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#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # pod at tail $|++; # STDOUT hot require 5; # support following modules use strict; # avoid d'oh! bugs use Getopt::Long; # support commandline args, opts use Pod::Usage; # avoid redundant &Usage() use LWP::UserAgent; # virtual web client use Carp; # support daemonization option use integer; # whole numbers in calc outputs my $nailup_VER = '0.99.48'; ###################################################################### +##### # BEGIN CONFIG PARAMS ###################################################################### +##### my $logFile = './nailup.log'; my $errFile = './nailup.err'; my $analogPidFile = '/var/run/'; my $browser = 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.0rc1) Gecko/20020417'; my @sitelist = qw( ); ###################################################################### +##### # END CONFIG PARAMS ###################################################################### +##### # Default values and other stuff not to be mucked with: my $current_run = 0; # Optional features, so optional modules: my $havePOSIX; my $haveIOTee; BEGIN { # facilitate option to run as background process $havePOSIX = 0; eval { require POSIX }; unless ($@) { POSIX->import(); $havePOSIX = 1; } # facilitate option to log to file $haveIOTee = 0; eval { require IO::Tee }; unless ($@) { IO::Tee->import(); $haveIOTee = 1; } } # Setup options and arguments: my $opt_verbose = my $def_verbose = 2; my $opt_biggestDelay = my $def_biggestDelay = 900; my $opt_smallestDelay = my $def_smallestDelay = 300; my $opt_errDelay = my $def_errDelay = 1; my $opt_runs = my $def_runs = 3; my $opt_timeout = my $def_timeout = 120; my ( $opt_help, $opt_man, $opt_quiet, $opt_daemonize, $opt_analog, $opt_logging, ); GetOptions( 'help!' => \$opt_help, 'man!' => \$opt_man, 'verbose=i' => \$opt_verbose, 'quiet!' => \$opt_quiet, 'daemonize!' => \$opt_daemonize, 'runs=i' => \$opt_runs, 'biggestDelay=i' => \$opt_biggestDelay, 'smallestDelay=i' => \$opt_smallestDelay, 'errDelay=i' => \$opt_errDelay, 'timeout=i' => \$opt_timeout, 'analog!' => \$opt_analog, 'logging!' => \$opt_logging, ) or pod2usage(verbose => 1) && exit; ###################################################################### +##### # BEGIN PROCESS OPTIONS, ARGUMENTS ###################################################################### +##### # order of following args/opts is important! # test well after any change or invite unexpected behavior! # and update the pod too! # you've been warned! if ($opt_help) { pod2usage(verbose => 1); ex +it; } if ($opt_man) { pod2usage(verbose => 2); ex +it; } if ($opt_runs < -1) { pod2usage(verbose => 1); ex +it; } if ($opt_biggestDelay<$opt_smallestDelay){ pod2usage(verbose => 1); ex +it; } if ($opt_errDelay < 0) { pod2usage(verbose => 1); ex +it; } if ($opt_timeout < 1) { pod2usage(verbose => 1); ex +it; } if ($opt_quiet) { $opt_verbose = 0; } my $out; if ($opt_logging){ unless ($haveIOTee == 1){ print "\nSorry - logging requires CPAN module IO::Tee\n\n"; exit; } if ($opt_verbose < 1){ print "\nSorry - logging not allowed in quiet/silent mode\n\n"; exit; } $out = new IO::Tee( \*STDOUT, new IO::File("> $logFile"),); new IO::Tee( \*STDERR, new IO::File("> $errFile"),); print $out "\n", " Logging to $logFile\n", " Catastrophic errors to $errFile\n", "\n", ; $out->flush if $opt_logging; }else{ $out = \*STDOUT;} if ($opt_analog){ unless (-e $analogPidFile){ print $out "\n", "You specified dial connection, but no PID file was found.\n", "Are you on a *nix host?\n", "Are you using an analog dial connection?\n", "Is your dialup connection established?