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( [id://3333]=superdoc: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

This is the first cut of a PerlMonks offline wysiwyg editor. It may be used to wysiwig edit material for posting on PerlMonks and generates the common HTML and PerlMonks special tags used in PerlMonks node markup.

The code uses Tk and should be reasonably cross platform.

This first cut is missing a lot of functionality but is being posted to garner initial reactions and make it available to the curious (I'm off on holiday for a few days and won't be able to work on it for another week).

Important missing stuff includes - no readmore handling, save/open partially implemented (and disabled), keyboard accelerators not working (and disabled), much markup not hooked up.

Basic use entails using the editor to generate the material to be posted, then using File|Render to render the marked up material to the clipboard so that it can be pasted into the edit field of the node being written or edited.

Update: brief use description added

use strict; use warnings; use diagnostics; use Tk; #use Tk::TextUndo; use Tk::Balloon; use Tk::Clipboard; use Tk::FBox; use Clone qw(clone); =head Todo Provide file open and save Manage B, F, I, P, R and U flags Translate entities (note U flag) Handle accelerator keys Support snippet text (with formatting) Disallow relink Checkmarks for menus handle tables hook up keys Add Edit menu to access find and replace etc =cut use constant kParaSpace => 4; my $currentFile = ''; my %tagTypes; # Style tag data my %formatFonts; # Fonts used in style tags. Keyed by tag my %bindings; # Key, menu and toolbar bindings. Tag is value my %menuItems; # Child menu widgets keyed by menu label path my %entities = # Entities we need to use outside code blocks ( '&', '&amp;', '<', '&lt;', '>', '&gt;', '[', '&#91;', ']', '&#93;', ); my @stdFlags = ( 'B', # Block level element 'C', # Clear all or specified tags: C or Ctag (note lower case) 'F', # Format tag (inline element) 'I', # Item in a list. Implies B 'L', # Link 'P', # Applies to whole paragraph 'R', # Readmore text 'S', # Single spaced text 'U', # Untranslated - don't translate entities 'X', # Exclude all or specified tags: X or Xtag (note lower case) ); while (<DATA>) { # Load the default configuration stuff chomp; next if ! length; last if /^#key /; next if /^#/; my ($tag, $htmlTag, $name, $flagsField, @options) = split /\s*,\s* +/; (print "Missing entries in tag line ($.): $_"), next if ! defined +$flagsField; # pull out flags and handle X and C special case flags my %flags; @flags{@stdFlags} = (0) x @stdFlags; # Preset flags off $flags{'C'} = {}; $flags{'X'} = {}; for (split /(?=[A-Z][a-z]*)/, $flagsField) { my ($flag, $value) = split /(?<=[A-Z])/, $_; print "Unhandled flag '$flag' used\n" if ! exists $flags{$flag +}; if (-1 != index 'XC', $flag) { $flags{$flag}{$value || 'ALL'} = 1; $flags{'C'}{$value || 'ALL'} = 1 if $flag eq 'X'; # X impl +ies C } else { $flags{$flag} = $value || 1; $flags{'B'} = $value || 1 if $flag eq 'I'; } } #Fix up options my $optionStr = join ', ', @options; my %optionHash; while ($optionStr =~ /\G,?\s*((?:(?!=>).)*)=>\s*(\[[^\]]*\]|[^,]*) +,?