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Where to keep HTML templates for a web application?

by legLess (Hermit)
on Feb 10, 2004 at 01:18 UTC ( [id://327788]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

legLess has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Monks ~

For years I've created HTML template files and put then in the web server directory, in directories parallel to images, CSS files, and the like. Someone said to me a few days ago, "You know, if you think about it those templates are clearly config files. They shouldn't be served by the web server, and in fact belong somewhere like /var."

"Hmmm..." I thought.

On one hand this makes a lot of sense. The fact that the templates are more HTML than anything strikes me as incidental, a red herring. Jamie's mantra is: "If the file isn't designed to be served by the web server, it doesn't belong in a servable directory." And that's hard to argue with.

On the other hand, how much purity do we need? Lots of little web frameworks keep their template files in the server directory. I want to examine the problem a little more and get soem other perspectives.

Directories like "/var" are root-only, and keeping template files there means they're not editable by regular users. Some web apps are built to be installed and maintained by users in their home directories, and the server would need special setup to accomodate this. Slash installs its templates under "/usr/local", but it's a large framework and depends on the administrators having special permissions.

Configuration is another issue, closely related. What if a user wants to install multiple copies of the application and have each behave or look differently? One template repository is clearly not enough in this situation.

Lastly I worry about correctly configuring web server permissions. Slash gets around this by compiling all its Template templates into a database, so the webserver doesn't have to care where they are on the filesystem. If an application is in a user's home directory but you want to keep the template files away from the webserver, then you're looking at nastiness like

So here's what I can think of:

It's a good idea to keep templates under the web server's directory if:
  • The application is, or instances thereof are, meant to be installed by users with no special privileges.
  • The overhead for a different solution (e.g. precompiled templates in a database) isn't worth it.
  • The application is designed to run multiple instances, each potentially with different templates.
It's a good idea to keep templates elsewhere on the filesystem, not accessible by the web server, if:
  • There is security-sensitive information in the templates.
  • The templates are for application use only and do not need to be changed by users.
  • The application is very large, already needs to talk to the database a lot, and the templates can be pre-compiled.

But this is just my perspective. What are some other ways of looking at this?

  • Comment on Where to keep HTML templates for a web application?

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Re: Where to keep HTML templates for a web application?
by perrin (Chancellor) on Feb 10, 2004 at 02:50 UTC
    I don't think there is any good reason for putting templates in the web root. Templating systems can use whatever path you give them for the templates, and you can give them different paths for different instances. Users without special directory access can put them in a directory they do have access to (something in their home dir maybe) and make them readable by the user that the web app runs under.

    By the way, the design of putting templates in the database is pretty bad for usability. Templates are files, and they should live on the filesystem. Otherwise, you end up with a big maintenance problem.

      By the way, the design of putting templates in the database is pretty bad for usability.

      Well, it is Slash we're talking about here :) Their design isn't perhaps as bad as it seems. The templates live on the filesystem, but after editing you run a tool to compile them, as Perl, into the database. They do this for speed. I haven't benchmarked it, so can't say if it works.

      What really sucks about this is that each Apache/mod_perl child process caches all the templates, so if you make a minor change to a template you have to bounce Apache, or at least kill all its children.

        Reading a file on a local filesystem is faster than reading from a database. Maybe they did it that way so they could share code between machines, but that's better done with NFS or rsync in my opinion. The compile step sounds annoying, as does having to restart when changes happen.

        When templates live on the filesystem, changes can be automatically picked up by the running system just by stat'ing the file. That could be turned into a database check in their custom Provider class, but I suspect they did this to keep shared memory high. In my experience though, compiling the templates before forking didn't really decrease the amount of unshared memory.

Re: Where to keep HTML templates for a web application?
by leriksen (Curate) on Feb 10, 2004 at 01:38 UTC
    > What are some other ways of looking at this?

    Every person is going to make their own decision, but the amount of information and research each person employs in making that decision varies.

    Saying that, I'd also consider additional factors like -

    • is the server multi-homed, and does this affect issues in laying out sites
    • does one layout or another help or hinder issues like deployment, redeployment, testing, etc
    • does a chosen layout help segregate things that should be segregated, and collate things that should be collated

    I admit, these issues are 'smaller' than what you have already raised, but they are important (well, to me at least)

    I dont have any real answers, I tend to build web apps, not 'traditional' web sites, so my issues, I feel, are different to yours.

