=>1,-variable=>\$rb{'m24'})->pack(); my $m22 = $m2->Radiobutton(-value=>1,-variable=>\$rb{'m22'})->pack(); my $m21 = $m2->Radiobutton(-value=>1,-variable=>\$rb{'m21'})->pack(); #Seconds my $s1 = $seconds->Frame()->pack(-side=>'left'); my $s2 = $seconds->Frame()->pack(-side=>'right'); my $s18 = $s1->Radiobutton(-value=>1,-variable=>\$rb{'s18'})->pack(); my $s14 = $s1->Radiobutton(-value=>1,-variable=>\$rb{'s14'})->pack(); my $s12 = $s1->Radiobutton(-value=>1,-variable=>\$rb{'s12'})->pack(); my $s11 = $s1->Radiobutton(-value=>1,-variable=>\$rb{'s11'})->pack(); my $s28 = $s2->Radiobutton(-value=>1,-variable=>\$rb{'s28'})->pack(); my $s24 = $s2->Radiobutton(-value=>1,-variable=>\$rb{'s24'})->pack(); my $s22 = $s2->Radiobutton(-value=>1,-variable=>\$rb{'s22'})->pack(); my $s21 = $s2->Radiobutton(-value=>1,-variable=>\$rb{'s21'})->pack(); #Setup screen update launcher my $status_timer = Tk::After->new($main,'1000','repeat',\&process_loop +); #Loop for visuals MainLoop(); sub process_loop { #Main loop of program #Varables my @lt = localtime; #Get local time #Handle single 0 problem if(length($lt[2]) == 1) { $lt[2] = '0' . $lt[2]; } if(length($lt[1]) == 1) { $lt[1] = '0' . $lt[1]; } if(length($lt[0]) == 1) { $lt[0] = '0' . $lt[0]; } #Set the radio buttons set_bin(substr($lt[2],0,1),'h1'); set_bin(substr($lt[2],1,1),'h2'); set_bin(substr($lt[1],0,1),'m1'); set_bin(substr($lt[1],1,1),'m2'); set_bin(substr($lt[0],0,1),'s1'); set_bin(substr($lt[0],1,1),'s2'); } sub set_bin { #Ugly cludge to set the radio buttons my ($value, $varset) = @_; #Check 8 if($value >= 8) { $rb{$varset . '8'} = 1; $value -= 8; } else { $rb{$varset . '8'} = 0; } #Check 4 if($value >= 4) { $rb{$varset . '4'} = 1; $value -= 4; } else { $rb{$varset . '4'} = 0; } #Check 2 if($value >= 2) { $rb{$varset . '2'} = 1; $value -= 2; } else { $rb{$varset . '2'} = 0; } #Check 1 if($value >= 1) { $rb{$varset . '1'} = 1; $value -= 1; } else { $rb{$varset . '1'} = 0; } }
      Works nice. I had to drop the require TK; line though. ;-)
Re: BCD Clock built using only binary logic.
by zentara (Archbishop) on Dec 31, 2002 at 15:47 UTC
    Looks like a cool idea. I get errors running your code.
    Global symbol "@hr" requires explicit package name at ./binary-clock line 141.
    Take out "use strict", then:
    Use of uninitialized value in addition (+) at ./binary-clock line 100.
    Use of uninitialized value in addition (+) at ./binary-clock line 101.
      Woops, how embarassing. I posted a quick fix last night (the time wasn't getting set correctly), and when I pasted in my fix, it looks like I didn't copy all of the lines I meant to :-/. It should work now, try it out.

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