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by mawe (Hermit)
on Apr 07, 2004 at 05:44 UTC ( [id://343196]=sourcecode: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??
Category: GUI Programming/Fun Stuff
Author/Contact Info mawe
Description: You like Action-Games?
Forget Doom, Quake, Solitaire and Mahjongg! Here comes CamelTrouble ;-)

As you will see, my perl skills are.. let's not talk about it :-/ I think there are some bugs (one I know occurs when you collect the monks). If you have the time, please give me some advice how to improve the code, I'd love to learn from your comments :-)
Have Fun!

Update:Fixed winning detection as PodMaster suggested
Update:Fixed some typos (thank you Albannach)
Update:Fixed monk-collection-bug with help from Vautrin and hossman

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use Tk;
use strict;

my (@bad_ones,@good_ones);
my (%ud,%lr);
my ($monk_number,$max_monk_number,$goal,$japh_on,$level,$lives,$wave,$
my ($top,$canvas,$canvas_status,$camel,$water,$japh_x,$japh_y,$camel_i
my @speed = qw(2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10);
my @monk_add_when = qw(20 15 10 5 5 4 4 3 2 1);
my @timer=();


sub set_defaults {
    $goal = 0;
    $japh_on = 0;
    $monk_number = 5;
    $max_monk_number = $monk_number;
    $level = 1;
    $lives = 3;
    $wave = 1;
    $diff = 0;

sub gui {
    $top = MainWindow->new(-title=>'CamelTrouble');
    # the menu
    my $menubar = $top->Menu;
    my $game_menu = $menubar->cascade(-label=>"~Game");
    my $diff_menu = $menubar->cascade(-label=>"~Difficulty");
    my $help_menu = $menubar->cascade(-label=>"~Help");
    $game_menu->command(-label=>"~Go!",-command=>sub{ create_players()
+ });
        stop(); clear_board(); set_defaults() });
    $game_menu->command(-label=>"~Quit",-command=>sub{ exit });
    # the desert
    $canvas = $top->Canvas(
        -height => 400,
        -width     => 700,
        -bg        => 'goldenrod3',
        -bd        => 8,
        -relief    => 'sunken',

    # the status-field
    $canvas_status = $top->Canvas(
        -height    => 50,
        -width    => 700,
        -bg        => 'white',
        -bd        => 4,
        -relief    => 'groove',
    # the oasis
    # the borders
    # status bar
    # key-bindings    


sub create_players {
    # the camel
    $camel = $canvas->createImage(50,200,
    #the monks
    @good_ones = ();
    for (0..$monk_number-1) {
        my $x = int(rand(500)) + 100;
        my $y = int(rand(375)) + 15;
    $monk_stat = $canvas_status->createText(435,30,
        -text=>"Monks: $monk_number",
        -text=>"Level: $level",
    # the enemies
    @bad_ones = ();
    my @en = ($python_icon,$coffee_icon,"python","coffee");
    for (0..$level*2) {
        my $choice = int(rand(2));
        my $bx = int(rand(450)) + 150;
        $bad_ones[$_] = $canvas->createImage($bx,int(rand(350)),
    # up or down?
    foreach (@bad_ones) { $ud{$_} = int(rand(2)) }
    # left or right?
    foreach (@bad_ones) { $lr{$_} = int(rand(2)) }
    # the water-line
    $water = $canvas_status->createRectangle(
    # the door
    # japh
    $japh_x = int(rand(450)) + 150;
    $japh_y = int(rand(385)) + 15;
    if (rand(4)<1) {
        $japh_on = 1;

sub timer {

sub stop { map { $_->cancel() } @timer }

sub go {
    my @camel = ($canvas->coords('camel'));
    # don't go outside the field
    if ($camel[1]<20) {
    } elsif ($camel[1]>390) {
    } else {
    # open door
    if ($monk_number == 0) { $canvas->delete('door') }
    # all monks collected
        if (($camel[0]>620) and ($camel[1]>180 and $camel[1]<220) and
        $monk_number == 0 and $goal == 0) {
            -text=>"YEAH !!",
            -font=>'Arial 50',
        my $x=5;
        for (0..$max_monk_number-1) {
        $goal = 1;
        if ($level % $monk_add_when[$diff] == 0) {
    if ($goal == 0) { bad_ones_move(@camel) } 
    if ($monk_number > 0) { good_ones_go(@camel) } 
    if ($japh_on == 1) { japh_collect(@camel) }

