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Gmailize your IMAP (and more)

by naChoZ (Curate)
on Jul 02, 2004 at 04:20 UTC ( [id://371303]=sourcecode: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??
Category: E-Mail Programs
Author/Contact Info naChoZ
Description: Take your IMAP messages and archive them to your gmail account.
Updated 7/20 - newer version
Updated 7/16 - Fixed bug as indicated.
Updated 7/21 - added mbox file handling and mailman archive handling
Updated 7/29 - Fixes

#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
# Created: 06/18/04 09:04:06 EDT by Andy Harrison
# [-f "imapfolder"] \
#       [<action> [--send] [-o outputfile ] [-u user -p passwd] \
#           [-e emailaddress] [--smtp smtp_server_name]]
#       [--mbox mbox_file_name][--send][-u user -p passwd] \
#           [-e e-mailaddress] [--smtp smtp_server_name ]
#       [--url mailman_mbox_file_url [-e e-mailaddress] \
#           [--smtp smtp_server_name][--send]]
#       [--mailman mailman_listinfo_url [-e e-mailaddress] \
#           [--smtp smtp_server_name][--send]]
#   perldoc
# $Id:,v 1.7 2004/07/29 19:13:52 aharriso Exp aharris
+o $

use strict;

no warnings 'once';

use Mail::Mailer;
use Mail::IMAPClient;
use File::Slurp "read_file";
use Getopt::Long qw/:config auto_help auto_version/;
use List::Util qw/reduce/;

use vars 
        $opt_c $opt_d $opt_e $opt_f 
        $opt_h $opt_l $opt_m $opt_n 
        $opt_o $opt_p $opt_port $opt_s 
        $opt_smtp $opt_u $opt_v $opt_subject
        $opt_delete $opt_until $opt_mbox
        $opt_url $opt_mailman

        $host $port $imap $folder

local $main::VERSION = 
    '$Id:,v 1.7 2004/07/29 19:13:52 aharriso Exp ahar
+riso $';

    'c|count!'        => \$opt_c,        # count of messages
    'delete!'         => \$opt_delete,   # delete messages
    'dump!'           => \$opt_d,        # download messages
    'e|email=s'       => \$opt_e,        # e-mail address
    'f|folder=s'      => \$opt_f,        # folder to select
    'h|host=s'        => \$opt_h,        # hostname
    'help'            => sub { help() }, # display help
    'l|list!'         => \$opt_l,        # list folders
    'mbox=s'          => \$opt_mbox,     # mboxfile name
    'm|msg|message=i' => \$opt_m,        # dump individual message
    'mailman=s'       => \$opt_mailman,  # URL of mailman listinfo pag
    'n|numbers!'      => \$opt_n,        # number of messages in folde
    'o|outputfile=s'  => \$opt_o,        # output file name
    'p|password=s'    => \$opt_p,        # imap password
    'port=i'          => \$opt_port,     # server port
    's|send!'         => \$opt_s,        # send message to e-mail 
                                         # address after downloading
    'smtp=s'          => \$opt_smtp,     # smtp server to use to send 
                                         # outgoing archived messages
    'subject=s'       => \$opt_subject,  # Subject prefix
    'until=i'         => \$opt_until,    # delete until this message n
    'u|user=s'        => \$opt_u,        # imap username
    'url=s'           => \$opt_url,      # Archive URL
    'v|verbose'       => \$opt_v,        # print some details

if ( $opt_v ) {
    eval {  
        require Data::Dumper; 
        $Data::Dumper::Indent = 3; 

if ( $opt_c or $opt_d or $opt_n or $opt_l or $opt_delete ) { 
    # bare minimum options to bother connecting

    $host = $opt_h ? $opt_h : 'localhost';
    $port = $opt_port ? $opt_port : '143';

    print "::host::-", $host, "-:: ::port::-", $port, "-::\n" if $opt_

    # Connect to the IMAP server
    $imap = Mail::IMAPClient->new(
        Server   => $host,
        Port     => $port,
        User     => $opt_u,
        Password => $opt_p,
    ) or die "$opt_u unable to connect to imap $host:$port. \n\nError:
+ $@";

