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The MessageBoardPlugin TWiki Plugin

by monsieur_champs (Curate)
on Jun 17, 2004 at 19:16 UTC ( [id://367736]=CUFP: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

I did it again.

Here is the MessageBoardPlugin, a TWiki Plugin for posting messages like a coffee message board, where users can post anything they need to. Hope that the fellows like reading and using this.

Code follows:

Filename: MessageBoardPlugin.txt

%META:TOPICINFO{author="lcampos" date="1087408800" format="1.0" versio +n="1.9"}% ---+ Message Board Plugin This is a database based message board plugin for the <nop>TWiki syste +m. Users can post and read messages from a database as if it was a me +ssage board fixed on the wall. ---++ Syntax Rules Use the TWiki Tag =%<nop>MESSAGE_BOARD%= with options: | *Option Name* | *Value Range* | *Description* | | =displayOnly= | ='0'= or ='1'= | When set to =1= causes Message Boar +d to just display messages, not allowing users to post new messages. +When set to =0= will display posted messages and allow users to post +new messages. Defaults to =0=. | | =messageOrder= | ='ASC'=, ='DESC'= | Chooses the order of messages, +=ASC= meaning newer messages showing first, =DESC= meaning older mess +ages showing first. Defaults to =ASC=. | ---++ <nop>%TOPIC% Global Settings * One line description, shown in the %TWIKIWEB%.TextFormattingRule +s topic: * Set SHORTDESCRIPTION = Database-Based message board plugin. * Color Settings * Set TABLE_HEAD_COLOR = %WEBCOLOR% * Icons and Image Settings * Set TRASH_CAN_ICON_LINK = <img src="%PUBURL%/%TWIKIWEB%/Mess +ageBoardPlugin/trashcan.png" alt="Remove" border="0" /> * Set PENCIL_ICON_LINK = <img src="%PUBURL%/%TWIKIWEB%/Message +BoardPlugin/editicon.png" alt="Edit" border="0" /> * Database Settings * Set DB_DRIVER = mysql * Set DB_SERVER = _IP or hostname here_ * Set DB_SERVER_PORT = 3306 * Set DB_DATABASE = message_board * Set DB_TABLE = message * Set DB_USER = board * Set DB_PASSWORD = _password_ * Plugin Messages (so you can internationalize them): * Error opening connection to the database * Set MSG_DB_CONNECT_ERROR = %X% %RED% Error connecting to the + database%ENDCOLOR% * Error closing connection to the database * Set MSG_DB_CLOSE_ERROR = %X% %RED% Error closing the databas +e connection%ENDCOLOR% * Error during query preparation * Set MSG_DB_PREPARE_ERROR = %X% %RED% Error preparing query%E +NDCOLOR% * Error during data fetch * Set MSG_DB_FETCH_ERROR = %X% %RED% Error fetching data from +database%ENDCOLOR% * Error during query execution * Set MSG_DB_EXECUTE_ERROR = %X% %RED% Error executing query%E +NDCOLOR% * No data found error * Set MSG_DB_NO_DATA_ERROR = %X% %RED% No data found%ENDCOLOR% * Update error message * Set MSG_DB_UPDATE_ERROR = %X% %RED% Error updating data%ENDC +OLOR% * Insert error message * Set MSG_DB_INSERT_ERROR = %X% %RED% Error inserting data%END +COLOR% * Debug plugin: (See output in =data/debug.txt=) * Set DEBUG = 0 ---++ Plugin Installation Instructions __Note:__ You do not need to install anything on the browser to use th +is plugin. The following instructions are for the administrator who i +nstalls the plugin on the server where TWiki is running. * Download the ZIP file from the Plugin web (see below) * Unzip in your twiki installation directory. Cont +ent: | *File:* | *Description:* | | ==data/TWiki/%TOPIC%.txt== | Plugin topic | | ==data/TWiki/%TOPIC%.txt,v== | Plugin topic repository | | ==lib/TWiki/Plugins/ | Plugin Perl module | | ==pub/TWiki/MessageBoardPlugin/trashcan.png== | Trash Can Icon + | | ==pub/TWiki/MessageBoardPlugin/editicon.png== | Pencil and Pap +er Icon | * Create a table into your database using (this is mysql SQL, the +only DB supported at the moment) <pre> CREATE DATABASE message_board; CREATE TABLE message( id INT PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, author VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, due DATETIME NOT NULL, posted DATETIME NOT NULL, msg TEXT NOT NULL, dropped ENUM( 'Y', 'N' ) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N' ) </pre> * Create a new user and give it appropriated permissions: <pre> GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON messsage_board.message TO board IDENTIFIED BY 'b0aRd' </pre> * Test if the plugin is correctly installed: * Open a Sandbox.MessageBoardTestArea and insert <code>%<nop>M +ESSAGE_BOARD{ messageOrder="DESC" }%
into the topic. Preview, save and try to post a message. ---++ Plugin Info | Plugin Author: | TWiki:LuisCamposDeCarvalho | | Plugin Version: | 15/06/2004 (V1.000) | | Change History: |   | | 15 Jun 2004: | Initial version | | CPAN Dependencies: | [] [] | | Other Dependencies: | none | | Perl Version: | 5.6.1 | | Plugin Home: | | | Feedback: | | __Related Topics:__ %TWIKIWEB%.TWikiPreferences, %TWIKIWEB%.TWikiPlugins, DefaultPlugin -- TWiki:LuisCamposDeCarvalho - 15 Jun 2004 %META:FILEATTACHMENT{name="trashcan.png" attr="" comment="" date="1087408473" path="C:\Documents and Settings\lcampos\Desktop\trashcan.png" size="779" user="lcampos" version="1.4"}% %META:FILEATTACHMENT{name="editicon.png" attr="" comment="" date="1087408517" path="C:\Documents and Settings\lcampos\Desktop\editicon.png" size="2017" user="lcampos" version="1.2"}% </code>


