File::Find is a very useful module, but it isn't particulary easy to use. Here is a snippet which does what File::Find does without the module. Modify to your hearts desire.

Note: since this is so completely against the spirit of CPAN etc, I'm expecting your flames and I've put my asbestos underwear on ready ;-)

Note2: I wrote this snippet originally to delete an nearly infinite directory of files which a user created on the server. 'rm -rf' wouldn't and I didn't think of File::Find until too late ;-)

Note3: In response to merlyn's post below, you can uncomment the lines marked if you want a symlink safe version. Though recursive symlinks are usually a bad idea in any case!

#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # Demonstration of going it alone without File::Find use strict; use Cwd; die "Syntax: $0 <dir>" unless @ARGV == 1 && -d $ARGV[0]; find(0, $ARGV[0]); exit; sub find { my ($level, $dir) = @_; my ($back) = cwd() or die "Failed to read current working directory"; chdir($dir) or die "Couldn't cd to $dir"; opendir(DIR, ".") or die "Failed to opendir()"; my @files = grep { $_ ne '.' && $_ ne '..' } readdir(DIR); closedir(DIR) or die "Failed to closedir()"; for my $file (@files) { # If you want a symlink safe version write this # lstat($file); # if (-d _) if (-d $file) { # Do something with a directory print ' ' x $level, "Dir: '$file'\n"; # ...then recurse if you want to find($level+1, $file); } else { # Do something with a file (don't recurse) print ' ' x $level, "File: '$file'\n"; } } chdir $back or die "Failed to chdir $back"; }