    $folder = $opt_f ? $opt_f : "INBOX";
    $imap->select( $folder ) or die "Couldn't select folder: $@\n";


if ( $opt_d ) {

    my $filename = $opt_o ? $opt_o : "/tmp/imapdump.txt";
    print "filename : ", $opt_o, "\n" if $opt_o and $opt_v;
    if ( $opt_o ) { 
        $imap->message_to_file( $filename, ( $opt_m or $imap->messages
+ ) ) 
            or die "error::$@, $!::\n";

    my @message_list;
    if ( $opt_until ) {
        for ( $imap->messages ) {
            push @message_list, $_ if $_ <= $opt_until and $_ => $opt_
    } else {
        @message_list = $opt_m ? $opt_m : $imap->messages;

    for ( @message_list ) {

        if ( $opt_s and $opt_e ) {

            send_message ( 
                    'To'       => $opt_e,
                    'From'     => $imap->get_header( $_, "From" ),
                    'Reply-To' => $opt_e,        # in case of bounces
                    'Subject'  => $opt_subject ? 
                                  $opt_subject . " " .  
                                  $imap->get_header( $_, "Subject" ) :
                                  $imap->get_header( $_, "Subject" ),
                    'body'     => $imap->body_string( $_ ),

        } elsif ( $opt_e and $opt_o and ! $opt_s ) {

            send_message ( 
                    'To'      => $opt_e,
                    'From'    => "imap-to-gmail script",
                    'Subject' => "archive of $folder",
                    'body'    => reduce { $a . $b } read_file( $filena
+me ),

        } else {

            print $imap->bodypart_string( $_, 0 );
            print $imap->body_string( $_ );


    print "\n\n";

} elsif ( $opt_c ) {
    print "\n$folder contains ",$imap->message_count, " messages.\n\n"

} elsif ( $opt_n ) {

    print "Message numbers:\n\n";
    print $_, " " for $imap->messages;
    print "\n";

} elsif ( $opt_l ) {

    print $imap->list;

} elsif ( $opt_delete and $opt_m ) {

    if ( $opt_until ) {

        my @deletions;
        for ( $imap->messages ) {
            push @deletions, $_ if $_ <= $opt_until and $_ => $opt_m;
        $imap->delete_message( \@deletions ) or
            die "Could not delete messages: $@\n";

    } else {

        $imap->delete_message( $opt_m ) or 
            die "Could not delete messages: $@\n";


    $imap->expunge( $opt_f ) or die "Could not expunge: $@\n";

} elsif ( $opt_mbox and $opt_s and $opt_e and $opt_smtp ) {

    mbox_parse( $opt_mbox, $opt_e );

} elsif ( $opt_mailman ) {

    print "--mailman--$opt_mailman\n";
    grab_archives( $opt_mailman, "all" );

} elsif ( $opt_url ) {

    print "--url--$opt_url\n" if $opt_v;
    grab_archives( $opt_url, undef );

} else { 



$imap->logout or warn "Couldn't logout: $@\n" if $imap;

sub help {

    use Pod::Usage;
    pod2usage( -verbose => 2 );


sub grab_archives {

    print "::_::", Dumper( @_ ), "::\n" if $opt_v;
    my ( $url, $option ) = @_;

    print "::url::->", $url, "<-::\ngrab option::$option::\n" if $opt_

    die "not a valid mailman archive url: $!\n" 
        if ! $option eq "all" and $url =~ m/txt.gz/;

    die "Please install WWW::Mechanize Module: $@\n" unless
        eval { require WWW::Mechanize; };

    my $mech = WWW::Mechanize->new();  
    if ( $option eq "all" ) {
        $mech->get( $url ) or
            die "Unable to fetch: $url, $!\n";