# Plugin for TWiki Collaboration Platform, # # Copyright (C) 2004 Luis Campos de Carvalho, # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details, published at # # # ========================= package TWiki::Plugins::MessageBoardPlugin; use strict; use warnings; use DBI; # ========================= use vars qw( $web $topic $user $installWeb $VERSION $pluginName $debug %db %i18nMessage %color ); $VERSION = '1.000'; $pluginName = 'MessageBoardPlugin'; # ========================= sub initPlugin { ( $topic, $web, $user, $installWeb ) = @_; # check for versions if( $TWiki::Plugins::VERSION < 1 ) { TWiki::Func::writeWarning( "Version mismatch between $pluginNa +me and" ); return 0; } # Get plugin debug flag $debug = TWiki::Func::getPreferencesFlag( "\U$pluginName\E_DEBUG" +); # Get plugin color settings %color = map { $_->[0] => &TWiki::Prefs::getPreferencesValue( $_->[1] ) } ( [ TABLE_HEAD => "\U$pluginName\E_TABLE_HEAD_COLOR" ], [ REVERSE_LINE => "\U$pluginName\E_REVERSE_LINE_COLOR" ], ); # Get plugin messages (so you can internationalize and customize # them at will ) %i18nMessage = map { $_->[0] => &TWiki::Prefs::getPreferencesValue( $_->[1] ) } ( [ DB_CONNECT_ERROR => "\U$pluginName\E_MSG_DB_CONNECT_ERROR" ], [ DB_CLOSE_ERROR => "\U$pluginName\E_MSG_DB_CLOSE_ERROR" ], [ DB_PREPARE_ERROR => "\U$pluginName\E_MSG_DB_PREPARE_ERROR" ], [ DB_FETCH_ERROR => "\U$pluginName\E_MSG_DB_FETCH_ERROR" ], [ DB_EXECUTE_ERROR => "\U$pluginName\E_MSG_DB_EXECUTE_ERROR" ], [ DB_NO_DATA_ERROR => "\U$pluginName\E_MSG_DB_NO_DATA_ERROR" ], [ DB_UPDATE_ERROR => "\U$pluginName\E_MSG_DB_UPDATE_ERROR" ], [ DB_INSERT_ERROR => "\U$pluginName\E_MSG_DB_INSERT_ERROR" ], ); # Get plugin database meta-data %db = map { $_->[0] => &TWiki::Prefs::getPreferencesValue( $_->[1] ) } ( [ driver => "\U$pluginName\E_DB_DRIVER" ], [ host => "\U$pluginName\E_DB_SERVER" ], [ port => "\U$pluginName\E_DB_SERVER_PORT" ], [ database => "\U$pluginName\E_DB_DATABASE" ], [ table => "\U$pluginName\E_DB_TABLE" ], [ user => "\U$pluginName\E_DB_USER" ], [ passwd => "\U$pluginName\E_DB_PASSWORD" ], ); $db{dbh} = eval{ DBI->connect( 'dbi:'.$db{driver}. ':database='.$db{database}. ';hostname='.$db{host}. ';port='.$db{port}, $db{user}, $db{passwd}, { RaiseError => 1, PrintError => 0 } ) }; $db{connection_error} = $@ if $@; # Plugin correctly initialized # TWiki::Func::writeDebug( "- TWiki::Plugins::${pluginName}::initP +lugin( $web.$topic ) is OK" ) if $debug; return 1; } # ========================= sub commonTagsHandler{ ### my ( $text, $topic, $web ) = @_; # do not uncomment, use $_[0], $_[1]... instead # TWiki::Func::writeDebug("- ${pluginName}::commonTagsHandler( $_[2] +.$_[1] )") if $debug; # This is the place to define customized tags and variables # Called by sub handleCommonTags, after %INCLUDE:"..."% $_[0] =~ s/(%MESSAGE_BOARD(?:{[^}]+})?