Category: Debugging
Author/Contact Info Alan Ferrency
Description: generates a subroutine call graph in .dot format for the specified perl files. Command line options can be used to include and exclude certain graph edges, and to define a "special" set of subroutines you're specifically interested in. Use AT&T's GraphViz package to turn the .dot file into a .gif or .ps.

I'd like to complete this enough to contribute it to CPAN, but I figured I'd run it past my fellow Monks first, for commentary.

Update: This code can also be found on my open source site if you prefer .tgz format to trying to cut and paste this stuff out of Perl Monks.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

=head1 NAME - perl subroutine call graph generator

=head1 SYNOPSIS <options> my_perl_files -help

=head1 VERSION 0.2

July, 2000 by Alan Ferrency (

=head1 DESCRIPTION Analyzes a list of (perl) files specified on the command
line using B::Xref, and outputs a .dot format calling graph, with
nodes corresponding to perl subs, and edges corresponding to
subroutine calls from one subroutine to another.  The .dot file
format is used by AT&T's free GraphViz software to draw the specified
graph.  dot, part of GraphViz, can be used to create .ps or .gif
format representations of the calling graph.


use strict;

# Make some options.  Too bad this is as long as the rest of the code.
use Getopt::Simple qw($switch);
my $options = {
    'help|h|?' => {
        'type' => '',
        'env' => '',
        'default' => '',
        'order' => 1,
        'verbose' => 'This message'
    'output_file' => {
        'type' => '=s',
        'default' => '-',
        'verbose' => 'Output filename',
        'order' => 2,
        'env' => ''
    'header_file' => {
        'type' => ':s',
        'env' => '',
        'default' => 'graph.head',
        'order' => 2,
        'verbose' => 'File to prepend to .dot output'
    'skips_file' => {
        'type' => ':s',
        'env' => '',
        'default' => 'graph.skips',
        'order' => 2,
        'verbose' => "File with a list of files we shouldn't parse"
        },   'skip_nonperl_files' => {
        'type' => '!',
        'env' => '',
        'default' => 1,
        'order' => 6,
        'verbose' => "Skip files whose first line doesn't m|^\#\!.*/pe
    'graph_name' => {
        'type' => '=s',
        'env' => '',
        'default' => 'mygraph',
        'order' => 3,
        'verbose' => 'name of dot graph'
    'special_nodes_fn' => {
        'type' => '=s',
        'env' => '',
        'default' => 'graph.special',
        'order' => 4,
        'verbose' => 'file containing a list of "special" nodes (subro
    'special_node_attr' => {
        'type' => '=s',
        'env' => '',
        'default' => '[color=grey,style=filled]',
        'order' => 5,
        'verbose' => 'dot attributes to use on every "special" node'
    'perl' => {
        'type' => '=s',
        'env' => 'PERL',
        'default' => '/usr/bin/perl',
        'order' => 3,
        'verbose' => 'where does perl live?  (used as $PERL -B::Xref <
    'verbose' => {
        'type' => '+',
        'env' => '',
        'default' => 0,
        'order' => 3,
        'verbose' => 'Talk a lot, but say very little.'
    'special_edges_only' => {
        'type' => '!',
        'env' => '',
        'default' => 0,
        'order' => 7,
        'verbose' => "Display only edges to and from nodes in the spec
+ial node list.\n\tThis takes priority over from_special_no
ds_only and to_special_nodes_only."
    'from_special_nodes_only' => {
        'type' => '!',
        'env' => '',
        'default' => 0,
        'order' => 8,
        'verbose' => 'Display only edges from a node in the special no
+de list'
    'to_special_nodes_only' => {
        'type' => '!',
        'env' => '',
        'default' => 0,
        'order' => 9,
        'verbose' => 'Display only edges to a node in the special node
+ list'
    },    'no_internal_edges' => {
        'type' => '!',
        'env' => '',
        'default' => 0,
        'order' => 10,
        'verbose' => 'Use this to suppress drawing of edges between tw
+o special nodes\n\t(edges internal to the special node sub
    'special_subgraph' => {
        'type' => '!',
        'env' => '',
        'default' => 0,
        'order' => 7,
        'verbose' => "Build special nodes into a subgraph, with option
+al attributes as specified"
    'subgraph_attributes' => {
        'type' => '=s',
        'env' => '',
        'default' => 0,
        'order' => 7,
        'verbose' => "Attribute codes for special subgraph"


my $o = new Getopt::Simple;
exit (-1) if (! $o->getOptions($options, "Usage: $0 [options]"));