        $mech->follow_link( text_regex => qr/Archives/ );

        my @archives_obj = 
            $mech->find_all_links( url_regex => qr/\.txt\.gz$/ );

        for ( @archives_obj ) {

            my $url = $_->url;

            my $fetched_filename = fetch_archive( $url, $mech );

            mbox_parse( $fetched_filename, $opt_e );
    } else {

        print "step1** ::", $url, ":: **\n" if $opt_v;
        my $fetched_filename = fetch_archive( $url, $mech );
        mbox_parse( $fetched_filename, $opt_e );



sub fetch_archive {

    my ( $url, $mech ) = @_;
    my $destination_file;
    my $gz_file;

    print Dumper( $url ) if $opt_v;

    if ( $url =~ m/^http:/ ) {
        die "Unable to load URI module: $@\n" unless
            eval { require URI; };
        my $link = URI->new( $url ); 
        my $path = $link->path;  
        my @filename = $link->path_segments( $link->path ); 
        print ":filename:", 
              Dumper( $filename[-1] ), 
              "\n::" if $opt_v;
        $gz_file = $filename[-1];

    } else {

        $gz_file = $url;


    $destination_file = $gz_file;
    $destination_file =~ s/\.gz$//;

    $mech->get( $url, ":content_file" => $gz_file ) or 
        warn "Unable to fetch: $url, $!\n";

    print "::urlgunzip::", Dumper( $url ), "::\n" if $opt_v;

    gunzip( $gz_file, $destination_file ) and 
        unlink $url || die "Unable to gunzip: ", $url, " $!\n";

    return $destination_file or die "error fetching archive: $!\n";


sub mbox_parse {

    my $mbox_file   = shift;
    my $email       = shift;

    print "--file-->\n", Dumper( $mbox_file ), Dumper( $email ), 
          "<----\n" if $opt_v;

    die "Please install Mail::MboxParser Module: $@\n" unless
        eval { require Mail::MboxParser; };

    my $parseropts = {
        enable_cache    => 0,
        enable_grep     => 1
    my $mb = Mail::MboxParser->new( $mbox_file,
                                     decode     => 'ALL',
                                     parseropts => $parseropts ) or 
        die "Problem reading mbox file: $@, $!\n";

    my $msg_counter;
    if ( $opt_m ) {
        for ( $msg_counter = 1 ; $msg_counter <= $opt_m ; $msg_counter
+++ ) {
            # Allows message range specification

    while ( my $msg = $mb->next_message ) {

                'To'        =>  $email,
                'From'      =>  $msg->header->{ from },
                'Subject'   =>  $opt_subject ?
                                $opt_subject . " " .
                                $msg->header->{ subject } :
                                $msg->header->{ subject },
                'Date'      =>  $msg->header->{ date } ,
                'body'      =>  $msg->body->as_string,
        ) or warn "unable to send: $!, $@\n";

        last if $opt_until and $msg_counter++ > $opt_until;


sub send_message {

# leaving this line commented so I can quickly switch to test mode.
#    my $mailer = new Mail::Mailer 'testfile'
    my $mailer = new Mail::Mailer 'smtp', Server => $opt_smtp 
        if $opt_e and $opt_s and $opt_smtp || 
            die "Specify a valid smtp server with --smtp:  $@\n";

    my $message_body = $_[0]->{ 'body' };
    delete $_[0]->{ 'body' } if $message_body;

    print "----->\n", Dumper( $_[0]->{'Subject'} ), "<------\n" if $op
    $mailer->open( $_[0] ) or warn "error mailing: $!, $@\n",
        "contents\n--------\n", $_[0], "\n-----------\n";

    print ".";
    print "message body\n", ">" x 20, "\n", 
      "\n", "<" x 20, "\nend message body\n" if $opt_v;

    print $mailer $message_body or 
        warn "unable to output message contents: $!, $@\n";



# Lifted from
# CPAN::Tarzip::gunzip
sub gunzip {
    die "Unable to load Compress::Zlib module: $@\n" unless
        eval { require Compress::Zlib; };

    die "Unable to load FileHandle module: $@\n" unless
        eval { require FileHandle; };

    my( $read, $write ) = @_;

    $fhw = FileHandle->new(">$write")
        or die("Could not open >$write: $!");

    my $gz = Compress::Zlib::gzopen($read, "rb")
        or die("Cannot gzopen $read: $!\n");