%)/&board($1)/ge; } # ========================= sub display{ my $msgOrder = shift; my $sth = eval { $db{dbh}->prepare( q{ SELECT id , author , DATE_FORMAT( due, '%T<br />%d/%m/%Y' +) as due , DATE_FORMAT( posted, '%T<br />%d/%m/% +Y' ) as posted , msg FROM message WHERE dropped = 'N' AND due >= NOW() ORDER BY id } . uc $msgOrder ); }; return $i18nMessage{DB_PREPARE_ERROR}. ": $@." if $@; eval { $sth->execute; }; return $i18nMessage{DB_EXECUTE_ERROR}. ": $@." if $@; my $result = eval { $sth->fetchall_arrayref( {} ); }; return $i18nMessage{DB_FETCH_ERROR}. ": $@." if $@; my $trash_icon = &TWiki::Func::expandCommonVariables( &TWiki::Prefs: +:getPreferencesValue( "\U$pluginName\E_TRASH_CAN_ICON_LINK" ), $topic +, $web ); my $pencil_icon = &TWiki::Func::expandCommonVariables( &TWiki::Prefs +::getPreferencesValue( "\U$pluginName\E_PENCIL_ICON_LINK" ), $topic, +$web ); # Build Message Board Table and return it. return qq{<table align="center" border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0 +"> <tr valign="middle" align="center" bgcolor="$color{TABLE_HEAD}"> <td> <b> Due&nbsp;Date </b> </td> <td> <b> Posted&nbsp;Date </b> </td> <td> <b> Author </b> </td> <td> <b> Drop &amp;<br />Change </b> </td> <td> <b> Message </b> </td> </tr> } . ( $result ? join "\n", map( '<tr valign="top" align="center"><td>' . $_->{due} . '</td><td>' . $_->{posted} . '</td><td> ' . $_->{author} . ' </td><td><a href="' . &TWiki::Func::getViewUrl( $web, $topic ) . '?message_id=' . $_->{id} . ';action=edit">' . $pencil_icon . '</a><a href="' . &TWiki::Func::getViewUrl( $web, $topic ) . '?message_id=' . $_->{id} . ';action=remove">' . $trash_icon . '</a></td><td align="left">' . $_->{msg} . '</td></tr>', @$result ) : $i18nMessage{DB_NO_DATA_ERROR} ) . '</table>'; } sub inputBox{ # Don't uncomment, use @_ instead # my $action_url = shift; # $_[0] # my $msgid = shift; # $_[1] # my $action = shift; # $_[2] return qq{<form action="$_[0]" method="post">\n}. ($_[1]? qq{ <input type="hidden" name="message_id" value="$_[1]" />\n +}:''). qq{ <input type="hidden" name="action" value="$_[2]" /> <input type="hidden" name="commit" value="1" /> <table align="center" border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0"> <tr valign="middle" align="center" bgcolor="$color{TABLE_HEAD}"> <td colspan="2"> <b>} .($_[2] eq 'edit'? "Edit Message #$_[1]" : 'Compose New Message' ). qq{ </b> </td> </tr> <tr valign="middle" align="left" > <td> Author: </td> <td> }.( $_[2] eq 'edit'? q{ <input type="text" name="author" size=" +40" }. ( $_[3]? qq{value="$_[3]->{author}"} : &TWiki::Func::getWikiName() ) . qq{ />} : &TWiki::Func::getWikiName() ) . q{ </td> </tr> <tr valign="middle" align="left"> <td>Due Date: </td> <td>} . &gen_date_selector( 'due', ( $_[3]? @{$_[3]}{'day','mont +h','year','hour','minute'} : (localtime)[3], (localtime)[4]+1, (local +time)[5]+1900, 23, 59 ) ) . qq{ </td> </tr> <tr valign="middle" align="left"> <td>Message: </td> <td> <textarea rows="5" name="msg" cols="50">}.