    Also, I know I dont have good deployment policies, so I wont share them here ;-)

    use warnings;use strict;use brain;

Re: Where to keep HTML templates for a web application?
by dragonchild (Archbishop) on Feb 10, 2004 at 03:11 UTC
    I build webapps for a living and I never put application files (code, templates, config, etc) in a servable directory. In fact, since most of my apps have to be completely dynamic, I have very little that is servable outside the following categories:
    • images
    • static PDFs (for help docs, privacy policy, and the like)
    • stub CGI scripts to get CGI::Application up and running

    Everything else, and I mean EVERYTHING else, is somewhere else. Often, different places. My perl modules are in /usr/local/lib. My templates and config files are in /apps/<APP>, and this includes my httpd.conf. /usr/local/apache2/conf/httpd.conf solely contains an Include directive. (I do it this way because I generally have 2-5 apps running on a given group of round-robin servers. My dev assignments don't often match my production assignments.)

    I want to need to have root permissions to upgrade stuff on the production box. I want to know that only specific people can touch it, and every one of them (except me) doesn't. But, I'm also the admin for every bit of web prescence my employer has, so being paranoid is good job security. :-)

    Oh - databases are for just that - data. Not only should templates not live in a database, but you shouldn't have any triggers, procedures, or the like that are application-specific, for several reasons.

    • You sure your database is going to be used for that application and only that application?
    • You sure you trust your DBA to be a programmer?
    • You sure you trust your programmer to be a DBA?
    • You sure you trust Oracle's patches? (Skip - Oracle has said "Sorry bout your luck - hope you can save your data.")

    If everything but your data is outside your database, you have a chance of changing vendors, especially to like PostgreSQL or MySQL. But, if you tie yourself to Sybase or MS SQL or Oracle by using their flavor of triggers, PL/SQL, etc ... your boss might not like to hear "I need another $XXX cause they're discontinuing our license." when there's a perfectly good open-source option.

    Now, I'm not discounting triggers, procedures, or the like. But, IMHO, you should only use them for data-specific purposes. For example, using a trigger to do automatic history on a given table - that's a data question and properly belongs in the database. Using a trigger to make sure that X gets populated when Y does because it's easier than fixing the 9 places you populate Y ... that's not so good.

    We are the carpenters and bricklayers of the Information Age.

    Please remember that I'm crufty and crochety. All opinions are purely mine and all code is untested, unless otherwise specified.

      For the most part I agree that databases are (duh) for data. But Slash is a unique system. Templates live on the file system until they're compiled into the database as native Perl. Then they're read at server startup by mod_perl and cached in memory for the life of the server.

      The drawbacks are numerous and obvious. The benefits of this I can see are:
      • Faster web server startup than if the templates were on a filesystem, uncompiled.
      • Single point of optimization (DB server) to improve template access speed.
      • Fastest possible page rendering.
      But maybe I'm missing something, and I certainly don't know everything about Slash. Maybe chromatic will reply.
Re: Where to keep HTML templates for a web application?
by Anonymous Monk on Feb 10, 2004 at 03:04 UTC

    Actually, I said /etc, but thats a minor quibble. Template files are configuration files. Configuration files belong in /etc. Where '/' is really located is the more interesting question.

    There are 3 primary web application layouts, and a flexible application can (and should) support them all. You've got the single-instance-on-a-single-OS layout. You've got the mass vhosting, or multiple-instances-on-a-single-OS layout. And you've got a no-privilege or per-user layout. Fundamentally the only thing thats different between these layouts is where the root of their filesystem is. In mass vhosting scenarious I've used / var/www/<host>, I've used /home/<host>, you get the idea--and the configuration files for that instance have always gone in <prefix>/etc/ <application> because thats where configuration files go, in etc. Individual users hosted off a single web server really isn't any different from multiple vhosts hosted off a single web server, except frequently the former could have more privilege (additional unix accounts) at it disposal than the latter.

    The ownership of configuration files will vary between applications, but the simple principle to work by is that whomever is responsible for maintaining the application should have the ability to write to the files, and applciation process owner needs to be able to read them.

    For example, lets look at two layouts of the same application on a Debian server.

    Given: Application "foo", in a single- instance-on-a-single-OS layout, where foo needs two configuration files "database.cfg" and "lookyfeely.cfg". Web server process runs as "www-data:www-data". The maintainer is "bob:bob". database.cfg has sensitive info in it.