    $fhw->print($buffer) while $gz->gzread($buffer) > 0 ;

    die("Error reading from $read: $!\n")
        if $gz->gzerror != Compress::Zlib::Z_STREAM_END();

    $gz->gzclose() ;


# $Log:,v $
# Revision 1.7  2004/07/29 19:13:52  aharriso
# fixed a verbose option bug
# retooled the pod docs
# Revision 1.6  2004/07/22 14:52:58  aharriso
# code cleanup
# script name change to gmailarchiver
# CPAN friendly POD
# Revision 1.5  2004/07/21 15:05:29  aharriso
# added mbox support, mailman handling
# Revision 1.4  2004/07/20 13:14:53  aharriso
# added features to prefix a subject and delete messages
# Revision 1.3  2004/07/16 12:45:46  aharriso
# fixed the elsif $opt_d bug
# Revision 1.2  2004/07/02 12:01:09  aharriso
# minor changes
# Revision 1.1  2004/07/02 04:12:29  aharriso
# Initial revision


=head1 NAME - Archive your IMAP Mail



=head1 README

I created this script for the purpose of moving some 
of my IMAP mail to my account.

I've also added mbox support along with mailman mbox
archive support.

=head1 OSNAMES







C<Mail::MboxParser> - for mbox format file handling

C<WWW::Mechanize> - to fetch Mailman (mbox format) archives




You may only select one of the following actions.

=over 15

=item B<-c> B<--count>

count of messages

I<Required arguments>

B<--user> B<--password> 

I<Optional arguments>

B<--folder> B<--port> B<--hostname>

=item B<--dump>

Dump (download) messages

I<Required arguments>

B<--user> B<--password> 

I<Optional arguments>

B<--folder> B<--port> B<--hostname>
B<-m> (--until) B<--outputfile> B<--send> B<--smtp>

=item B<--delete>

Delete messages matching I<message_id>.  Use B<--until> to 
specify a range.

I<Required arguments>

B<--user> B<--password> 

I<Optional arguments>

B<--folder> B<--hostname> B<--port> B<-m> (--until)

=item B<--list>

List IMAP folders

I<Required arguments>

B<--user> B<--password> 

I<Optional arguments>

B<--hostname> B<--port> 

=item B<--mailman> I<list-info url>

Forward mailman list archives to your gmail account.

Specify the full url to list-info mailman page.
(such as I<

I<Required arguments>

B<--email> B<--smtp> B<--send>

I<Optional arguments>

B<-m> (--until) B<--subject> 

=item B<-n> B<--numbers>

Show message id numbers in folders

I<Required arguments>

B<--user> B<--password> 

I<Optional arguments>

B<--folder> B<--hostname> B<--port> 

=item B<--mbox> I<filename>

Forward an mbox archive file to your gmail account.

I<Required arguments>

<--email> <--send> <--smtp>

I<Optional arguments>

<-m> (--until) B<--subject>

=item B<--url> I<url>

Specify the full url to an mbox format archive.

(such as I<

I<Required arguments>

B<--email> B<--send> B<--smtp>

I<Optional arguments>

B<-m> (--until) B<--subject>


B<Argument details>

=over 15

=item B<-e> B<--email> I<address>

destination e-mail address

=item B<-f> B<--folder> I<foldername>

folder to select

=item B<-h> B<--host> I<hostname>

IMAP server you want to access, default [C<localhost>]

=item B<-l> B<--list>

list folders

=item B<-m> I<id>

specify individual message id.  You may also use the B<--until> 
param to specify a range, as described for B<--delete>.

=item B<-o> B<--outputfile> C<filename>>

output file name

=item B<-p> B<--password> I<password>

IMAP password

=item B<--port> I<port_number>

Connect to IMAP server using specified port.  Default [C<143>]

=item B<-s> B<--send>

send messages to specified e-mail address after downloading

=item B<--smtp> I<smtp_server>

name of smtp server that will be used to send the 
outgoing archived messages.

=item B<--subject> I<subject>

To assist with filtering, you may specify a Subject prefix.

