for (1 .. 100) { # Do something with $_, which will start with the value 1, # increasing by one for every loop and stopping with the value 100. } #### for ('a' .. 'z') { # $_ will start with the value 'a', then 'b' all the way up to 'z' } for ('aa' .. 'bb') { # $_ will start with the value 'aa', then 'ab', then 'ac' up to # 'az', then 'ba' and finally 'bb' } #### while(<>) { print if 1 .. 5; #Print lines 1 trough 5 including. } #### while() { my $body = /^$/ .. eof; #First blank line in email is start of body my $header = 1 .. /^$/; print "looking at line ",int$body," in the body\n" if $body; print "looking at line ",int$header," in the header\n" if $header; } #### while(<>) { my $line = /\S/ ... /^$/; print "$line:$_" if $line && $line!~/E0$/; }