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While loop not exiting when expected.

by BazB (Priest)
on Jun 25, 2004 at 09:50 UTC ( [id://369584]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

BazB has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Salutations fellow monks.

I have some code which is designed to read arguments from a CSV configuration file and fork a number of child processes to call a subroutine reference with the arguments from the configuration file in the child.
If there are more lines in the configuration file than the maximum number of allowed concurrent child processes, the code should wait for at least one of the current children to complete, then read another line of arguments from the configuration file and start a new child.

Unfortunately, this isn't exactly what happens.

The code starts the initial children and waits on them finishing. As one child process finishes, another is started as expected.
It all goes wrong when the last line of the configuration file is read. Rather than jump out of the while loop and just wait for all the children to finish, the code seems to start back at the start of the configuration file and kicks off children all over again!

I've got a mix of while(){...} and do {...} until() loops, but I still can't see how that would make any difference.

Can anyone spot the problem? The following code is rather on the long side, but should demonstrate the problem:

#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use POSIX ':sys_wait_h'; use constant MAX_KIDS => 5; my %config; $config{'sleep_time'} = 2; sub fork_proc { # Fork a new process and execute subroutine within child. my $command = shift; my @args = @_; die "Subroutine reference not specified" unless $command; FORK: { my $pid = fork(); if ($pid) { # Parent - successful fork. return $pid; } elsif (defined $pid) { # Child my $status = &$command(@args); } elsif ($! =~ /No more process/) { # Temporary error forking. Wait and retry. sleep 1; redo FORK; } else { # Bad error die "Fork failed: $!"; } } } sub wait_for_pids { my %pids = map { $_ => 1 } grep { ! /^\s*$/ } @_; my %failed; while (keys %pids) { foreach my $pid ( keys %pids ) { my $reaped = waitpid($pid, WNOHANG); if ($reaped > 0) { my $rc = $?; delete $pids{$reaped}; my $exit = $rc >> 8; if ( $exit) { warn "Nonzero exit code returned by pid $reaped"; $failed{$reaped}++; } } sleep $config{'sleep_time'}; # Don't waste processor time spinni +ng. } } if ( keys %failed ) { die "Non-zero exit code returned by the following PIDs: ", join(", + ", keys %failed), ". Stopping"; } } sub parallel_update { # This subroutine takes the following arguments: # code: a subroutine reference # config: a configuration filename (the file must containing a comma # separated list of arguments to the subroutine passed in) # max_kids: maximum number of child processes to run concurrently. # A number of processes will be forked, upto the maximum specified # in the max_kids argument, and each process will execute the # subroutine with the arguments given in the line read from the # configuration file. # As processes finish, they are reaped and a new process started # until all lines in the configuration file have been processed. my %arg = @_; die "Subroutine reference not specified" unless $arg{'c +ode'}; die "Configuration filename not specified" unless $arg{'c +onfig'}; die "Maximum number of child processes not specified" unless $arg{'m +ax_kids'}; my %pids; # track PIDs of child processes. open CONF, "<", $arg{'config'} or die "Unable to open configuration +file: $!"; while (<CONF>) { last unless defined $_; next if /^$/; chomp; my @cfg = split /,/, $_; # arguments from config file. if (keys %pids < $arg{'max_kids'}) { # start new process, store new PID. my $pid = fork_proc( $arg{'code'}, @cfg); $pids{$pid}++; } else { # wait on at least one currently running child exiting. check # exit code and delete PID from list of currently running child # processes. my $reaped; do { foreach my $pid ( keys %pids ) { $reaped = waitpid($pid, WNOHANG); if ($reaped > 0) { my $rc = $?; delete $pids{$reaped}; my $exit = $rc >> 8; print "$reaped returned $exit.\n"; die "Nonzero exit code returned by pid $reaped. Stopped" i +f $exit; } } sleep $config{'sleep_time'}; # Don't waste processor time spin +ning. } until ($reaped > 0); # start new process, store new PID. my $pid = fork_proc( $arg{'code'}, @cfg); $pids{$pid}++; } } close CONF or die "Problems closing configuration file: $!"; # Cleanup the last few child processes as they finish. wait_for_pids( keys %pids ); } # -------------------------------------------------------------------- +---------- my $code = sub { print "$$ started. Got arguments: ", "@_", "\n"; sleep 2; print "Foobar!\n"; exit 0; }; parallel_update( max_kids => MAX_KIDS, config => "foo.csv", code => $code, );

