in reply to Interlaced duplicate file finder

That seems like an overly complex version of:
use File::Find; use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex); my %same_sized; find sub { return unless -f and my $size = -s _; push @{$same_sized{$size}}, $File::Find::name; }, @ARGV; for (values %same_sized) { next unless (@ARGV = @$_) > 1; local $/; my %md5; while (<>) { push @{$md5{md5_hex($_)}}, $ARGV; } for (values %md5) { next unless (my @same = @$_) > 1; print join(" ", sort @same), "\n"; } }
Or am I missing something?

-- Randal L. Schwartz, Perl hacker
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