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Re: Displaying a list of hashes in TK in a Hierarchical folder presentation

by Crian (Curate)
on Sep 14, 2004 at 10:50 UTC ( [id://390788]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Displaying a list of hashes in TK in a Hierarchical folder presentation

Here is an example for HList:

use Tk; use Tk::HList; $top = new MainWindow; $hlist = $top->Scrolled("HList", -header => 1, -columns => 4, -scrollbars => 'osoe', -width => 70, -selectbackground => 'SeaGreen3', )->pack(-expand => 1, -fill => 'both'); $hlist->header('create', 0, -text => 'From'); $hlist->header('create', 1, -text => 'Subject'); $hlist->header('create', 2, -text => 'Date'); $hlist->header('create', 3, -text => 'Size'); $hlist->add(0); $hlist->itemCreate(0, 0, -text => "test\"); $hlist->itemCreate(0, 1, -text => "Re: HList?"); $hlist->itemCreate(0, 2, -text => "1999-11-20"); $hlist->itemCreate(0, 3, -text => "1432"); $hlist->add(1); $hlist->itemCreate(1, 0, -text => "dummy\"); $hlist->itemCreate(1, 1, -text => "Re: HList?"); $hlist->itemCreate(1, 2, -text => "1999-11-21"); $hlist->itemCreate(1, 3, -text => "2335"); MainLoop();

You can leave some column values blank for hierachical purpose.

And here is how it looks like: link

Here is an other example, not fine, but with hierachical structure:

#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use diagnostics; use Tk; require Tk::HList; my $top = MainWindow->new(-title=>"FileSelector"); my $h = $top->Scrolled('HList', -drawbranch => 1, -separator => '/', -indent => 15, -command => \&show_or_hide_dir, ) ->pack(-fill => 'both', -expand => 'y', ); my $xpm = <<'END'; /* XPM */ static char *test[]={ "32 32 11 1", ". c None", "# c #000000", "h c #004000", "g c #004040", "f c #404000", "e c #808080", "i c #a0a0a4", "c c #c0c000", "d c #ffff00", "b c #ffffc0", "a c #ffffff", "................................", "................................", "................................", "................................", ".............#....###...........", "............#a##.#aba##.........", "...........#aaaa#aaaaaa##.......", "..........#aaaa#aaaaaaaba##.....", ".........#aaaa#aaaaaaaaaaab##...", "........#aaba#aaaaaaabaabaaaa##.", ".......#aaba#baaaaa#baaaaaabaaa#", "......#aaaa#aaaaab#a##baaaaaaa#.", ".....#aaba#aacbba#aaaa##baaab#..", "....#bbaa#abaacc#aaaaaaa##aa#...", "...#bbbb#aaabaa#aaabaaaaaa##....", "..#bbbb#bacaaa#aaaaaaaabaaaa##..", ".#bbbb#bbaacc#aacaaaaaaaaaaaba#.", "#ddbb#bbbbba#aaaaccaaaaaaaaaaaa#", "#edddfgcbbbfaacaaaaccaaaaaaaaa#e", ".#hedddfhcfabaaccaaabccaaaaaa#e.", "...##edddhaacbbaaccbaaaccaab#i..", ".....##e#baaaccabaaccbaabaa#i...", "......##bacbaabccbaaaccabb#e....", "......#bbbbccaabbccaaaaab#i.....", ".....#bbbbbbbccabbaccaab#i......", ".....#ebbbbbbbbccbaabba#i.......", "......##ebbbbbbbbccaabhe........", "........##ebbbbbbbbbb#e.........", "..........##ibbbbbbbhe..........", "............##ebbbb#e...........", "..............#hee#i............", "................##i............."}; END my %icons; #$icons{"open"} = $top->Bitmap(-file => './open_folder.xbm'); #$icons{"closed"} = $top->Bitmap(-file => './folder.xbm'); $icons{"open"} = $top->Pixmap(-data => $xpm); $icons{"closed"} = $top->Pixmap(-data => $xpm); #show_or_hide_dir("c:\\programme"); show_or_hide_dir(@ARGV); #show_or_hide_dir("p:"); #show_or_hide_dir("/temp"); MainLoop(); #--------------------------------------------------------------------- +-- sub show_or_hide_dir { my $path = $_[0]; print "PATH:".$path; return if (! -d $path); if ($h->info('exists', $path)) { my $next_entry = $h->info('next', $path); if (!$next_entry || (index ($next_entry, "$path/") == -1)) { $h->entryconfigure($path, '-image' => $icons{"open"}); add_dir_contents($path); my $path1 = $path; my $path2 = $path; my @du = ("du", "-b", "-h", $path1, $path2); my $dirSize = system(@du) == 0 or die "system @du failed: +$?"; } else { $h->entryconfigure($path, '-image' => $icons{"closed"}); $h->delete('offsprings', $path); } } else { die "'$path' is not a directory\n" if (! -d $path); $h->add($path, -itemtype => 'imagetext', -image => $icons{"open"}, -text => $path, ); add_dir_contents($path); } } sub add_dir_contents { my $path = $_[0]; my $oldcursor = $top->cget('-cursor'); $top->configure(-cursor => 'watch'); $top->update(); my @files = <$path/*>; foreach my $file (@files) { $file =~ s|//|/|g; #$file =~ /^\s*$/; print "FILE:".$file."\n\n"; (my $text = $file) =~ s|^.*/||g; if (-d $file) { $h->add($file, -itemtype => 'imagetext', -image => $icons{"closed"}, -text => $text, ); } else { $h->add($file, -itemtype => 'text', -text => $text, ); } } $top->configure(-cursor => $oldcursor); } # sub add_dir_contents

Here is a possible solution:

#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Tk; use Tk::HList; my @data; while (<DATA>) { next if m~^\s*$~; my ($bu, $gn, $fu) = split /,/; s~^\s+|\s+$~~g for ($bu, $gn, $fu); push @data, {business_unit => $bu, group_name => $gn, functions => $fu, }; } @data = sort { $a->{business_unit} cmp $b->{business_unit}} @data; my $top = new MainWindow; my $hlist = $top->Scrolled("HList", -header => 1, -columns => 4, -scrollbars => 'osoe', -width => 70, -selectbackground => 'SeaGreen3', ) ->pack(-expand => 1, -fill => 'both', ); { my $count = 0; for my $key (qw/business_unit group_name functions/) { $hlist->header('create', $count++, -text => $data[0]->{$key}); } } { my $count = 0; my $old = ''; for my $d (@data[1..$#data]) { $hlist->add($count); if ($old ne $d->{business_unit}) { my $count2 = 0; for my $key (qw/business_unit group_name functions/) { $hlist->itemCreate($count, $count2++, -text => $d->{$k +ey}); } } else { my $count2 = 1; for my $key (qw/group_name functions/) { $hlist->itemCreate($count, $count2++, -text => $d->{$k +ey}); } } ++$count; $old = $d->{business_unit}; } } MainLoop(); __DATA__ Dept, Group, Function IT, Projects, SAN/NAS, IT, Development, GUI, IT, Security, HR, Admin, West HR, Management, West Legal, Admin, FirmWide, Legal, Compliance,

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Re^2: Displaying a list of hashes in TK in a Hierarchical folder presentation
by blackadder (Hermit) on Sep 14, 2004 at 12:52 UTC
    This is very Good to know,...I will be needing to represent some other data in a table form soon,...Thanks for this but What I need is a way to represent the data in a directory tree like hierrachy structure, not a table. Extactly like DirTree does with a given directory but instead of file directories, I have my Business units, groups and functions.

    Is this possible in Perl.Tk!!!!

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