The CSV file used as test input ("foo.csv") is as follows:

a,b c,d e,f g,h i,j k,l m,n o,p q,r s,t u,v w,y x,z a1,b1 c1,d1 e1,f1 g1,h1 i1,j1 k1,l1 m1,n1 o1,p1 q1,r1 s1,t1 u1,v1 w1,y1 x1,z1 a2,b2 c2,d2 e2,f2 g2,h2 i2,j2 k2,l2 m2,n2 o2,p2 q2,r2 s2,t2 u2,v2 w2,y2 x2,z2

Update: BTW, I'm running v5.6.1 built for sun4-solaris.

If the information in this post is inaccurate, or just plain wrong, don't just downvote - please post explaining what's wrong.
That way everyone learns.

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: While loop not exiting when expected.
by broquaint (Abbot) on Jun 25, 2004 at 10:16 UTC
    I can't see the problem presently, but this does seem like a pretty ideal solution for Parallel::ForkManager
    use Parallel::ForkManager; open my $fh, '<', 'foo.csv' or die "ack: $!"; my $pm = Parallel::ForkManager->new( MAX_KIDS ); while(<$fh>) { my $pid = $pm->start and next; { your_sub( split ',' ); } $pm->end; }


    update: s/Parra/Para/g, thanks to liz and Albannach for picking up on that one

      broquaint, thanks.
      I am aware of Parallel::ForkManager, but I figured it wasn't worth the grief of installing an extra module for a relatively small amount of code.

      Of course, that was before I realised my code wasn't playing nice...

      Update: I've tried broquaint's suggestion of Parallel::ForkManager, and that suffers from the same problem on Solaris (5.6.1 and 5.8.4), but is fine on Linux.

      Update 2: I tried another tactic - don't read the configuration file and fork children in a single loop.
      Instead, I open and read the configuration file and store the information in an array, then iterate over the array using foreach, kicking off children and reaping as before.
      This approach does work correctly, but still doesn't reveal why the original code fails.

      If the information in this post is inaccurate, or just plain wrong, don't just downvote - please post explaining what's wrong.
      That way everyone learns.

Re: While loop not exiting when expected.
by Hofmator (Curate) on Jun 25, 2004 at 10:07 UTC
    I can't reproduce your problem with the code given. The last output of your program goes like this:
    11733 started. Got arguments: i2 j2 11734 started. Got arguments: k2 l2 11735 started. Got arguments: m2 n2 11736 started. Got arguments: o2 p2 11737 started. Got arguments: q2 r2 Foobar! Foobar! Foobar! Foobar! Foobar! 11737 returned 0. 11734 returned 0. 11736 returned 0. 11735 returned 0. 11733 returned 0. 11738 started. Got arguments: s2 t2 11739 started. Got arguments: u2 v2 11740 started. Got arguments: w2 y2 11741 started. Got arguments: x2 z2 Foobar! Foobar! Foobar! Foobar!
    and then it terminates as expected.

    I'm on v5.8.0 built for i586-linux-thread-multi.

    -- Hofmator

      The code appears to work OK under v5.8.3 built for i386-linux-thread-multi, but it failed under v5.8.4 built for sun4-solaris.

      It looks like there's some kind of wierdness only on Solaris.

      If the information in this post is inaccurate, or just plain wrong, don't just downvote - please post explaining what's wrong.
      That way everyone learns.

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