diotalevi has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

How do I communicate @HOGS from &view_handler to find_hidden_views_with_resortable_indexes( $db ) without having to use a global? I'm certain there is a normal XML::Twig facility or an idiomatic way to do this. Am I expected to pass in closures to XML::Twig->new? I think it'd be nice to share the same parser across the program instead of having to recreate it during the loop.

Updates Fixed a bug where @hogs was returned but @HOGS was tested. Also replaced @HOGS = () with local @HOGS.

use strict; use warnings; use vars qw(@HOGS $TWIG $DEFAULT_SERVER); use Notes::OLE (); use File::Basename (); use File::Temp (); use XML::Twig; use YAML (); $DEFAULT_SERVER = 'dev1'; exit main( @ARGV ); =pod <database> <view name='(...)'> <column resort='...'/> </view> </database> INTO server: filepath: view name: WHERE view name starts with ( and ends with ) and has a column with a resort attribute. =cut sub main { my $server = shift(@_) || $DEFAULT_SERVER; $TWIG = XML::Twig->new( twig_handlers => { q[view[@name =~ /^\(.+?\)$/]] => \&handle_view }, twig_roots => { view => 1, column => 1 } ); my %hogs; for my $dbp ( Notes::OLE::server_databases( $server ) ) { my $db = $Notes::OLE::S->GetDatabase( $dbp->{'server'}, $dbp->{'filepath'} ) or next; my @hogs = find_hidden_views_with_resortable_indexes( $db ); if ( @hogs ) { $hogs{ $dbp->{'server'} }{ $dbp->{'filepath'} } = [ @hogs ]; } } my $output = File::Basename::basename( $0 ); $output =~ s/\.[^.]+$/.yml/; YAML::DumpFile( $output, \%hogs ); my $editor = $ENV{'EDITOR'} || 'notepad'; system( $editor, $output ); return 1; } sub find_hidden_views_with_resortable_indexes { my $db = shift; # Input my $notes = $db->CreateNoteCollection( 0 ); $notes->{'SelectViews'} = 1; $notes->BuildCollection; # Output my $temp_file = File::Temp::tmpnam(); my $stream = $Notes::OLE::S->CreateStream; $stream->Open( $temp_file ); # Exporter my $exporter = $Notes::OLE::S->CreateDXLExporter( $notes, $stream +); $exporter->Process; # Cleanup so there are no open handles to the file $stream->Close; # Run XML::Twig on the exported schema local @HOGS; $TWIG->parsefile( $temp_file ); $TWIG->purge; # Remove the exported schema unlink $temp_file or warn "Couldn't delete $temp_file: $!"; return @HOGS; } sub handle_view { my ($t, $view) = @_; my $name = $view->att( 'name' ); push @HOGS, $name if $view->children( 'column[@resort]' ); return 1; }

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Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: Handler communication in XML::Twig
by mirod (Canon) on Feb 12, 2004 at 17:41 UTC

    Indeed you can pass closures to new.

    Have a look at Simon Cozens' Achieving Closure, which explains the process in great detail.

    Basically you can do this:

    my $t= XML::Twig->new( twig_handlers => { foo => sub { my_handler( @_, + @HOGS) } }); # ... sub my_handler { my( $t, $elt, @HOGS)= @_; # I would probably pass \@HOGC though
      Do you use it that way or are you just confirming the possible? I'm after the method good X'T users use. I don't know how heavy the twig object and whether it would be preferred to retain the existing object.

        I use it a lot that way.

        I have never benchmarked the creation of the object itself, as I the type of code I write rarely parses a lot of files.

Re: Handler communication in XML::Twig
by PodMaster (Abbot) on Feb 12, 2004 at 17:56 UTC
    See "Private Attributes" in the XML::Twig docs.
    Attributes with a name starting with # (illegal in XML) will not be output, so you can safely use them to store temporary values during processing.

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    I run a Win32 PPM repository for perl 5.6.x and 5.8.x -- I take requests (README).
    ** The third rule of perl club is a statement of fact: pod is sexy.

      I saw that but don't think it is meant for this sort of problem. That requires that I write into some "other" scratch area of the document currently being parsed. I'd do this in an obfu but not for production code.

      Note that you can store anything in a private attribute, not just text, it's just a regular Perl variable, so an array ref is perfectly OK. (note to self, add this to the docs... done ;--)

        This is just an FYI but I didn't get the sense from the documentation that this was something to be used as a shared scratchpad. On re-reading it just now it occurs to me that I don't know what the private attribute is supposed to be written to or what its lifetime is.
Re: Handler communication in XML::Twig
by Fletch (Bishop) on Feb 12, 2004 at 17:44 UTC

    Or you could always define @HOGS in a lexical scope that just your two handlers can see.

    { my @HOGS; sub find_hiden_views { ... } sub handle_view { ... } }
      This doesn't solve the problem and turns @HOGS into a tricky sort of global-alike.