($_[3]? $_[3]->{msg} + : '' ).qq{</textarea> </td> </tr> <tr valign="middle" align="left"> <td> <input type="checkbox" name="dropped" value="Y" }.($_[3] && $_ +[3]->{dropped} eq 'Y'? 'CHECKED':'' ).q{>&nbsp;Dropped. </td> <td align="right"> } . ( $_[2] eq 'edit' ? qq{<a href="$_[0]">Cancel Edition</a> +&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; } : '' ) . qq{<input type="submit" name="change" v +alue="}. ( $_[2] eq 'edit' ? 'Change' : 'Post' ) . q{ Message"> </td> </tr> </table> </form> }; } # ========================= sub board{ # Deal with database errors if( ! $db{dbh} && $db{connection_error} ){ return $i18nMessage{DB_CONNECT_ERROR} . ": " . $db{connection_erro +r}; } # Recover tag, extract parameters # my $tag = shift; my( $displayOnly, $messageOrder ) = ( &TWiki::Func::extractNameValuePair( $_[0], 'displayOnly' ), &TWiki::Func::extractNameValuePair( $_[0], 'messageOrder' ) || ' +ASC' ); my $q = &TWiki::Func::getCgiQuery(); my $msgid = $q->param( 'message_id' ); my $action = $q->param( 'action' ); if( $action eq 'remove' ){ ################################################## # Remove action ################################################## eval{ $db{dbh}->do( q{ UPDATE message SET dropped = 'Y' WHERE id = ? }, { RaiseError => 1 }, $msgid ) }; return $i18nMessage{DB_EXECUTE_ERROR} . ': ' . $db{dbh}->errstr if + $@; }elsif( $action eq 'edit' ){ ################################################## # Edit Action ################################################## if( $q->param( 'commit' ) ){ ################################################## # Commit previous started edition ################################################## eval{ $db{dbh}->do( # DBI::do( $sql, \%attr, @bind ) q{UPDATE message SET author = ? , due = ? , msg = ? , dropped = ? WHERE id = ?}, { RaiseError => 1 }, $q->param( 'author' ), sprintf( '%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:00', map( $q->param( $_ ), qw( due_year due_month due_day due_hour due_minute ) ) ), $q->param( 'msg' ), $q->param( 'dropped' )? 'Y' : 'N', $msgid ) }; return $i18nMessage{DB_UPDATE_ERROR}.': '.$@ if $@; }else{ ################################################## # Start new edition ################################################## my $data; # recover data from existing record... eval{ my $sth = $db{dbh}->prepare( # DBI::prepare( $sql ) q{SELECT author , EXTRACT(DAY FROM due) AS day , EXTRACT(MONTH FROM due) AS month , EXTRACT(YEAR FROM due) AS year , EXTRACT(HOUR FROM due) AS hour , EXTRACT(MINUTE FROM due) AS minute , msg , dropped FROM message WHERE id = ?