\n", "\n", ; $out->flush if $opt_logging; exit; } } if($opt_verbose >= 3) { # singular/plural second(s) appropriately: my %plural = ( b => 's', s => 's', e => 's', t => 's',); $plural{b} = '' if $opt_biggestDelay == 1; $plural{s} = '' if $opt_smallestDelay == 1; $plural{e} = '' if $opt_errDelay == 1; $plural{t} = '' if $opt_timeout == 1; my %pluralDef = ( b => 's', s => 's', e => 's', t => 's',); $pluralDef{b} = '' if $def_biggestDelay == 1; $pluralDef{s} = '' if $def_smallestDelay == 1; $pluralDef{e} = '' if $def_errDelay == 1; $pluralDef{t} = '' if $def_timeout == 1; print $out <<EOF $0 Current values number of runs $opt_runs biggest delay $opt_biggestDelay second$plural{b} smallest delay $opt_smallestDelay second$plural{s} error delay $opt_errDelay second$plural{e} timeout $opt_timeout second$plural{t} Defaults number of runs $def_runs biggest delay $def_biggestDelay second$pluralDef{b} smallest delay $def_smallestDelay second$pluralDef{s} error delay $def_errDelay second$pluralDef{e} timeout $def_timeout second$pluralDef{t} Versions LWP::UserAgent $LWP::UserAgent::VERSION IO::Tee $IO::Tee::VERSION POSIX $POSIX::VERSION Pod::Usage $Pod::Usage::VERSION Getopt::Long $Getopt::Long::VERSION Perl $] OS $^O $0 $nailup_VER EOF ; $out->flush if $opt_logging; } if ($opt_daemonize){ Daemonize(); } ###################################################################### +##### # END PROCESS OPTIONS, ARGUMENTS ###################################################################### +##### # first attempt logged regardless of success/failure # success = 1, failure = 0 my $oldSuccess = 3; # Call the Main Chunk o'Code: # (run indefinately, or run specified number of times) if ($opt_runs == -1) { randomFetch() while(1) } if ($opt_runs > -1) { randomFetch() for(1..$opt_runs) } print $out "\n"; ###################################################################### +##### # Main Chunk o'Code: # Fetch random page then wait to doit again # yeah yeah, it's a wee bit looooong for a sub, # but is only reasonable way I could find to # support selecting betwixt while(...) and for(...) ###################################################################### +##### sub randomFetch { # randomly choose page: for (my $i = @sitelist; -- $i;) { my $r = int rand (1 + $i); @sitelist [$i, $r] = @sitelist [$r, $i] unless $r == $i; } my $site = $sitelist[0]; # try to fetch da page: my $hdrs = new HTTP::Headers( Accept => 'text/HTML', user_agent => $browser, ); my $url = new URI($site); my $req = new HTTP::Request('GET', $url, $hdrs); my $ua = new LWP::UserAgent; # $ua->proxy('http', "http://host.dom.tld:port"); $ua->timeout($opt_timeout); my $resp = $ua->request($req); # check da response: my $success = 1 if $resp->is_success; $success = 0 if $resp->is_error; my $delay; ++$current_run; my $randomDelay = rand($opt_biggestDelay-$opt_smallestDelay)+$opt_smallestDelay; # human-readable date+timestamp: my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year) = localtime(time); my $stamp = sprintf( "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d", $year+1900, $mon+1, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec ); # and report da response: # tell a lot: if ($opt_verbose >= 2){ if ($success == 1){ print $out " $stamp $site $success "; if ($current_run < $opt_runs or $opt_runs == -1){ print $out "Next loop in $randomDelay second"; print $out 's' if $randomDelay != 1; print $out ".\n"; }else{ print $out "\nRun complete.\n\n"; } } if ($success == 0){ print $out "\nError $stamp $site\n", $resp->message, "\n"; if ($current_run < $opt_runs or $opt_runs == -1){ print $out "Next loop in $opt_errDelay second"; print $out 's' if $opt_errDelay != 1; print $out ".