    $ ls -al /etc/foo total 6 drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 1024 2004- 02-09 15:21 . drwxr-xr-x 66 root root 4096 2004- 02-09 15:21 .. -rw-r----- 1 bob www-data 24 2000-05-28 06:59 database.cfg -rw-r--r-- 1 bob bob 122 2004- 01-05 23:13 lookyfeely.cfg

    Thats not a bad solution, the web server process can read database.cfg, bob can edit both files, and lookyfeely is readable by everybody, it contains no sensitive information so hiding its contents from the other system users is unneccesary and www-data needs to be able to read it anyway. This requires super- user privileges to configure initially, but thats OK on a single- instance-on-a-single-OS, thats how it should be.

    Now lets look at, moving to a per-user layout.

    Given: Application "foo", in a per-user layout, where foo needs two configuration files "database.cfg" and "lookyfeely.cfg". Web server process runs as "www-data:www-data". The maintainer is "alice:alice". database.cfg has sensitive info in it.

    $ ls -alR /home/alice /home/alice: total 13 drwxr-xr-x 3 alice alice 1024 2004- 02-09 15:21 . drwxr-xr-x 6 root root 4096 2004- 02-09 15:21 .. drwxr-xr-x 6 alice alice 1024 2004- 02-09 15:21 etc drwxr-xr-x 3 alice alice 1024 2004- 02-09 15:21 public_html /home/alice/etc: total 6 drwxr-xr-x 3 alice alice 1024 2004- 02-09 15:21 . drwxr-xr-x 6 root root 4096 2004- 02-09 15:21 .. -rw-r--r-- 1 alice alice 24 2000- 05-28 06:59 database.cfg -rw-r--r-- 1 alice alice 122 2004- 01-05 23:13 lookyfeely.cfg /home/alice/public_html: ...

    Now we run into a problem because any other system user can read alice's database configuration file, and thats bad if the other system users aren't trusted. But there isn't let the web server read the configuration it needs to if alice doesn't have any additional privileges. This leaves you with a lot of options which I'm not going to delve deeply into except to say: more groups, setfacl, Apache's suexec, or any number of other hacks will work around this issue. Its not the applications job to dictate which method should be chosen, but if possible it shouldn't stand in the way of any of them.

    Back to the meat of original issue, the web server does not ever need to serve configuration files. Ever. Doing so is adding needless complexity to a fragile system. So allow me to refute your 3 points on when its a good idea, because I assert it is never a good idea:

    1) The application is, or instances thereof are, ment to be installed by users with no special privileges.

    Then either the application must never store sensitive information, or the web server must be configured to use a tool like suexec so the CGI scripts run as that user. Either way, as templates normally don't contain sensitive information this is moot, and its still not a good reason to leave them in a publishable directory, the CGI application can just as easily specify an include path and pull the templates from a directory in the users control that isn't publishable by the web server.

    2) The overhead for a different solution (e.g. precompiled templates in a database) isn't worth it.

    meh--the filesystem is a database, you wouldn't put data that had nothing in common into the same table of a RDBMS, why do it in a filesystem?
    meh--the filesystem is a namespace, you wouldn't put methods that had nothing in common in the same API, why do it in a filesystem?

    3) The application is designed to run multiple instances, each potentially with different templates.

    Every instance should have its own configuration directory. The reality is that when this is the case there's a very good chance that you're going to need configuration data for other applications belonging to the instance as well, best plan for it ahead of time.

    Edited by Chady -- fixed formatting.

      Thanks for the reply. Frankly I like the idea, and I always try to build things so people can store templates wherever they want. I just don't think it's always realistic or useful to require it.

      I'm tired and don't want to belabor the issue; we can talk about it more tomorrow, 'cause I know you're way more experienced than I am.

Re: Where to keep HTML templates for a web application?
by hv (Prior) on Feb 10, 2004 at 17:25 UTC

    I would say templates not intended to be served directly by the webserver are in a similar class to cgi scripts, and should be treated in a similar way.

    For my work application we do indeed have multiple installations of the same application serving multiple virtual hosts. We have all the files needed for a virtual host residing under one directory hierarchy, but the docroot is just one of those:

    web1% ls /www/
    cgi-bin/  docs/  httpd.conf  lib/  logs/  template/

    Note that since different hosts may be running at different versions of the software, the perl modules are also installed locally (.../lib) rather than into any shared space.

    The installer knows where each of these files should go and what permissions and ownership they should have, so we only have to get that right in one place.


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