\s*/g) { my ($option, $value) = ($1, $2); trim (\$option, \$value); if ($value =~ s/\[|\]//g) { # Nested options. Turn them into a hash my @options = split ',', $value; my %optionHash; for (@options) { my ($suboption, $subvalue) = split /\s*=>\s*/; last if ! defined $subvalue; trim (\$suboption, \$subvalue); $optionHash{$suboption} = $subvalue; } $value = \%optionHash; } $optionHash{$option} = $value; } $tagTypes{$tag} = [$htmlTag, $name, \%flags, \%optionHash]; } while (<DATA>) { # Load key binding information next if /^#/; chomp; next if ! length; my ($tag, $key, $menuItem, $toolbarItem, $rightClickItem) = split +/\s*,\s*/; (print "Missing tag in binding line ($.): $_"), next if ! defined +$tag; $bindings{$tag} = [$key, $menuItem, $toolbarItem, $rightClickItem] +; } my $mw = MainWindow->new (-title => "PerlMonks node editor"); my $text = $mw->Scrolled ('Text', -font => 'normal', -wrap => 'word', -scrollbars => 'e',); my $status = $mw->Label(-width => 60, -relief => "sunken", -bd => 1, - +anchor => 'w'); my $balloon = $mw->Balloon(-statusbar => $status); my $msg = ''; my $balloonCharIndex = ''; my $balloonLastIndex = ''; $status->pack(-side => "bottom", -fill => "both", -padx => 2, -pady => + 1); #$balloon->attach # ( # $text, -msg => \$msg, # -balloonposition => 'mouse', # Not really used since the postcom +mand returns the real position. # -postcommand => \&balloonPostCommand, # -motioncommand => \&balloonMotionCommand, # ); my $menuBar = $mw->Menu (-type => 'menubar'); $mw->configure(-menu => $menuBar); $text->pack (-expand => 'yes', -fill => 'both'); # Build file menu $menuItems{'~File'} = $menuBar->cascade(-label => '~File', -tearoff => + 0); $menuItems{'~File'}->command (-label => '~Render', -command => \&fileR +ender); #$menuItems{'~File'}->command (-label => '~Open...', -command => \&fil +eOpen); #$menuItems{'~File'}->command (-label => '~Save', -command => \&fileSa +ve); #$menuItems{'~File'}->command (-label => 'Save ~As...', -command => \& +fileSaveAs); $menuItems{'~File'}->command (-label => 'E~xit', -command => \&fileExi +t); # Build menus and bind keys for my $tag (keys %bindings) { my $menuPath = $bindings{$tag}[1]; next if ! defined $menuPath; my ($top, $item) = split '/', $menuPath; next if ! defined $item; if (! defined $menuItems{$top}) { $menuItems{$top} = $menuBar->cascade(-label => $top, -tearoff +=> 0); } my $newItem = $menuItems{$top}->command (-label => $item, -command => [\&doCommand, $tag]); if (defined $bindings{$tag}[0]) { #Set up accelerator bindings #my $key = $bindings{$tag}[0]; # #$mw->bind ("<$key>" => [\&keyCommand, $tag]); # #$key =~ s/^Control/ctrl/; #$newItem->configure (-accelerator => $key); } } $menuItems{'~Help'} = $menuBar->cascade(-label => '~Help', -tearoff => + 0); $menuItems{'~Help'}->command (-label => '~PerlMonks Editor Help', -com +mand => \&help); $menuItems{'~Help'}->command (-label => '~About', -command => \&about) +; # A couple of phantom paragraph spacing tags to ease calculating parag +raph spacing $text->tagConfigure("!para_start", -spacing1 => 0, -spacing3 => -(kPar +aSpace)); $text->tagConfigure("!para_end", -spacing1 => -(kParaSpace), -spacing3 + => 0); $text->insert ('end', "Some text to play with.\n", '!para'); $text->insert ('end', "Some more text to play with. Some more text to +play with.