\n\n"; }else{ print $out "\nRun complete.\n\n"; } } $out->flush if $opt_logging; } # tell a little: if($opt_verbose == 1){ if ($success != $oldSuccess){ print $out " $stamp $site $success\n"; $out->flush if $opt_logging; } } # cone of silence: if($opt_verbose == 0){ } # how long can this go on? if ($current_run < $opt_runs or $opt_runs == -1){ $oldSuccess = $success; sleep $opt_errDelay if $success == 0; sleep $randomDelay if $success == 1; } } ###################################################################### +##### # Background and disconnect from controlling vty, so vty can be closed +: # fork() backgrounds, but doesn't disconnect from controlling vty # hence stolen Proc::Daemon subs # Unix-family OSen only # $^O strings known to me: # aix freebsd netbsd openbsd # cygwin darwin hpux irix # linux sco solaris sunos # dec_osf macos msdos mswin32 os390 ###################################################################### +##### sub Daemonize { if ($^O =~ /(MSWin32|MSDOS|MacOS)/i){ print $out "\nSorry, --daemon only works on *nix hosts. ", "You appear to be running $^O.\n\n", ; $out->flush if $opt_logging; exit; } if ($havePOSIX != 1){ print $out "\nSorry, --daemon requires the CPAN POSIX module.\n\n" +; $out->flush if $opt_logging; exit; } if ($opt_verbose > 0){ ### BUG ### ### next line prints output thrice ### print $out <<EOF print <<EOF $0 launched and daemonizing. Something like 'ps x|grep' for PID to kill program. EOF ; } Init(); } ###################################################################### +##### # Shamelessly copied from Proc::Daemon v0.02 # Try to fork if at all possible. # Function will croak if unable to fork. sub Fork { my($pid); FORK: { if (defined($pid = fork)) { return $pid; } elsif ($! =~ /No more process/) { sleep 5; redo FORK; } else { croak "Can't fork: $!"; } } } ###################################################################### +##### # Shamelessly copied from Proc::Daemon v0.02 # Return the maximum number of possible file descriptors. # If sysconf() does not give us value, we punt with our own value. sub OpenMax { my $openmax = POSIX::sysconf( &POSIX::_SC_OPEN_MAX ); (!defined($openmax) || $openmax < 0) ? 64 : $openmax; } ###################################################################### +##### # Shamelessly copied from Proc::Daemon v0.02 # Become a daemon. sub Init { my $oldmode = shift || 0; my($pid, $sess_id, $i); ## Fork and exit parent if ($pid = Fork) { exit 0; } ## Detach ourselves from the terminal croak "Cannot detach from controlling terminal" unless $sess_id = POSIX::setsid(); ## Prevent possibility of acquiring a controling terminal if (!$oldmode) { $SIG{'HUP'} = 'IGNORE'; if ($pid = Fork) { exit 0; } } ### ybiC ### --logging # Change working directory # chdir "/"; ## Clear file creation mask umask 0; ### ybiC ### --logging # Close open file descriptors # foreach $i (0 .. OpenMax) { POSIX::close($i); } ## Reopen stderr, stdout, stdin to /dev/null open(STDIN, "+>/dev/null"); open(STDOUT, "+>&STDIN"); open(STDERR, "+>&STDIN"); $oldmode ? $sess_id : 0; } ### ybiC ### Name "main::init" used only once. Possible typo at line... # *init = \&Init; ###################################################################### +##### =head1 TITLE =head1 SYNOPSIS [options arguments] =head1 DESCRIPTION Randomly fetch a remote web page from a list of URLs. Waits a random length of time between fetches. Optionally log results to file, daemonize, and/or check for ppp0 PID f +ile. Written with two purposes in mind: * log internet connectivity * nail up analog dial connection =head1 ARGUMENTS -r=10 --runs=10 