# Everything else is a list of perl files to parse.

my @files = @ARGV;

# If we are told, skip all nonperl files

if ($switch->{'skip_nonperl_files'}) {
    @files = grep {
        # implicitly and silently skip files we can't open.
        open F, "$_" and <F> =~ m|^\#\!.*/perl|;
    } @files;

# Implicitly skip tilde and hash files

@files = grep {!/~$|^#.*#$/} @files;

# read in a list of files to skip, and skip them.

if (-f $switch->{'skips_file'}) {
    my %skip;
    open F, "$switch->{'skips_file'}" or die "Can't open $switch->{'sk
+ips_file'} for reading";
    while (<F>) {
        foreach (split /\s+/) {
    @files = grep { !$skip{$_} } @files;

print "I will analyze the following files:\n". join ("\n", @files) if 

# Read in "special" nodes list

my %want;
if (-f $switch->{'special_nodes_fn'}) {
    open F, "$switch->{'special_nodes_fn'}" or die "Can't open $switch
+->{'special_nodes_fn'} for reading";
    while (<F>) {
        foreach (split /\s+/) {

# Next, analyze Xref output for each file specified.

my $cur_sub;  # name of the sub we're currently "in"
# HoH, where exists($edges{A}->{B}) means we have an edge from A to B
my %edges;

# Build a HoH with edge counts.
for my $f (@files) {
    # Xref will print "syntax OK" or errors to STDERR; we don't mind.
    open X, "$switch->{'perl'} -MO=Xref $f|";
    while (<X>) {
        print "--Xref: $_\n" if $switch->{'verbose'} > 2;
        if (/Subroutine \(?([^()]*)/) {
            $cur_sub = $1;
            $cur_sub = "${f}_MAIN" if $cur_sub eq "main";
            $cur_sub =~ tr/.:/__/; # dot doesn't like punctuation.
        } elsif (/^\s*\&(\w\S+)\s*/) {
            next if $cur_sub eq "definitions"; # seemed like a good id
+ea at the time
            my $s = $1;
            $s =~ s/:/_/g;

# Output a .dot file

open DOT, ">$switch->{'output_file'}"
    or die "Can't open $switch->{'output_file'} for writing";

# First, start the graph
print DOT "digraph $switch->{'graph_name'} {\n";

# If we have a header file, stick it in
if (-f $switch->{'header_file'}) {
    open HEAD, "$switch->{'header_file'}"
        or die "Can't open $switch->{'header_file'} for read";
    while (<HEAD>) { print DOT; }
    close HEAD;

# Next, give Wanted Nodes special treatment.  As a side effect, these
# nodes will always show up on the graph even if no edges touch them.

map { print DOT "$_$switch->{'special_node_attr'};\n" } keys %want;

# Build a special subgraph if we request it
if ($switch->{'special_subgraph'}) {
    print DOT "{$switch->{'subgraph_attributes'};";
    map { print DOT " $_" } keys %want;
    print DOT "}\n";
# set up some temporary variables for brevity and speed

# we want all the edges unless specified otherwise

my $want_all = !$switch->{'special_edges_only'} &&
    !$switch->{'from_special_nodes_only'} &&

my $want_from = $switch->{'special_edges_only'} ||

my $want_to = $switch->{'special_edges_only'} ||

my $want_int = !$switch->{'no_internal_edges'};

if ($switch->{'verbose'}) {
    print "I am" . (!$want_all && " not") ." printing all edges\n";
    print "I am" . (!$want_to && " not") ." printing edges to special 
    print "I am" . (!$want_from && " not") ." printing edges from spec
+ial nodes.\n";
    print "I am" . (!$want_int && " not") ." printing edges between sp
+ecial nodes.\n";

for my $n1 (sort keys %edges) {
    foreach my $n2 (sort keys %{$edges{$n1}}) {
        print DOT "   $n1 -> $n2;\n" if
            $want_all ||
                ($want{$n1} && $want_from && ($want_int || !$want{$n2}
+)) ||
                        ($want{$n2} && $want_to && ($want_int || !$wan
        # Announce large edge counts if we're talking too much
        if ((my $n = $edges{$n1}->{$n2}) > 1) {
            print "There are $n edges between $n1 and $n2\n" if $switc
+h->{'verbose'} > 1;

print DOT "}";
close DOT;