in reply to Tarball Cleaner

Some tarballs dont create new directories.
This can be bad news.

I recently did a rm -rf `tar tvfz blah.tgz` on a tarball that had contained ./ and had made a mess in the cwd

Luckily, the "v" saved me, as I assume rm -rf ./ would be pretty bad.

In my haste, I have not considered how your code would handle this, but it might be good to check.

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Re: RE: Tarball Cleaner
by deprecated (Priest) on Jan 21, 2001 at 04:56 UTC
    Is there a reason Archive::Tar was not used in this case? I am working on a project with it (code to follow, maybe even this evening), and it seems pretty straightforward (if a little braindead), and doesnt require the use of `` and the like...

    update: that code is here.


    i am not cool enough to have a signature.