(such as I<'[Apache-Users Archives]'>

=item B<-u> B<--user> I<username>

IMAP username

=item B<-v> B<--verbose>

print some details



=over 15

=item C<> C<-u> I<username> C<-p> I<password> C<--dump
C<-o> I<outputfile> C<-f> I<INBOX.List1>

Dump all messages in I<INBOX.List1> to the single specified file

(Optionally, e-mail the file by adding C<-e> I<address>)

=item C<> C<-u> I<username> C<-p> I<password> C<-f> 
I<INBOX.Lists.FreeBSD.Questions> C<--dump> C<-m> I<1> C<--until> 
I<1000> C<-e> I<destination_address> C<--smtp> I<smtp_server_name>
C<--subject> I<'[FreeBSD-Questions Archive]'> C<--send>

Send the first 1000 messages of your freebsd-questions mailling list
folder with filterable subject prefix [FreeBSD-Questions Archive].

=item C<> C<-u> I<username> C<-p> I<password> C<--dump
+> C<-e> 
I<> C<--smtp> I<smtp_server_name> C<--send> C<--subject

Dump all messages and e-mail forward them individually

(Optionally, you can still specify C<-o> to also output to a file

=item C<> C<-u> I<username> C<-p> I<password> C<-c> C<

Count messages in IMAP folder I<INBOX.List1>

=item C<> C<-u> I<username> C<-p> I<password> C<-l>

List all IMAP folders

=item C<> C<-u> I<username> C<-p> I<password> C<-n>

List message id numbers in folder I<INBOX.List1>

=item C<> C<-u> I<username> C<-p> I<password> C<--dump
+> C<-m> 
I<10> C<-f> I<INBOX.List1>

Dump message with id number I<10> from folder I<INBOX.List1>

=item C<> C<--mailman> 
C<-e> I<destination_address> C<--smtp> I<smtp_server_name>
C<--subject> I<'[RT-Users Web Archive]'> C<--send>

Send all messages from the RT-Users mailman mailing list archive
to the specified e-mail address, prefixing each subject with 
the filterable string '[RT-Users Web Archive]'

=item C<> C<--url> 
C<-e> I<destination_address> C<--smtp> I<smtp_server_name>
C<--subject> I<'[RT-Users Web Archive]'> C<--send>

Send all messages from the RT-Users mailman mailing list archive for
July 2004 to the specified e-mail address, prefixing each subject with
the filterable string '[RT-Users Web Archive]'



built using Mail::IMAPClient by C<>

lifted the gunzip routine from written by
Andreas Koenig E<lt>andreas.koenig@anima.deE<gt>

=head1 SEE ALSO


=head1 AUTHOR

Andy Harrison

   domain   => "gmail", 
   tld      => "com", 
   username => "aharrison" 

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: Gmailize your IMAP
by Anonymous Monk on Jul 16, 2004 at 03:12 UTC
    This code won't work. Change:
    .......... $imap->select( $folder ) or die "Couldn't select folder: $@\n"; } elsif ( $opt_d ) { my $filename = $opt_o ? $opt_o : "/tmp/imapdump.txt"; ..........
    .......... $imap->select( $folder ) or die "Couldn't select folder: $@\n"; } if ( $opt_d ) { my $filename = $opt_o ? $opt_o : "/tmp/imapdump.txt"; ..........
    David Thakur

      Odd, I did fix that. I must've accidentally editted it while checked in.

      Thanx for noticing. All fixed.

      People who want to share their religious views with you almost never want you to share yours with them.

Re: Gmailize your IMAP
by Anonymous Monk on Jul 15, 2004 at 21:37 UTC
    I'm runnig freebsd, and get the following error:
    Getopt::Long: unknown config parameter "auto_help" at lib/Getopt/ (autosplit into lib/auto/Getopt/Long/ line 1009 Getopt::Long::Configure('auto_help', 'auto_version') called at /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.6.1/Getopt/ line 117 Getopt::Long::import('Getopt::Long', ':config', 'auto_help', 'auto_version') called at ./ line 23 main::BEGIN() called at /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.6.1/Getopt/ line 23 eval {...} called at /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.6.1/Getopt/ line 23 BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at ./ line 23.
    What have I done wrong??

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