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Re: Cyclomatic Complexity of Perl code

by stvn (Monsignor)
on Dec 08, 2004 at 20:02 UTC ( [id://413311]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Cyclomatic Complexity of Perl code

NOTE: This has been cross posted on the sw-design mailing list as well.

So I was thinking about this Cylcomatic Complexity thing, and it occured to me that B::Concise actually gives up some of the necessary information (at least I think it does).

Given this code:

print "Hello World";
I got this output:
stevan% perl -MO=Concise 6 <@> leave[1 ref] vKP/REFC ->(end) 1 <0> enter ->2 2 <;> nextstate(main 1 v ->3 5 <@> print vK ->6 3 <0> pushmark s ->4 4 <$> const[PV "Hello World"] s ->5
Now I freely admit that both my understanding of Cylcomatic Complexity and B::Concise's output are most likely radically flawed, but I am going to ramble a bit here anyway.

Using this definition for CC (Cylcomatic Complexity)

Cyclomatic complexity may be considered a broad measure of soundness and confidence for a program. Introduced by Thomas McCabe in 1976, it measures the number of linearly-independent paths through a program module.
And with this interpretation of the B::Concise output:
	(opcode-sequence-number) <0> (opcode_name) -> (next-opcode-sequence-number)
It seems to me that our code could be viewed as the following graph:
	1 -> 2
	2 -> 3
	3 -> 4
	4 -> 5
	5 -> 6
	6 -> (end)
Simple right? Since there is only one "linearly-independent path" the CC-metric for this might be 1.

Now let's take a look at a slightly more complex bit of code:

if (shift) { print "Hello World"; } else { print "Goodbye World"; }
And here is the B::Concise output:
a <@> leave[1 ref] vKP/REFC ->(end) 1 <0> enter ->2 2 <;> nextstate(main 4 v ->3 - <1> null vK/1 ->a 6 <|> cond_expr(other->7) vK/1 ->b 5 <1> shift sK/1 ->6 4 <1> rv2av[t2] sKRM/1 ->5 3 <#> gv[*ARGV] s ->4 - <@> scope vK ->- - <0> ex-nextstate v ->7 9 <@> print vK ->a 7 <0> pushmark s ->8 8 <$> const[PV "Hello World"] s ->9 g <@> leave vKP ->a b <0> enter v ->c c <;> nextstate(main 2 v ->d f <@> print vK ->g d <0> pushmark s ->e e <$> const[PV "Goodbye World"] s ->f
Now here is the 2 graphs for this:
	1 -> 2
	2 -> 3
	3 -> 4
	4 -> 5
	5 -> 6
	6 -> 7 (<<< conditional here)
	7 -> 8
	8 -> 9
	9 -> (end)
	1 -> 2
	2 -> 3
	3 -> 4
	4 -> 5
	5 -> 6
	6 -> b (<<< conditional here)
	b -> c
	c -> d
	d -> e
	e -> f
	f -> g
	g -> (end)
We now have two "linearly-independent path" the CC-metric for this might be 2.

It seems to get a little tricky when we have subroutines, here is some code:

sub start { print test(); return "Goodbye World"; } sub test { return "Hello world" } print start();
And here is the B::Concise output (notice we need to pass the sub-names to get them to output):
perl -MO=Concise,-main,start,test main::start: b <1> leavesub[1 ref] K/REFC,1 ->(end) - <@> lineseq KP ->b 1 <;> nextstate(main 1 v ->2 6 <@> print vK ->7 2 <0> pushmark s ->3 5 <1> entersub[t2] lKS/TARG,1 ->6 - <1> ex-list lK ->5 3 <0> pushmark s ->4 - <1> ex-rv2cv sK/1 ->- 4 <#> gv[*test] s/EARLYCV ->5 7 <;> nextstate(main 1 v ->8 a <@> return K ->b 8 <0> pushmark s ->9 9 <$> const[PV "Goodbye World"] s ->a main::test: g <1> leavesub[1 ref] K/REFC,1 ->(end) - <@> lineseq KP ->g c <;> nextstate(main 2 v ->d f <@> return K ->g d <0> pushmark s ->e e <$> const[PV "Hello world"] s ->f main program: o <@> leave[1 ref] vKP/REFC ->(end) h <0> enter ->i i <;> nextstate(main 3 v ->j n <@> print vK ->o j <0> pushmark s ->k m <1> entersub[t2] lKS/TARG,1 ->n - <1> ex-list lK ->m k <0> pushmark s ->l - <1> ex-rv2cv sK/1 ->- l <#> gv[*start] s ->m
If we look at the "main program:" label as a starting place:
	h -> i
	i -> j 
	j -> k 
	k -> l 
	l -> *start (
		1 -> 2
		2 -> 3
		3 -> 4
		4 -> *test (
			c -> d
			d -> e
			e -> f
			f -> g (return)
		) -> 5
		6 -> 7
		7 -> 8
		8 -> 9
		9 -> a
		a -> b (return)
	) -> m	 
	m -> n 
	n -> o 
	0 -> (end)
We now only have one "linearly-independent path" so the CC-metric for this would be 1.

Now of course there are some issues with this. To start with B::Concise's sequence numbers are in base 36 and values greater than 62 are not supported according to the docs. However, if you use the B::Concise functional interface, it seems that is might be possible to get around this restriction by using the perl opcode hex addresses instead of the sequence numbers. However now I am getting into needing to really write some code, and I am currently out of time and need to get back to "real" work. But anyway I am interested in comments from the group.


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Re^2: Cyclomatic Complexity of Perl code
by diotalevi (Canon) on Dec 08, 2004 at 20:41 UTC

    You don't co-opt B::Concise for this. You use B::Utils::walkoptree() and everywhere you find a B::LOGOP, you increment your complexity by one. You shouldn't actually use this, however, for points better raised by BrowserUK, simonm, and stvn in other parts of this thread.

    use B (); use B::Utils (); print "function() == " . sub_simplistic_complexity( \ &function ); print "overall: " . program_simplistic_complexity(); sub program_simplistic_complexity { my $simplistic_complexity = 0; for my $op ( B::Utils::all_roots() ) { $simplistic_complexity += op_simplistic_complexity( $op ) } return $simplistic_complexity; } sub sub_simplistic_complexity { op_simplistic_complexity( B::svref_2object( shift() )->ROOT ); } sub op_simplistic_complexity { my $op = shift; my $simplistic_complexity = 0; B::Utils::walkoptree_filtered( $op, sub { shift() -> can( 'other' ) }, sub { ++ $simplistic_complexity } ); return $simplistic_complexity; }

      Could you elaborate on the signifagance of B::LOGOP please?

        It is the base for the "else" part of "if then else". I changed my logic to query about when ->other is available. That's the property associated with "else."

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