\n", '!para'); #$mw->bind ("<$key>" => [\&keyCommand, $tag]); MainLoop (); sub balloonPostCommand { return 0 if ! length $balloonCharIndex; my %balloonCharTags; my $charIndex = $text->index ("$balloonCharIndex +1 char"); @balloonCharTags{$text->tagNames()} = ($balloonCharIndex); # If no tags under mouse don't post the balloon. return 0 if ! %balloonCharTags; if (exists $balloonCharTags{name}) { my ($start, $end) = $text->tagPrevrange ('name', $balloonCharI +ndex); my $name = $text->get($start, $end); $name =~ s/\|.*//; $msg = "link to [${name}]'s home node"; } elsif (exists $balloonCharTags{node}) { my ($start, $end) = $text->tagPrevrange ('node', $balloonCharI +ndex); my $node = $text->get($start, $end); $node =~ s/\|.*//; $msg = "link to node id $node"; $msg .= ' (badly formed - digits only allowed)' if $node !~ /^ +\d+$/; } else { return 0; } my @p = $text->bbox($balloonCharIndex); my $x = $text->rootx + $p[0] + $p[2] - 4; my $y = $text->rooty + $p[1] + $p[3] + 2; print "-$x,$y-\n"; return "$x,$y"; } sub balloonMotionCommand { my $x = $text->pointerx - $text->rootx; my $y = $text->pointery - $text->rooty; $balloonCharIndex = $text->index ("\@$x,$y"); # If the same char don't cancel the balloon. return 0 if $balloonLastIndex eq $balloonCharIndex; # New char under mouse - cancel it so a new balloon will be posted +. $balloonLastIndex = $balloonCharIndex; print ">$balloonLastIndex<\n"; return 1; } sub fileRender { $text->clipboardClear (); $text->clipboardAppend (render ()); } sub fileOpen { $currentFile = $text->FBox(-type => 'open', -filter => '*.PMEdit') +->Show; open inFile, '<', $currentFile or $text->messageBox ( -title => 'Save failed', -icon => 'error', -type => 'Ok', -message => "Unable to open '$currentFile' - $!" ); my ($html, $name, $mode, $params); while (<inFile>) { my ($type, $index, $item) = /(\S+)\s(\S+)\s(.*)/; if ($type =~ /^tago(?:n|ff)$/) { next if $item =~ /^_/; ($html, $name, $mode, $params) = @{$tagTypes{$item}}; } if ($type eq '-tagon') { print outFile "-tagon $item $index\n"; } elsif ($type eq '-tagoff') { print outFile "-tagoff $item $index\n"; } elsif ($type eq '-text') { print outFile "-text $item\n"; } else { print "Token type $type at $index not handled.\n"; } } close inFile; } sub fileSave { if (defined $currentFile and length $currentFile) { doSave ($currentFile); } else { fileSaveAs (); } } sub fileSaveAs { my $filename = $text->FBox(-type => 'save', -filter => '*.PMEdit') +->Show; doSave ($filename); } sub doSave { my $filename = shift; return if ! defined $filename or ! length $filename; open outFile, '>', $filename or $text->messageBox ( -title => 'Save failed', -icon => 'error', -type => 'Ok', -message => "Unable to create '$filename' - $!" ); my @dumpText = $text->dump ('-tag', '-text', 'start', 'end'); my ($html, $name, $mode, $params); while (@dumpText) { my ($type, $item, $index) = splice @dumpText, 0, 3; my $segEnd = exists $dumpText[2] ? $dumpText[2] : 'end'; if ($type =~ /^tago(?:n|ff)$/) { next if $item =~ /^_/; ($html, $name, $mode, $params) = @{$tagTypes{$item}}; } if ($type eq 'tagon') { print outFile "-tagon $index $item\n"; } elsif ($type eq 'tagoff') { print outFile "-tagoff $index $item\n"; } elsif ($type eq 'text') { print outFile "-text - $item\n"; } else { print "Token type $type at $index not handled.