sub bad_ones_move {
    my (@camel) = @_;
    my ($vx,$vy);
    my $dvx = $speed[$diff];
    my $dvy = $speed[$diff];
    for (@bad_ones) {
        my ($cox,$coy) = ($canvas->coords($_))[0,1];
        # collision
        if (($camel[0] > $cox-20) and ($camel[0] < $cox+20) and 
             ($camel[1] > $coy-20) and ($camel[1] < $coy+20)) {
            # was it a coffee?
            if ($canvas->gettags($_) eq 'coffee') {
            # or a python?
            } else {
                $goal = 1;
                    -font=>'Arial 30',
                $top->after(2000,sub{ $canvas->delete('text');\&next_o
+ne() });
        # enemies bounce off the walls
        if ($coy<390 and $ud{$_}==1) { $vy=$dvy } else { $vy=-$dvy;$ud
+{$_}=0 }
        if ($coy<20 and $ud{$_}==0) { $vy=$dvy;$ud{$_}=1 }
        if ($cox>110 and $lr{$_}==1) { $vx=-$dvx } else { $vx=$dvx;$lr
+{$_}=0 }
        if ($cox>600 and $lr{$_}==0) { $vx=-$dvx;$lr{$_}=1 }

sub good_ones_go {
    my @camel = @_;
    for (0..$#good_ones) {
        my ($gox,$goy) = ($canvas->coords($good_ones[$_]))[0,1];

        # collision with monk
        if (defined $good_ones[$_]) {
            if (($camel[0] > $gox-20) and ($camel[0] < $gox+20) and
                ($camel[1] > $goy-20) and ($camel[1] < $goy+20)) {
                splice @good_ones,$_,1;
                    -text=>"Monks: $monk_number",

sub japh_collect {
    my @camel = @_;
    if (($camel[0] > $japh_x-20) and ($camel[0] < $japh_x+20) and
        ($camel[1] > $japh_y-20) and ($camel[1] < $japh_y+20)) {
            -font=>'Arial 20',
        $japh_on = 0;
sub lives_update {
    # reserve camels
    my $cx = 170;
    for (1..$lives-1) {
        -text=>"Lives: $lives",

sub monk_wave {
    foreach (@good_ones) {
        if ($wave == 1) {
            $wave = 0;
        } else {
            $wave = 1;

sub water_loss {
    if ($goal == 0) {
        if (($canvas_status->coords($water))[0] < -50) {
        if (($canvas_status->coords($water))[0] < -120) {
        if (($canvas_status->coords($water))[0] == -140) {
                -text=>"Hurry Up!!!",
                -font=>'Arial 30',
            $top->after(1500,sub{ $canvas->delete('text') });
        if (($canvas_status->coords($water))[0] < -180) {
            $goal = 1;
                -text=>"Camel died of thirst!!!",
                -font=>'Arial 20',
            $top->after(2000,sub{ $canvas->delete('text');\&next_one()
+ });

sub next_one {
    if ($lives == 0) {
            -text=>"Game Over",
            -font=>'Arial 50',
        $top->after(2000,sub{ stop(); clear_board(); set_defaults() })
    } else {
            -text=>"Entering level $level",
            -font=>'Arial 20',
            $monk_number = $max_monk_number;

sub clear_board {

sub about {
    my $ab = $top->Toplevel(-title=>"About");
    $ab->Label(-text=>"CamelTrouble\nwritten by mawe \n(aka Markus Wei

sub help {
    my $ab = $top->Toplevel(-title=>"About");
Some Perlmonks have been lost in the desert. Help our camel to find th
and bring them to the oasis before you run out of water.
Watch out for the evil enemies: Python and Java.. ehm, coffee!
If you touch a Python, you die. Touch a coffee and you lose water.
The Japhs act like magic spells: collect them and gain  lives!")->pack

sub load_icons {
$camel_icon = <<'EOF';
/* XPM */
static char *quit[]={
"30 24 2 1",
"x c brown",
". c None",

$python_icon = <<'EOF';
/* XPM */
static char *quit[]={
"30 20 5 1",
"x c darkgreen",
"# c blue",
"+ c green",
"a c red",
". c None",

$coffee_icon = <<'EOF';
/* XPM */
static char *quit[]={
"30 27 3 1",
"x c blue", 
"+ c red",  
". c None",

$monk_icon = <<'EOF';
/* XPM */
static char *quit[]={
"30 13 3 1",
"x c yellow", 
"+ c red",  
". c None",

$monk2_icon = <<'EOF';
/* XPM */
static char *quit[]={
"30 13 3 1",
"x c yellow", 
"+ c red",  
". c None",

$tree_icon = <<'EOF';
/* XPM */
static char *quit[]={
"30 30 4 1",
"x c brown",
"+ c darkgreen",
"* c green",
". c None",
Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Winning is hard
by PodMaster (Abbot) on Apr 07, 2004 at 07:19 UTC
    Winning is hard. About five of my camels died of thirst whilst bathing in the oasis. You need to improve your detection technique. Since the door to the oasis only opens after the camel has collected all the people, all the camel should have to do is pass through the door to win. Make sense?

    MJD says "you can't just make shit up and expect the computer to know what you mean, retardo!"
    I run a Win32 PPM repository for perl 5.6.x and 5.8.x -- I take requests (README).
    ** The third rule of perl club is a statement of fact: pod is sexy.

