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AcidHawk's scratchpad

by AcidHawk (Vicar)
on Jun 01, 2004 at 18:09 UTC ( [id://358335]=scratchpad: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??


#!/usr/bin/perl -w use IO::Socket; use Net::hostent; # for OO version of gethostbyaddr $PORT = 9000; # pick something not in use $server = IO::Socket::INET->new( Proto => 'tcp', LocalPort => $PORT, Listen => SOMAXCONN, Reuse => 1); die "can't setup server" unless $server; print "[Server $0 accepting clients]\n"; while ($client = $server->accept()) { $client->autoflush(1); print $client "Welcome to $0; type help for command list.\n"; $hostinfo = gethostbyaddr($client->peeraddr); printf "[Connect from %s]\n", $hostinfo->name || $client->peerhost; print $client "\nCommand? "; while ( <$client>) { next unless /\S/; # blank line if (/quit|exit/i) { print STDOUT "[Client says goodbye]\n"; + last; } elsif (/date|time/i) { printf $client "%s\n", scalar localtime +; } elsif (/who/i ) { print $client `who 2>&1`; + } elsif (/cookie/i ) { print $client `/usr/games/fortune 2>&1 +`; } elsif (/motd/i ) { print $client `cat /etc/motd 2>&1`; + } else { print $client "Commands: quit date who cookie motd\n"; } } continue { print $client "\nCommand? "; } close $client; }

#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use IO::Socket; my ($host, $port, $kidpid, $handle, $line); unless (@ARGV == 2) { die "usage: $0 host port" } ($host, $port) = @ARGV; # create a tcp connection to the specified host and port $handle = IO::Socket::INET->new(Proto => "tcp", PeerAddr => $host, PeerPort => $port) or die "can't connect to port $port on $host: $!"; $handle->autoflush(1); # so output gets there right a +way print STDERR "[Connected to $host:$port]\n"; # split the program into two processes, identical twins die "can't fork: $!" unless defined($kidpid = fork()); # the if{} block runs only in the parent process if ($kidpid) { # copy the socket to standard output while (defined ($line = <$handle>)) { print STDOUT $line; } kill("TERM", $kidpid); # send SIGTERM to chil +d } # the else{} block runs only in the child process else { # copy standard input to the socket while (defined ($line = <STDIN>)) { print $handle $line; } }
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