\n"; } } close outFile; $currentFile = $filename; } sub fileExit { exit 1; } sub render { my $result; my $paragraph; my $inCode = 0; my @dumpText = $text->dump ('-tag', '-text', '1.0', 'end'); my ($html, $name, $mode, $params); while (@dumpText) { my ($type, $item, $index) = splice @dumpText, 0, 3; next if $item =~ m'^(?:sel|para)'; my $segEnd = exists $dumpText[2] ? $dumpText[2] : 'end'; if ($type =~ /^tago(?:n|ff)$/) { next if $item =~ /^(?:_|!)/; ($html, $name, $mode, $params) = @{$tagTypes{$item}}; } if ($type eq 'tagon') { if ($mode->{'L'}) { my ($linkCode) = $html =~ /^\S*\s*(.*)/; $paragraph .= "[$linkCode"; next; } $inCode = 1 if $item eq 'code'; $paragraph .= "<$tagTypes{$item}[0]>"; } elsif ($type eq 'tagoff') { if ($mode->{'L'}) { $paragraph .= ']'; next; } $paragraph .= "</$tagTypes{$item}[0]>"; if ($item eq 'code') { $inCode = 0; } else { } } elsif ($type eq 'text') { $paragraph .= $item; if ($paragraph =~ /\n/) { if ($inCode) { $result .= $paragraph; } else { $paragraph =~ tr/\n//d; if ($paragraph eq '</code>') { $result .= $paragraph; $paragraph = ''; } $result .= "<p>$paragraph</p>\n"; } $paragraph = ''; } } else { print "Token type $type at $index not handled.\n"; } } $result =~ s|<p></p>|<br>|g; return $result; } sub keyCommand { &doCommand (); } sub doCommand { my %newTag = (tag => shift); my @selections = $text->tagRanges('sel'); @newTag{'name', 'html', 'flags', 'params'} = @{$tagTypes{$newTag{t +ag}}}; do { if (@selections) { my %tags; @tags{$text->tagNames($selections[0])} = (); # Preset curr +ent tags $newTag{isOn} = ! exists $tags{$newTag{tag}}; # Complement + new tag's curr state $tags{$newTag{tag}} ||= $newTag{isOn}; @newTag{'start', 'end'} = splice @selections, 0, 2; } else { my %activeTags; @activeTags{$text->tagNames('insert')} = (); return if ! exists $activeTags{$newTag{tag}}; @newTag{'start', 'end'} = $text->tagPrevrange ($newTag{tag +}, 'insert'); $newTag{isOn} = 0; } return if ! defined $newTag{end}; my $msg = $newTag{flags}{L} ? manageLink (%newTag) : updateTex +tTags (%newTag); if (length $msg) { $status->configure (-text => $msg); return; } } while (@selections); } sub updateTextTags { my %newTag = @_; my @dumpText = $text->dump ('-tag', '-text', $newTag{start}, $newT +ag{end}); my @activeTags = $text->tagNames($newTag{start}); my %tags; @tags{@activeTags} = (1) x @activeTags; # Preset current tags $tags{$newTag{tag}} = $newTag{isOn}; TOKEN: while (@dumpText) { my ($type, $item, $index) = splice @dumpText, 0, 3; my $segEnd = exists $dumpText[2] ? $dumpText[2] : $newTag{end} +; if ($type eq 'tagon') { $tags{$item} = 1 if $item ne $newTag{tag}; } elsif ($type eq 'tagoff') { $tags{$item} = 0 if $item ne $newTag{tag}; } elsif ($type eq 'text') { my @tagList = grep {! /^_|^sel$/ && $tags{$_}} keys %tags; my @removeList = grep {! $tags{$_} || /^_/} keys %tags; # Bail if current tags preclude new tag for (@tagList) { next if ! exists $tagTypes{$_} or $newTag{tag} eq $_; my ($Ihtml, $Iname, $Iflags, $Iparams) = @{$tagTypes{$ +_}}; # Check for existing tag that precludes all new tags if ($Iflags->{'X'}{'ALL'}) { next TOKEN } # Check for existing tag that precludes $newTag if ($Iflags->{'X'}{$newTag{tag}}) { next TOKEN; } } if ($newTag{isOn}) { if ($newTag{flags}->{'C'}{'ALL'}) { # Strip all other tags push @removeList, @tagList; } elsif (%{$newTag{flags}->{'C'}}) { # Clear specific tags push @removeList, keys %{$newTag{flags}->{'C'}}; } push @tagList, $newTag{tag}; } $text->tagRemove ($_, $index, $segEnd) for @removeList; @tagList = buildTag (@tagList); $text->tagAdd ($_, $index, $segEnd) for @tagList; fixParaSpacing ($index); } else { print "Token type $type at $index not handled.