in reply to Generating a Pattern

Here's mine:
#!/usr/local/bin/perl @a=split(//,"1"); #easier to make test strings this way. :) for (1..10) { print "@a\n"; @b=(); $a=join("",@a); while ( $a =~ /((.)\2*/cg ) { push (@b, (length $1, $2)); } @a=@b }
500 iterations of this took 1.15 seconds. 10 iterations running 1..35 took 18.73 seconds. For reference, I'm running this on an Ultrasparc-5.

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RE: RE: Generating a Pattern
by japhy (Canon) on Jul 27, 2000 at 22:44 UTC
    That is more or less identical to my regex solution. Very nice, though.
