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use PerlMonksFacts;

by Aristotle (Chancellor)
on Sep 30, 2003 at 23:49 UTC ( [id://295475]=sourcecode: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??
Category: PerlMonks Related Scripts
Author/Contact Info /msg Aristotle


PerlMonksFacts - codified knowledge about the automation interfaces of


 use PerlMonksFacts;
 use URI;
 my $uri = URI->new(pm_url);
 $uri->query_form(pm_ticker xp => 'Aristotle');
 print $uri->as_string, "\n";


This module abstracts working with the automation interfaces. The main purpose is to put ticker URL generation in a blackbox. As such, the main point of the module is the pm_ticker function.

Since this module is intended to be as abstract as possible, the pm_ticker and pm_url functions return raw key/value pairs. Their actual use is up to you; see the SYNOPSIS for an example of building a URI suitable for use in a HTTP GET request from them.



This hash contains a mapping of node type names to human readable versions. It is mostly cribbed from the code of the live Super Search page of


This function takes the name of a ticker and possibly parameters for it and returns a list of key/value pairs for URL construction. The following ticker names are recognized:

nn, newest nodes xml generator
Takes one parameter - a perlfunc/time style timestamp.
xp, XP xml ticker
Optionally takes one parameter - a user name or user homenode ID for whose XP should be tracked.
cb, chatterbox xml ticker
No parameters.
msg, private message xml ticker
No parameters.
users, other users xml ticker
No parameters.
query, node query xml generator
Takes any number of parameters, which should be node IDs for the nodes to query.
usernodes, user nodes info xml generator
Takes one parameter: the user whose nodes are to be returned.
thread, xml node thread
No parameters.


This function takes a username and password as parameters and returns a list of key/value pairs for URL construction.


This function takes a timestamp in the format used in PerlMonks-generated XML and returns a perlfunc/time style timestamp.


&pm_ticker does not yet implement the types parameter nor the days parameter to the newest nodes ticker.


Aristotle Pagaltzis


This software is in the public domain. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

package PerlMonksFacts;


=head1 NAME

PerlMonksFacts - codified knowledge about the automation interfaces of


 use PerlMonksFacts;
 use URI;

 my $uri = URI->new(pm_url);
 $uri->query_form(pm_ticker xp => 'Aristotle');
 print $uri->as_string, "\n";


This module abstracts working with the automation interf
The main purpose is to put ticker URL generation in a bl
As such, the main point of the module is the C<pm_ticker> function.

Since this module is intended to be as abstract as possible, the C<pm_
and C<pm_url> functions return raw key/value pairs. Their actual use i
+s up to
you; see the L</"SYNOPSIS"> for an example of building a URI suitable 
+for use
in a HTTP C<GET> request from them.


=head2 %pm_nodetype

This hash contains a mapping of node type names
+ to human
readable versions. It is mostly cribbed from the code of the live Supe
+r Search
page of

=head2 &pm_url

This is simply a constant function that returns "http://www.perlmonks.

=head2 &pm_ticker

This function takes the name of a ticker and possibly parameters for i
+t and
returns a list of key/value pairs for URL construction. The following 
names are recognized:

=over 4

=item C<nn>, newest nodes xml generator

Takes one parameter - a L<perlfunc/time> style timestamp.

=item C<xp>, XP xml ticker

Optionally takes one parameter - a user name or user homenode ID for w
+hose XP
should be tracked.

=item C<cb>, chatterbox xml ticker

No parameters.

=item C<msg>, private message xml ticker

No parameters.

=item C<users>, other users xml ticker

No parameters.

=item C<query>, node query xml generator

Takes any number of parameters, which should be node IDs for the nodes
+ to query.

=item C<usernodes>, user nodes info xml generator

Takes one parameter: the user whose nodes are to be returned.

=item C<thread>, xml node thread

No parameters.


=head2 &pm_login

This function takes a username and password as parameters and returns 
+a list of
key/value pairs for URL construction.

=head2 &pm_time2unix

This function takes a timestamp in the format used in PerlMonks-genera
+ted XML
and returns a L<perlfunc/time> style timestamp.

=head1 BUGS

C<&pm_ticker> does not yet implement the C<types> parameter nor the C<
parameter to the newest nodes ticker.