numbers of times to fetch a random page (-1 means indefinat +ely) -b=500 --biggestDelay=500 biggest wait between fetches (seco +nds) -s=60 --smallestDelay=60 smallest wait between fetches (seco +nds) -e=1 --errDelay=1 wait after failed fetch (seco +nds) -t=30 --timeout=30 wait for response this long (seco +nds) -v=0 --verbose=0 silent 1 $timestamp $site $success (on success/fail cha +nge) 2 $timestamp $site $success 'next in N seconds' 3 same as 2 plus current+default params at head (default verbosity i +s 2) Longest delay must be greater than or equal to smallest delay. Any value entered must be a positive integer (except for --runs). All are optional, as default values exist. =head1 OPTIONS -h --help brief help message (overrides all options be +low) -m --man full documentation (overrides all options be +low) -q --quiet silent; equivelent to -v=0 (overrides --verbos +e=N) -d --daemon background+disconnect so can close vty w/o killing ru +n ('ps x|grep' or such for PID to k +ill) (UNIX-family o +nly) -l --logging output to screen and logfile (not allowed with --qu +iet) -a --analog check for ppp0 PID file, abort if not present (localhost using analog modem for net-connect +ion) Short options cannot be bundled. For example, C< -adl> is *not* valid. But you could do C< -a -d -l> for analog/daemon/log combinati +on. =head1 CONFIG PARAMS The following parameters can be changed by editing in CONFIG PARAMS near the top of the program code: $logFile filespec to write to if --logging default is ./nailup.log $errFile filespec to write catastropic errors to if --logging default is ./nailup.err $analogPidFile absolute path to ppp0 PID file for live dialup connection *must* be set if using --analog commandline option $browser What browser this program reports itself as to web servers Program will run fine with this unchanged @sitelist List of websites to fetch Can be specific page, or just site address Must include leading 'http://' Trailing slash optional Program will run fine with this unchanged =head1 AUTHOR ybiC =head1 CREDITS Props to: tye and others for $fh tips, Fletch and tachyon for URI::URL tip, lemming for link to semi-complete $^O list, zeno for [id://57865] which inspired this code. Oh yeah, and to some guy named vroom =head1 TESTED Perl 5.00503, Debian 2.2r6 Full functionality Getopt::Long 2.01, 1.90 Pod::Usage 1.14 POSIX 1.02 IO::Tee 0.64 LWP::UserAgent 2.29, 2.262 Perl 5.00601, Cygwin on Win2k Full functionality Getopt::Long 2.25 Pod::Usage 1.14 POSIX 1.03 IO::Tee 0.64 LWP::UserAgent 2.001 Perl 5.00601, Win2k cmd.exe Daemonization not available Getopt::Long 2.25 Pod::Usage 1.14 POSIX 1.03 IO::Tee 0.64 LWP::UserAgent 1.77 =head1 BUGS --daemon initial message prints thrice if --logging and print $out Workaround fitted: print instead of print $out Daemonization works on Cygwin, but how to determine the PID ?? =head1 UPDATE 2002-04-22 20:25 CDT Fix thai-pos Post to PerlMonks Test on Win32-ActivePerl and also Cygwin Enclose POSIX, IO::Tee in BEGIN{ eval... require... } blocks so can run on hosts without those modules --logging with --daemon copy+tweak code from Proc::Daemon v0.02 Revise verbosity levels/results Option to specify analog dial connection (check for /var/run/ 2002-04-16 06:50 CDT Initial working code =head1 TODO Squash above known bug(s) if any --sitelist arg to override default @sitelist trailing ' -- ' and what follows is passed to @ARGV sanity-check, untaint Enable bundling of short options eg; -lda Getopt::Long::Configure qw(bundling ignore_case_always); above syntax errs if long or short switches entered >8^( =cut

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