use strict; use warnings; use Data::Dumper; my @array1 = qw(l a r g e s t c o m m o n s e q u e n c i a l s u b s e t ); my @array2 = qw(w h a t i s t h e l a r g e s t s e q u e n c i a l ); my @array3 = qw(w h a t l a r g s e q c o m m o n ); my @array4 = qw(w h a t l a r g s e q c o m m o n s e q u e n c i a l ); my @array5 = qw( a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z ); my @array6 = qw( a b c X f g h X l m n X j k a b c d ); print Dumper LCCOS(\@array1,\@array2); print Dumper LCCOS(\@array2,\@array3); print Dumper LCCOS(\@array3,\@array1); print Dumper LCCOS(\@array1,\@array1); print Dumper LCCOS(\@array2,\@array4); print Dumper LCCOS(\@array5,\@array6); #### #################################### sub LCCOS { #################################### my ($array1,$array2) = @_; my $current_largest = []; my $current_size; if ( @$array1 > @$array2 ) { ($array1,$array2) = ($array2,$array1) }; my $count = 0; my %elements_in_longer; #create an HoA holding the locations of all elements #in the larger array so we only start at those places push @{$elements_in_longer{$_}}, $count++ for @$array1; for my $pos_in_small ( 0 .. $#array2 ) { my $current_letter = $array2->[$pos_in_small]; for my $possible_start(@{$elements_in_longer{$current_letter}}) { my $curr_pos_in_small = $pos_in_small; my $curr_pos_in_large = $possible_start; my @curr_matching_sequence; while ( defined $array1->[$curr_pos_in_large] and defined $array2->[$curr_pos_in_small] ) { if ($array1->[$curr_pos_in_large] eq $array2->[$curr_pos_in_small]) { push @curr_matching_sequence, $array2->[$curr_pos_in_small]; $curr_pos_in_large++; $curr_pos_in_small++; } else { last; } } if ( @curr_matching_sequence > @{$current_largest} ) { $current_largest = \@curr_matching_sequence; $current_size = @curr_matching_sequence; } } #if the $current_size is longer that what is left to #check in the smaller array, then we are done. last if $current_size > $#array2 - $pos_in_small; } return $current_largest; } ##LCCOS