use 5.10.0; use warnings; use strict; use LWP::UserAgent; ## switch to a maintained (more performant?) module use XML::Twig; use Data::Peek; ##### force the dump of $config, only for this test my $opt_v = 6; my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new ( max_redirect => 2, agent => "Opera/25.00 opera 25", parse_head => 0, cookie_jar => {}, ); ###NEW THINGS FROM HERE ON ### my $client; my $times; my $downld; my $upld; #new my $ignore_ids; my %list; ## a global instead my %list = get_servers (); at line 385 my $config={};## a global get_config_and_servers_Twig(); ## SAME TEST BUT INVERTED ASSIGNMENT $config->{"client"} = $client or die "Config saw no client\n"; $config->{"times"} = $times or die "Config saw no times\n"; $config->{"download"} = $downld or die "Config saw no download\n"; $config->{"upload"} = $upld or die "Config saw no upload\n"; $config->{"server-config"}{"ignoreids"} = $ignore_ids or die "Config saw no ignore ids\n"; $opt_v > 5 and DDumper $config; ### ############################################################################ sub get_config_and_servers_Twig { my $url = ""; my $rsp = $ua->request (HTTP::Request->new (GET => $url)); $rsp->is_success or die "Cannot get config: ", $rsp->status_line, "\n"; ## my $twig_config=XML::Twig->new( twig_handlers => { 'settings/client' => sub { map {$$client{$_} = $_[1]->att($_)} qw/ip isp ispdlavg isprating ispulavg lat loggedin lon rating/}, # times seems not used by your program!! 'settings/times' => sub { map {$$times{$_} = $_[1]->att($_)} qw/dl1 dl2 dl3 ul1 ul2 ul3/}, 'settings/download' => sub { map {$$downld{$_} = $_[1]->att($_)} qw/initialtest mintestsize testlength threadsperurl/}, 'settings/upload' => sub { map {$$upld{$_} = $_[1]->att($_)} qw/initialtest maxchunkcount maxchunksize mintestsize ratio testlength threads threadsperurl/}, # 'settings/server-config' => sub { $ignore_ids = $_[1]->att('ignoreids') }, }, ); $twig_config->parse( $rsp->content ); # now get_servers my $url_servers = ""; my $rsp_servers = $ua->request (HTTP::Request->new (GET => $url_servers)); # ATTENTION the die was die "Cannot get config: " AND NOT get servers.. $rsp_servers->is_success or die "Cannot get servers ", $rsp_servers->status_line, "\n"; my $twig_servers=XML::Twig->new( twig_handlers => { 'settings/servers/server' => sub { $list{$_[1]->att('id')} = { map {$_=>$_[1]->att($_)} qw/cc country lat lon name sponsor url url2/ } }, }, ); $twig_servers->parse( $rsp_servers->content ); # HERE IS TOO SOON.....$opt_v > 5 and DDumper $config;##was $xml->{settings} #return $xml->{settings}; } # get_config_and_servers_Twig