} ); my $result = $sth->execute( $msgid ); # DBI::execute( @bind ) $data = $sth->fetchrow_hashref(); }; return $i18nMessage{DB_FETCH_ERROR} . ': ' . $@ if $@; # Build HTML return &inputBox( &TWiki::Func::getViewUrl( $web, $topic ), $msgid, 'edit', $data ); } }elsif( $action eq 'new' ){ ################################################## # Post New Message ################################################## if( $q->param( 'commit' ) ){ ################################################## # Commit previous started edition ################################################## eval{ $db{dbh}->do( # DBI::do( $sql, \%attr, @bind ) q{INSERT INTO message( author, due, posted, msg, dropped +) VALUES( ?, ?, NOW(), ?, ? ) }, { RaiseError => 1 }, &TWiki::Func::getWikiName(), sprintf( '%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:00', map( $q->param( $_ ), qw( due_year due_month due_day due_hour due_minute ) ) ), $q->param( 'msg' ), $q->param( 'dropped' )? 'Y' : 'N', ) }; return $i18nMessage{DB_INSERT_ERROR}.': '.$@ if $@; } } ################################################## # Execute display action ################################################## return '<table align="center" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing +="2">'. '<tr align="center">'. '<td>'.&display( $messageOrder ).'</td></tr>'. ( $displayOnly? '' : '<tr align="center"><td>' . &inputBox( &TWiki +::Func::getViewUrl( $web, $topic ), undef, 'new', undef ) . '</td></t +r>' ). '</table>'; } sub gen_date_selector{ # my $name = shift; # # Those are for the 'selected' HTML tag: # my $ref_day = shift; # numeric current day (1..31) # my $ref_month = shift; # numeric current month (1..12) # my $ref_year = shift; # numeric current year (0..MAX_BIGINT) # my $ref_hour = shift; # numeric current hour (0..23) # my $ref_minute = shift; # numeric current minute (0..59) join '', ( qq{<select name="$_[0]_day">\n }, ( # generate day 'option' tags map { my $d = sprintf '%02d', $_; qq'<option value="$d"' . ( $d == $_[1] ? ' selected' : '') . ">$d</option>\n"; } 1..31 ), qq{ </select> / <select name="$_[0]_month">\n}, ( # generate month 'option' tags map { my $m = sprintf '%02d', $_; qq'<option value="$m"' . ( $m == $_[2] ? ' selected' : '' ) . ">$m</option>\n"; } 1..12 ), qq{ </select> / <select name="$_[0]_year">\n}, ( # generate year 'option' tags map { my $y = sprintf '%04d', $_; qq'<option value="$y"' . ( $y == $_[3] ? ' selected' : '' ) . ">$y</option>\n"; } ( (localtime)[5]+1900 ) .. ( (localtime)[5]+1902 ) ), qq{</select>&nbsp;<select name="$_[0]_hour">}, ( # generate hour 'option' tags map{ my $h = sprintf '%02d', $_; qq'<option value="$h"' . ( $h == $_[4] ? ' selected' : '' ) . ">$h</option>\n"; } 0..23 ), qq{</select>:<select name="$_[0]_minute">}, ( # generate minute 'option' tags map{ my $m = sprintf '%02d', $_; qq'<option value="$m"' . ( $m == $_[5] ? ' selected' : '' ) . ">$m</option>\n"; } 0..59 ), qq{</select>:00}, ); } 1;

Threre are also two images that are needed to display query results properly. You can fetch them from TWiki's website.

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