      Makes sense! Thank you PodMaster! I fixed that. All you have to do now is to bath in the oasis :-)
Re: CamelTrouble
by Anonymous Monk on Apr 07, 2004 at 08:12 UTC

    ${Tk Skillz}++. Where do you learn this stuff? I've tried learning the Perl/Tk stuff several times over but I never get anywhere because quite frankly, documentation is horrible. Where is the technique of creating images as you do within load_icons() documented? I've never seen anything even close to such code used with Tk before.

    It appears that Tk can do some pretty neat stuff, the problem is that it is hard to learn how. This may just be my own opinion here, but for me, QBasic was easier to learn back in high school than Tk is now. I could relearn everything I've forgotten about QBasic and program this game in that language with no problems :)

      The thing with load_icons() I first saw here. I think the best way to learn perl/tk is to look at some code. A good start might be There are also many tk-gurus here at the monastery, e.g. zentara, just to mention one (look at his homepage).
      It's not hard to learn at all and the GUI API is about a billion times cleaner than Java's swing. Pick up O'Reilly's "Mastering Perl Tk" (the emu book) if you can spare the change, as it really is an awesome reference on the subject.

      I am currently considering writing a Perl/Tk SimCity clone (ambitious? YES!) just because it CAN be done. The Tk part is very easy -- it's the algorithms part that is challenging. Tk is poorly suited to games that do a bunch of really fancy rendering, but it can move things around on the screen (with a fixed number of objects/sprites) pretty darn well. I keep thinking YetAnotherScorchedEarth would be a good idea. Arrows and other primatives animate very smoothly.

      Anyhow, I'll check this program out when I get home -- not a good idea to play with camels at work :)

Re: CamelTrouble
by McMahon (Chaplain) on Apr 07, 2004 at 14:51 UTC
    Really, really nice.

    The best part is that, although I've never used Tk, I can read and understand this code with no problem at all. If I ever *do* need Tk for something...

    ...I'm reviewing this script first.
Re: CamelTrouble
by muba (Priest) on Apr 07, 2004 at 10:27 UTC
    Wow, this game is awesome!
    Congratulations, man! Really impressive!
Re: CamelTrouble
by eric256 (Parson) on Apr 07, 2004 at 23:48 UTC

    Great! Just wanted to comment that you can walk threw the wall weather the door is open or not! :-) It won't let you win but it lets you threw.

    Eric Hodges
      The wall is exactly that high, that a camel can jump over it, but snakes can't :-)
Re: CamelTrouble
by gaggio (Friar) on Apr 08, 2004 at 06:09 UTC
    Made it to Level 18.
    Who did better?
    Let's do a little contest here!

    Besides the fun of starting a work day by playing a great little game, I must really congratulate you for offering a nice GUI app code to the monastery
    God bless you!
      Couldn't clear level 20, but had a great time trying!!! I did also learn a bit about TK from it. I never realized what you could do with it.

        Level 20 is too hard :P. I started level 20 with 5 lives and came out with 0. lol.

Re: CamelTrouble
by hossman (Prior) on Apr 10, 2004 at 20:48 UTC
    • Nice piece of code
    • Everythime I pick up a dude, I see...
      Use of uninitialized value in subtraction (-) at CamelTrouble.perlmonk line 286. Use of uninitialized value in addition (+) at CamelTrouble.perlmonks34 line 286.
    • My camels seem to have no problem walking through walls, which makes avoiding the hazards to get to the Oasis after picking up all the dudes very easy.
      Everythime I pick up a dude, I see... Use of uninitialized value in subtraction (-) at line 286. Use of uninitialized value in addition (+) at line 286.
      That's right. It's one of the bugs I mentioned in the description. Unfortunately I don't know how to fix it. Please help :-)
      My camels seem to have no problem walking through walls, which makes avoiding the hazards to get to the Oasis after picking up all the dudes very easy.
      As I explained above, the camel doesn't walk through the wall, it jumps over it ;-)

        If you use warnings; you can use no warnings qw(foobar); in a block to turn off the foobar type warning. So you could do:

        no warnings qw(uninitialized);

        Or you could check your code, i.e.:

        # so it's not undefined: $foo = 0 unless (defined $foo);

        I put a big write up on my scratchpad for somebody about using use warnings for fine grained control. Check it out if you're interested.

        Want to support the EFF and FSF by buying cool stuff? Click here.

        Well, I haven't read all of your code, so I can't say authoritatively that I know exactly what the bug is, but i have read the good_ones_go funtion, and fortunately your program is nice and moduler, and your variables names are fairly clear, (the only thing i needed to look up anywhere else in the script is what "@good_ones" contains, and what you pass to "good_ones_go" when you call it) so I think I have a pretty good idea what's going wrong.

        Rather then just fixing it for you, let me ask you a question, what happens if you run this script....

        # perl use warnings; use strict; my @good_ones = (100..110); foreach (0..$#good_ones) { print "$_: $good_ones[$_] ..."; if (rand() < 0.5) { splice @good_ones,$_,1; } print "($#good_ones)\n"; }

        (PS: you may be tempted to "fix" your script by adding a single call to "last;" ... I wouldn't recommend that. Consider what would happen if the camel moves one pixel, and that puts him close enough to pick up two monks.)

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