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Re: Killing all processes launched using open()

by tmoertel (Chaplain)
on Sep 16, 2004 at 06:38 UTC ( [id://391377]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Killing all processes launched using open()

If you want to "whack" the shell and all of its subprocesses, place the shell into its own process group. That way, when it forks off other processes, they will be in the same group, and you can send a signal to all of them in one fell swoop by killing zero minus the process group's ID. (You might want to check out the perlipc man page for more on this stuff.)

Here's some code that shows how to do it. First, we need a troublemaker program to test out our mighty kung-fu on. Here's a shell script that spawns five subprocesses that all emit annoying output. We'll love telling this guy to "kick the oxygen habit" later.

#!/bin/bash # File: for f in $(seq 1 5); do ( while : ; do echo $f; sleep 1; done ) & done wait
And now the Perl code that runs the troublemaker, reads output from it (and its spawn), and after 20 lines kills 'em all off to rescue us from the annoying brood:
#!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; $SIG{CHLD} = 'IGNORE'; # to make sure there are no zombies sub run_shell(@) { my $pid = open my $pipe, "-|"; die "can't open forked pipe': $!" unless defined $pid; if ($pid) { # parent return { pid => $pid, pipe => $pipe }; } # child open STDERR, ">&STDOUT" or die "can't dup 2>&1: $!"; setpgrp; # move into its own process group exec @_; # give control of child to command die "exec @_ failed: $!"; # should never get here } my $subshell = run_shell qw(./; my $output_from_subshell = $subshell->{pipe}; my $lines_left = 20; print while defined($_ = <$output_from_subshell>) and $lines_left--; kill "HUP", -$subshell->{pid};
The run_shell function is where most of the magic happens. It serves as a wrapper around open that gives us more control over the resulting child process. It forks off a child process that has its STDOUT wired to $pipe, which the parent can read from later. The child then starts a new process group with the same ID as its own pid via setpgrp and finally uses exec to run the command we passed in as arguments.

Meanwhile, the parent returns from the call to run_shell with a hash containing the pid of and pipe from the child. The parent grabs the pipe's filehandle and reads 20 lines from it, printing each one in passing. Then, getting sick of all the chatter, it sends a hang-up signal to every process in the child's process group, thus shutting their annoying behavior down.

Hope this helps.

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Re^2: Killing all processes launched using open()
by SmilingBuddha (Acolyte) on Sep 17, 2004 at 03:30 UTC
    This is truly MAGICAL!! Thank you so much!!!

    I must admit though that I'm still clueless as to why the lines under #child in run_shell() get executed if the routine returns before that in #parent. Or is it that run_shell() returns the hash and keeps executing until the end of the function?

    Best regards,

      Glad I could be of assistance!

      Regarding your question, the magic occurs in the first line of run_shell. When open is called with "-|" as its file argument, it does something special: It forks the current process into two processes (parent and child) that run in parallel.

      The parent process is the same as the original process. It receives in $pid the child's process ID, and its $pipe variable contains a filehandle that can read from the STDOUT of the child process.

      The child process – and this is where it gets interesting – is running in parallel to the parent. The only difference is that in the child, the pid returned from open and stored in its copy of $pid is zero.

      So now we have the parent and the child running in parallel. The first thing they both do is check the value of $pid to figure out which is parent and which is child. If $pid non-zero, the one process then knows that it is the parent, and it can package up the information it received about the child from open and return the package to the original caller. If $pid is zero, the other process knows it is the child and then ties its STDOUT to STDERR, starts a new process group, and then uses exec to replace its own process image with that of the command we gave to run_shell as arguments.

      Thus, when run_shell returns, we have the following situation:

      • The original process has become a parent, and it continues running on the line after the call to run_shell. It holds in its variable $subshell the pid of its new child and a pipe to read output from the child. The parent also knows that there is a process group of the same ID as the child's pid, and that all of the child's descendants will belong to it.
      • The child process has now been taken over by the command that we wanted to be executed. The new command, however, is running in the environment that we set up earlier, while we had control of the child. Thus its STDERR is tied to its STDOUT, and it is running in a process group that the child set up and that the parent knows about.

      I hope that explanation clears things up.


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