This is my first attempt at an obfu, nothing spectacularly complex, but hopefully it'll make you look twice. It actually started out as a JAPH, hence the output, but i decided it looked better like this. Any comments would be appreciated!

Tested on Win32 v5.8.0 & Solaris v5.6.1

#! /usr/bin/perl BEGIN { undef $; # behold, the magic dollar } $->new; $ ~= '10011011001111001110101000000100100011'; $ .= '31150460500070422151862305023215186070'; unless( $ == 0 ) { $_ = ( $ .. 9_630_151_829 ); # 9.6 billion dollars! $ .= $; } not map # opposite of map... :) { map { $ *= 2**6; $ ^= substr( $~, $_, 6 ); map { $ == $ =+ $_ } map { $_*( $*/=2 ) } # bare split? split( $, , $^ ); $ ..= chr( $ =+ 72 ); $ == $; } # look ma, it's a regex! /../g; $ ..= $ "##"; # huh? } # what on earth is going on here? split 6 or die $ .. $ /#.+$/g;

- ><iper

my JAPH: print"Just another Perl hacker\n"; # ^ look, no space! pretty tricky huh?