\n"; } } return ''; } sub manageLink { my %newTag = @_; my @activeTags = $text->tagNames($newTag{start}); my %tags; if (! $newTag{isOn}) { # Remove the link $text->tagRemove ($newTag{tag}, $newTag{start}, $newTag{end}); updateTextTags (%newTag); return ''; } @tags{@activeTags} = (1) x @activeTags; # Preset current tags for (keys %tags) { next if ! exists $tagTypes{$_}; return 1 if $newTag{tag} eq $_ and $newTag{isOn}; # Link alrea +dy my ($Ihtml, $Iname, $Iflags, $Iparams) = @{$tagTypes{$_}}; return "Can't link inside $Iname" if $Iflags->{'X'}{'ALL'}; return "Can't link inside $Iname" if $Iflags->{'X'}{'link'}; } return 'Links must not span line ends.' if int ($newTag{start}) != int ($newTag{end}); # Get the link text my $orgLinkText = $text->get($newTag{start}, $newTag{end}); my ($linkStr, $textStr) = $orgLinkText =~ /^([~|]*\|?)(.*)/; my $indexStr = "$newTag{start} +" . length ($linkStr) . 'chars'; my $linkEnd = $text->index ($indexStr); my %linkTag = %{clone (\%newTag)}; my %textTag = %{clone (\%newTag)}; $linkTag{end} = $linkEnd; $textTag{start} = $linkEnd; updateTextTags (%linkTag); updateTextTags (%textTag); return ''; } sub buildTag { my %tags; @tags{@_} = (); my @tagList = sort keys %tags; my $newFormatTag = '_' . join '_', @tagList; my %options; my %fontParams; for (@tagList) { next if ! exists $tagTypes{$_} || ! ref $tagTypes{$_}; my ($html, $name, $mode, $params) = @{$tagTypes{$_}}; next if ! ref $params; for my $type (keys %$params) { if ($type =~ /-font/) { for my $subType (keys %{$params->{$type}}) { $fontParams{$subType} = $params->{$type}{$subType} +; } } else { $options{$type} = $params->{$type}; } } } $options{-font} = buildFont (%fontParams) if %fontParams; $text->tagConfigure ($newFormatTag, %options); push @tagList, $newFormatTag; return @tagList; } sub buildFont { my %options = @_; my $fontName = ''; $fontName .= "$_|$options{$_}," for sort keys %options; $fontName =~ tr/-+/mp/; $fontName =~ tr/a-zA-Z0-9/mp_/c; $mw->fontCreate($fontName, %options) if ! $formatFonts{$fontName}+ ++; return $fontName; } sub fixParaSpacing { my $lastLine = ($text->index ('end') =~ /(\d+)/)[0]; my $lastTailSpace = -(kParaSpace); my @paraTags; push @paraTags, "!para_$_" for (1..$lastLine); $text->tagDelete (@paraTags); # Clear current spacing tags for my $line (1..$lastLine) { my $headSpace = kParaSpace; my $tailSpace = kParaSpace; my @activeTags = $text->tagNames("$line.0"); # Note that this is currently broken if the first character ha +ppens to be a # part of a single spaced style applied to a partial line for (@activeTags) { next if ! exists $tagTypes{$_} || ! ref $tagTypes{$_}; my ($html, $name, $mode, $params) = @{$tagTypes{$_}}; next if ! ref $params; for my $type (keys %$params) { $headSpace = $params->{$type} if $headSpace && $type = +~ /-spacing1/; $tailSpace = $params->{$type} if $tailSpace && $type = +~ /-spacing3/; } } if ($lastTailSpace == -(kParaSpace)) { $headSpace = 0; } elsif ($lastTailSpace == 0 && $headSpace > 0) { $headSpace += kParaSpace; } elsif ($lastTailSpace > 0 && $headSpace == 0) { $headSpace += kParaSpace; } $text->tagConfigure("!para_$line", -spacing1 => $headSpace, -s +pacing3 => $tailSpace); $text->tagAdd ("!para_$line", "$line.0"); $text->tagRaise ("!para_$line"); $lastTailSpace = $tailSpace; } } sub trim { for (@_) { $$_ =~ s/^\s+//; $$_ =~ s/\s+$//; } } sub help { my $msg = <<MSG; This editor is designed to provide wysiwyg editing for n +odes. The contents of the node is edited off-line and rendered (File|Render) to +the clipboard for pasting into a node's text edit field. Feedback can be /msged to GrandFather in the first instance. If you pr +ovide an email address in your /msg, GrandFather will most likely reply to the +email address. MSG $mw->messageBox ( -icon => 'info', -message => $msg, -title => 'PerlMonks Editor Help', -type => 'Ok', ); } sub about { my $msg = <<MSG; PerlMonks Editor Written by GrandFather for the assistance, pleasure and edification of + other monks. MSG $mw->messageBox ( -icon => 'info', -message => $msg, -title => 'About PerlMonks Editor', -type => 'Ok', ); } __DATA__ #tag style definitions #tag name,HTML tag, UI text, flags, modifiers as key value pairs big,big,Big font,F,-font => [-size => 16] bold,b,Bold,F,-font => [-weight => bold] center,center,Centered text,P, code,code,Code block,BFXCU,-spacing1 => 0,-spacing3 => 0,-background = +> #e0e0ff,-font => [-family => courier, -weight => bold] cpan,link id://,CPAN link,L, -background => #c0c0c0, -foreground => #4 +0e040, dd,dd,Definition Description,B, del,del,Deleted Text,F, dl,dl,Definition List,B,-lmargin1 => 20m, -lmargin2 => 20m, -rmargin = +> 20m dt,dt,Definition Term,B,-lmargin1 => 10m, -lmargin2 => 10m, -rmargin = +> 10m, -font => [-weight => bold] emphasis,em,Emphasis,F,-font => [-weight => bold] h3,h3,Header level 3,B,-font => [-size => 24], -background => #c0c0c0, +-spacing1 => 14 h4,h4,Header level 4,B,-font => [-size => 24], -background => #8080c0, +-spacing1 => 10 h5,h5,Header level 5,B,-font => [-size => 16], -background => #c0c0c0, +-spacing1 => 10 h6,h6,Header level 6,B,-font => [-size => 16], -background => #8080c0, +-spacing1 => 8 hrule,hr,Horizontal rule,BX, inserted,ins,ins,BF, -background => #ffffc0, italic,i,Italic,F,-font => [-slant => italic] item,li,List item,I, olist,ol,Ordered list,B,-lmargin1 => 20m, -lmargin2 => 20m, -rmargin = +> 20m quote,blockquote,Quoted block,P,-lmargin1 => 15m,-lmargin2 => 15m,-rma +rgin => 15m readmore,readmore,Read more block,BR,-background => #a0b7ce small,small,small,F,-font => [-size => 8] spoiler,spoiler,Spoiler,F, -background => #000000, -foreground => #404 +040, strike,strike,Strike Out,F,-overstrike => on strong,strong,Strong emphasis,F, sub,sub,Sub script,FCsuper,-offset => -2p,-font => [-size => 8] super,sup,Super script,FCsub,-offset => 4p,-font => [-size => 8] teletype,Teletype text,tt,F,-font => [-family => courier], -background + => #FFFFc0 ulist,ul,Unordered list,B,-lmargin1 => 20m, -lmargin2 => 20m, -rmargin + => 20m underline,u,Underline,F,[-underline => on]], #links - still tag style definitions acronym,link acronym://,Acronym link,L, -background => #f0f0f0, -foreg +round => #0060c0, cpan,link cpan://,Cpan link,L, -background => #f0f0f0, -foreground => +#00a0a0, dict,link dict://,Dictionary link,L, -background => #f0f0f0, -foregrou +nd => #00a0a0, dist,link dist://,CPAN Distro link,L, -background => #f0f0f0, -foregro +und => #00a0a0, doc,link doc://,perldoc link,L, -background => #f0f0f0, -foreground => + #00a0a0, ftp,link ftp://,Ftp link,L, -background => #f0f0f0, -foreground => #00 +a0a0, google,link google://,Google link,L, -background => #f0f0f0, -foregrou +nd => #00a0a0, href,link href://,Href link,L, -background => #f0f0f0, -foreground => +#00a0a0, http,link http://,Http link,L, -background => #f0f0f0, -foreground => +#00a0a0, https,link https://,Https link,L, -background => #f0f0f0, -foreground +=> #00a0a0, id,link id://,Node id link,L, -background => #f0f0f0, -foreground => # +00a0a0, isbn,link isbn://,Isbn link,L, -background => #f0f0f0, -foreground => +#00a0a0, jargon,link jargon://,Jargon link,L, -background => #f0f0f0, -foregrou +nd => #00a0a0, kobes,link kobes://,Kobes link,L, -background => #f0f0f0, -foreground +=> #00a0a0, lj,link lj://,Live journal link,L, -background => #f0f0f0, -foreground + => #00a0a0, lucky,link lucky://,Google lucky link,L, -background => #f0f0f0, -fore +ground => #00a0a0, mod,link mod://,Mod link,L, -background => #f0f0f0, -foreground => #00 +a0a0, module,link module://,Module link,L, -background => #f0f0f0, -foregrou +nd => #00a0a0, name,link,Node name link,L, -background => #f0f0f0, -foreground => #00 +60c0, pad,link pad://,Scratchpad link,L, -background => #f0f0f0, -foreground + => #00a0a0, perldoc,link perldoc://,Perldoc link,L, -background => #f0f0f0, -foreg +round => #00a0a0, pmdev,link pmdev://,Pmdev link,L, -background => #f0f0f0, -foreground +=> #00a0a0, wp,link wp://,Wp link,L, -background => #f0f0f0, -foreground => #00a0a +0, #key bindings, menu items and tool bar items #tag,key,menu item,toolbar item,right click item big,Control 2,Format/Big,,Big bold,Control Shift b,Format/Bold,,Bold italic,Control i,Format/Italic,,Italic strike,Control s,Format/Strike out,,Strike out sub,Control u,Format/Subscript,,Subscript super,Control s,Format/Superscript,,Superscript code,Control c,Format/Code,,Code id,,Links/Node,,Node id link name,,Links/Name,,Name link

DWIM is Perl's answer to Gödel

In reply to PerlMonks Editor by GrandFather

Use:  <p> text here (a paragraph) </p>
and:  <code> code here </code>
to format your post; it's "PerlMonks-approved HTML":

  • Are you posting in the right place? Check out Where do I post X? to know for sure.
  • Posts may use any of the Perl Monks Approved HTML tags. Currently these include the following:
    <code> <a> <b> <big> <blockquote> <br /> <dd> <dl> <dt> <em> <font> <h1> <h2> <h3> <h4> <h5> <h6> <hr /> <i> <li> <nbsp> <ol> <p> <small> <strike> <strong> <sub> <sup> <table> <td> <th> <tr> <tt> <u> <ul>
  • Snippets of code should be wrapped in <code> tags not <pre> tags. In fact, <pre> tags should generally be avoided. If they must be used, extreme care should be taken to ensure that their contents do not have long lines (<70 chars), in order to prevent horizontal scrolling (and possible janitor intervention).
  • Want more info? How to link or How to display code and escape characters are good places to start.
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