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Re: Parsing/Evaluating a prefix-notation equation using sexeger

by sleepingsquirrel (Chaplain)
on Sep 17, 2004 at 22:04 UTC ( [id://391910]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Parsing/Evaluating a prefix-notation equation using sexeger

You inspired me to implement monadic parser combinators in perl. I will probably document the thing better, but here you go. Grab Monadic_parser and the corresponding needed module For extra credit figure out a way to use perl's native regex engine instead of the roll-your-own kind used (i.e. /\d*/ instead of many(digits())). Maybe monads in perl aren't so useless after all.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w # Monadic parser combinators in perl # Ideas mostly 'borrowed' from paper # _Monadic Parser Combinators_ by Graham Hutton and Erik Meijer # # Simple parser for integer arithmetic plus some other routines # from paper which aren't used. use strict; use Data::Dumper; use Do_notation; my $question="1+2*3-4"; my $ans=parse()->($question); print "\n$question = ".@$ans[0]->[0]."\n\n"; #print Dumper $ans; #dump the entire data structure to see what's hap +pening. #### Monadic Parser Combinator subroutines #### sub parse { DO { my $c <- expr(); Return($c); } } ### Try and implement the following BNF grammar ### # # expr ::= expr addop term | term # term ::= term mulop factor | factor # factor ::= digit | (expr) # addop ::= +|- # mulop ::= *|/ # sub expr { chainl( term() )->( addop() ) } sub term { chainl( factor() )->( mulop() ) } sub factor { alternate( number() )->( grouped_op() ) } sub addop { alternate(ch('+'))->(ch('-')) } sub mulop { alternate(ch('*'))->(ch('/')) } sub number { many1(digit()) } sub digit { sat(sub{my $x=shift; return ('0' lt $x and $x lt '9');}) +} sub grouped_op { DO { $_ <- ch("("); my $a <- expr(); $_ <- ch(")"); Return($a); } } sub chainl { my $p = shift; sub { my $op = shift; DO { my $a <- $p; the_rest($a,$p,$op); } } } sub the_rest { my $a = shift; my $p=shift; my $op=shift; alternate(DO { my $f <- $op; my $b <- $p; the_rest(operation($f,$a,$b),$p,$op); } )->(Return($a)); } sub operation { my %op =('+' => sub{ $_[0] + $_[1]}, '-' => sub{ $_[0] - $_[1]}, '*' => sub{ $_[0] * $_[1]}, '/' => sub{ $_[0] / $_[1]} ); my $o = shift; $op{$o}->(@_); } sub many1 { my $p = shift; alternate(DO { my $a <- $p; my $as <- many1($p); Return($a.$as); } )->($p); } sub many { my $p = shift; alternate(many1($p))->(Return("")); } sub alternate { my $p = shift; sub { my $q = shift; sub { my $inp = shift; my $t= $p->($inp); my $u= $q->($inp); my @copy = (@$t,@$u); return \@copy; } } } sub ch { my $y = shift; sat(sub{my $x=shift; return ($x eq $y);}); } sub upper { sat(sub{my $x=shift; return ('A' lt $x and $x lt 'Z')}) } sub lower { sat(sub{my $x=shift; return ('a' lt $x and $x lt 'z')}) } sub letter { alternate(lower())->(upper()); } sub sat { my $parser = shift; Bind(item())->(sub{ my $x = shift; my $q=$parser->($x); if ($q) { return Return($x); }else { return zero(); } }); } sub zero { sub { return [] } } sub item { sub { my $inp = $_[0]; if( (my $c, my $cs)=($inp=~/(.)(.*)/)) { return [[$c,$cs]]; } else { return []; } } } sub Return { my $val = shift; sub { my $state = $_[0]; [[$val, $state]] } } sub Bind { my $func1 = $_[0]; sub { my $func2 = $_[0]; sub { my $initial_state=$_[0]; concat( map{ (my $a, my $next_state)=@$_; ($func2->($a))->($next_state) } grep {$_} @{$func1->($initial_state) +} ) } } } sub concat { my @lol=@_; my @list; for my $garbage (@lol) { push @list, $_ for @$garbage; } return \@list; }

-- All code is 100% tested and functional unless otherwise noted.

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