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Re: Synchronizing constants/enums in database and code

by hardburn (Abbot)
on Apr 11, 2004 at 13:35 UTC ( [id://344255]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Synchronizing constants/enums in database and code

Enums are a hack for the fact that MySQL didn't have proper referential integrity until recently. In this case, the better answer is probably to put your column in a seperate table which is linked to with a foreign key. You can use a subselect (another thing MySQL only recently got) to get the data back out:

CREATE TABLE payment_types ( id int primary key auto_increment, name blob not null unique ) type = InnoDB; -- Because InnoDB doesn't suck CREATE TABLE order ( -- or whatever you call it id int primary key auto_increment, pay_type int not null, -- other columns FOREIGN KEY (pay_type) REFERENCES payment_type (id) ON DELETE RESTRICT ) type = InnoDB; -- Example insert INSERT INTO order (pay_type) VALUES ( (SELECT id FROM payment_type WHERE name = 'VISA') )

Yes, there is a performance hit. It's also a much cleaner implementation.

Update: s/FOREGIN/FOREIGN/. Thanks to cLive ;-).

: () { :|:& };:

Note: All code is untested, unless otherwise stated

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