A lot of considerations that I see are for changing titles on SOPW questions that are a single word. I usually vote "Edit" on those because single-word titles are harder to search for and aren't very descriptive.

I'm thinking about patching the SOPW edit page to reduce the frequency of these. The simplest thing would be to change the text next to the "Title:" box to say "Title (more than one word, please):". The problem is that the people who ignore other instructions will likely ignore that too.

The next more draconian thing would be to demand that the title contain at least one white space between non-white space characters (in principle, match (\S+\s+\S+)+). The writeup wouldn't be saved until it passed this test.

This would only be for SOPW; it seems to me that other sections like Obfuscation and Perl Poetry have "good reasons" for one-word titles.

What say you, fellow monks?