=head1 AUTHOR

Aristotle Pagaltzis L<>

=head1 LICENSE

This software is in the public domain. It is distributed in the hope t
+hat it
will be useful, but B<without any warranty>; without even the implied 
of B<merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose>.


use strict;
use warnings;
no warnings 'once';

use Exporter::Lite;

our @EXPORT = qw(

our %pm_nodetype = (
    bookreview             => 'Book Review',
    bug                    => '',
    categorized_answer     => 'Categorized Answer',
    categorized_question   => 'Categorized Question',
    container              => '',
    CUFP                   => 'Cool Uses For Perl',
    data                   => '',
    dbtable                => '',
    devtask                => '',
    document               => '',
    fullpage               => '',
    hint                   => '',
    htmlcode               => '',
    htmlpage               => '',
    image                  => '',
    linktype               => '',
    mail                   => '',
    maintenance            => '',
    modulereview           => 'Module Review',
    monkdiscuss            => 'Perl Monks Discussion',
    nodeball               => '',
    nodegroup              => '',
    nodeletgroup           => '',
    nodelet                => 'Nodelet',
    nodetype               => '',
    note                   => 'Note',
    obfuscated             => 'Obfuscation',
    opcode                 => '',
    patch                  => '',
    perlcraft              => 'Craft',
    perlexercise           => '',
    perlfunc               => 'Perl Function',
    perlman                => 'Perl Manpage',
    perlmeditation         => 'Meditations',
    perlnews               => 'News',
    perlquestion           => 'Seekers of Perl Wisdom',
    perlsolution           => '',
    perltutorial           => 'Tutorial',
    pmdevsuperdoc          => '',
    pmmodule               => '',
    poem                   => 'Poem',
    poll                   => 'Poll',
    quest                  => 'Quest',
    rawdata                => '',
    rawpage                => '',
    request                => '',
    restricted_superdoc    => '',
    review                 => '',
    scratchpad             => 'Scratch Pad',
    script                 => '',
    setting                => '',
    sitedoc                => '',
    sitefaqlet             => 'Monk Help',
    snippet                => 'Snippet',
    sourcecode             => 'Code',
    sourcecodesection      => '',
    strangedoc             => '',
    strangenode            => '',
    string                 => '',
    superdoc               => '',
    superquestionarea      => '',
    survey                 => '',
    testquestion           => '',
    testtype               => '',
    theme                  => '',
    themesetting           => '',
    usergroup              => '',
    user                   => 'User',
    wiki                   => 'Wiki',
    xmlpage                => '',

    while(my ($k, $v) = each %pm_nodetype) {
        $v ||= "\u\L$k";
        $v =~ s/(html|xml)/\u$1/i;

sub pm_url () { "" }

    my %ticker_node = (
        nn        =>  30175 || "newest nodes xml generator",
        xp        =>  16046 || "XP xml ticker",
        cb        =>  15834 || "chatterbox xml ticker",
        msg       =>  15848 || "private message xml ticker",
        users     =>  15851 || "other users xml ticker",
        query     =>  37150 || "node query xml generator",
        usernodes =>  32704 || "user nodes info xml generator",
        thread    => 180684 || "xml node thread",

    my %ticker_param = (
        xp        => sub { @_ ? ( ($_[0] =~ /\D/ ? 'for_user' : 'for_i
+d') => $_[0] ) : () },
        nn        => sub { @_ ? ( sinceunixtime => $_[0] ) : () },
        query     => sub { nodes => join(',', @_ ? @_ : '') },
        usernodes => sub { foruser => $_[0] },

    sub pm_ticker {
        my $ticker_name = shift;
        my $node = $ticker_node{$ticker_name}
            || do { require Carp; Carp::croak("Unknown ticker name: $t
+icker_name") };
        my @param = do {
                if @_ && exists $ticker_param{$ticker_name}
        return (node => $node, @param);

sub pm_login {
    my ($user, $pass) = @_;
    return (
        op      => "login",
        user    => $user,
        passwd  => $pass,
        ticker  => "yes",

sub pm_time2unix {
    my ($Y, $M, $D, $h, $m, $s) = unpack "A4 A2 A2 A2 A2 A2", shift;
    require Time::Local;
    Time::Local::timegm($s, $m, $h, $D, $M, $Y);

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